Musk offers to buy Twitter

Musk is now putting quotes around the word journalists and claiming that what they did equals to *ahem* giving out assassination coordinates (for real).

This is Cult Tactics 101: he has created an enemy (the press) against whom they (Musk and its followers) are fighting. Only the cult can provide protection, by (coincidentally) barring all critics from the platform.
Musk is now putting quotes around the word journalists and claiming that what they did equals to *ahem* giving out assassination coordinates (for real).

This is Cult Tactics 101: he has created an enemy (the press) against whom they (Musk and its followers) are fighting. Only the cult can provide protection, by (coincidentally) barring all critics from the platform.

omigod muh freedom to speeeeeeeeeeeek... on Twitter is being nipped in the bud by a self described free speech absolutist. Fancy that.

Meanwhile the main reason the EU hasn't shut him down is their digital regulations act is new and some of it doesn't even roll out until 2024. But somehow I don't think Elon Musk still gonna be running the bluebat by then.
Musk is now putting quotes around the word journalists and claiming that what they did equals to *ahem* giving out assassination coordinates (for real).

This is Cult Tactics 101: he has created an enemy (the press) against whom they (Musk and its followers) are fighting. Only the cult can provide protection, by (coincidentally) barring all critics from the platform.
Yup he’s appealing to the Trump cult. Thank goodness he can’t run for president.
omigod muh freedom to speeeeeeeeeeeek... on Twitter is being nipped in the bud by a self described free speech absolutist. Fancy that.

Meanwhile the main reason the EU hasn't shut him down is their digital regulations act is new and some of it doesn't even roll out until 2024. But somehow I don't think Elon Musk still gonna be running the bluebat by then.
TBH I'm surprised we're not seeing more credible news agencies dropping them at this point, it shows the hold the platform really has on them.
TBH I'm surprised we're not seeing more credible news agencies dropping them at this point, it shows the hold the platform really has on them.
True though if they are preparing a mass response amongst the different agencies that might take awhile to organize. I don’t know that they are, but if they are …
Yup he’s appealing to the Trump cult. Thank goodness he can’t run for president.

Laughing because Musk for Prez (if he could run) might be a step too far even for this GOP.

At least Donald Trump didn't pretend to have any interest in micromanaging his "fiefdom" day to day. He just liked signing things --and with a sharpie pen!-- once he had decided how they should work. How his ideas would get from his brain to a vote on the floors of Congress was immaterial to him and an annoyance, not an opportunity to showcase talent for handling minutiae.

signing is a thing.jpg
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Meanwhile the main reason the EU hasn't shut him down is their digital regulations act is new and some of it doesn't even roll out until 2024. But somehow I don't think Elon Musk still gonna be running the bluebat by then.
EU's bureaucracy wouldn't have come into play yet either way, it's painfully slow even for well established laws. But oh, the day they come knocking...

True though if they are preparing a mass response amongst the different agencies that might take awhile to organize. I don’t know that they are, but if they are …
I wouldn't hold my breath.
EU's bureaucracy wouldn't have come into play yet either way, it's painfully slow even for well established laws. But oh, the day they come knocking...

There’s an expression that I believe was coined for the US DOJ (although maybe older and boarder than that): the wheel of justice grinds slowly, but finely

I wouldn't hold my breath.

Maybe :(
Laughing because Musk for Prez (if he could run) might be a step too far even for this GOP.

If Musk takes control of that base, even if he can’t run for president, he’ll effectively run the GOP. There is no step too far … or bottom.
If Musk takes control of that base, even if he can’t run for president, he’ll effectively run the GOP. There is no step too far … or bottom.

Point taken, although unclear to me that Musk is in control of much of anything really, past day to day adjustments for how yesterday's controlling efforts backfired. Either he gets a meds adjustment or things will continue to slide into the red for him on every level - corporate, financial, legal, mental...
As a Tesla owner I get this, we've had several quality issues right out of the gate. It speaks to how Elon runs his factories, getting them out the door is more important to him than ensuring quality. Their service centers are always backed up as a result.

Point taken, although unclear to me that Musk is in control of much of anything really, past day to day adjustments for how yesterday's controlling efforts backfired. Either he gets a meds adjustment or things will continue to slide into the red for him on every level - corporate, financial, legal, mental...

Control in the context means the idolatry, the willingness of the base to follow the whims of dear leader - erratic, even self destructive behavior are almost features not bugs as the resulting criticism results in a deepening of the defensive identity association. It’s actually quite difficult for cult association to transfer, for obvious reasons as they’re built around the leader, but, given Musk’s “qualities”, he may be uniquely suited for it. It isn’t definite but it’s certainly plausible. He already had quite a cult-like following and he’s added or brought to the forefront many of the things that appeal to the MAGA wing.
Musk literally paid $44 billion to ban this guy from posting information that's already publicly and legally available.

He needs to give himself a break from micromanaging. Sell $6 or $8B more worth of Tesla, pay the back rent and severance packages, hire some in-house legal counsel and just go skiing for a month or something. Let his senior help make the decisions with the lawyers. It might save the investment. That assumes he's not still in such a rage over being forced to go through with the purchase that he doesn't care any more to try to remedy a worse than rocky reboot.
There's some speculation around him filing for bankruptcy.
