Musk offers to buy Twitter

So you could bypass the App Store and get the blue checkmark without paying a premium, but then wouldn't be able to access any of the blue checkmark's additional features (editing tweets and uploading HQ video) when using your iPhone? Would it be the same when you use Twitter on your Mac?
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So you could bypass the App Store and get the blue checkmark without paying a premium, but then wouldn't be able to access any of the blue checkmark's additional features (editing tweets and uploading HQ video) when using your iPhone? Would it be the same when you use Twitter on your Mac?
No no if you pay for the blue check mark on the web you get everything associated with paying the $8 no matter where you access your account from later. So there is no benefit to paying extra through the App.
No no if you pay for the blue check mark on the web you get everything associated with paying the $8 no matter where you access your account from later. So there is no benefit to paying extra through the App.
In that case NPR's headline is incorrect—the price is not higher for iPhone users (who are free to purchase on the web); it's only higher for those buying through the App Store.

The correct headline would be: "Elon Musk set to relaunch Twitter Blue with higher price for users who buy through Apple's App Store."

There's a big difference between the two--the former would be much more controversial. Indeed, so much so that I initially though the incorrect headline was clickbait, until I realized it's NPR.
In that case NPR's headline is incorrect—the price is not higher for iPhone users (who are free to purchase on the web); it's only higher for those buying through the App Store.

The correct headline would be: "Elon Musk set to relaunch Twitter Blue with higher price for users who buy through Apple's App Store."

There's a big difference between the two--the former would be much more controversial. Indeed, so much so that I initially though the incorrect headline was clickbait, until I realized it's NPR.
Right, this whole thing is really confusing to me, too. In the end it sounds like hyperbole to throw Apple under the bus but in the end it just left everyone scratching their heads as usual when he makes these statements.
Right, this whole thing is really confusing to me, too. In the end it sounds like hyperbole to throw Apple under the bus but in the end it just left everyone scratching their heads as usual when he makes these statements.

Yeah, he should have just made it $10 no matter how you paid and eaten the Apple Tax as a cost of doing business.
Yeah, he should have just made it $10 no matter how you paid and eaten the Apple Tax as a cost of doing business.
The problem is that he makes these decisions based on emotion and a whim, most of the time without the right functionality, testing, etc. necessary to pull it off and then wants to roll it out the next day. In the IT world this guy is a nightmare scenario but it also makes sense now that we know why somany of his products have such terrible QA coming off the line, we used to think it was production/facility problems but now we know it's a their bipolar CEO.
The hits keep coming.

Asked to comment on the Times story, Twitter owner Elon Musk characterized it as “yet another scurrilous attempt by the liberal elitist woke virus east coastal press to sully the reputation of true patriots.” He added that Twitter is indeed funding severance packages by paying for neural implants that prevent employees from recalling what happened at the office after they leave for the day, similar to the eponymous Apple TV+ series. In a moment of unusual candor, Musk added “We’ve been doing this at all my companies for years. Do you think anyone would come work for me if they knew what it was actually like on the inside?” /s
3) don’t pay rent on the office

So I guess a company that stops paying its rent might not be worth even $8B, never mind $44B. I'd still like to know what the heck the co-investors are thinking. Perhaps, unlike Twitter itself, they actually have competent legal and financial counsel, as well as PR departments able to form the phrase "No comment."
The free speech absolutist has banned the Elonjet account.

The free speech absolutist has banned the Elonjet account.

View attachment 20007

Musk was on record previously saying he wasn't going to do that, even though he regarded it as an affront to his personal safety. The info of course was all based on publicly available data anyway... but first he reduced visibility of the Elonjet account, and now... anyone who gives a damn has to look it up same as Elonjet's owner was doing. Elon, Elon... this is the kinda petty vengeance that even Trump would probably delegate to an aide. Musk is just showing off his intimate knowledge of how Twitter works.
The info of course was all based on publicly available data anyway...

That's the key. Anyone legitimately out there planning to "shoot down his jet", or w/e other paranoid delusion he has, continues to have ample ways to find and track him ... and will continue to have those ways.

I think it's more about him not wanting to get dunked on so easily, right on Twitter, for his carbon footprint and gallivanting around the world.

I'm sure he doesn't enjoy the "did you buy todays flight attendant a Horse for her services" jokes... LOL
Guy is such a POS
Naive question alert:

If I delete my Twitter app on iPhone, does Apple or Twitter have an awareness of it? I’d like it if someone knew.
Naive question alert:

If I delete my Twitter app on iPhone, does Apple or Twitter have an awareness of it? I’d like it if someone knew.
Twitter will know how you log in (web, app, etc …), but shouldn’t know if you delete the app. Apple would because you’ll get on your App Store account a list of all apps that you own but you don’t have on your phone. I don’t know if they actually track those changes on a personal level (probably anonymized if they do) and I doubt they share it.

Edit: as @Andropov notes below they do share aggregate statistics, so Twitter will know how many people have deleted it within a timeframe
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Naive question alert:

If I delete my Twitter app on iPhone, does Apple or Twitter have an awareness of it? I’d like it if someone knew.
If you want Twitter to know, the best way is to delete your account. I limited my account so only my followers can see my Tweets, then exported an archive. I also erased the app from my phone, which markedly reduced my Twitter usage. The next step will be deactivating my account, which will be permanently deleted by Twitter after 30 days.