I’m struggling to see what the point is of the government issuing daily new Russia invasion fanfiction. We get it. There are troops meandering around the border. And then not. And then again. They could attack any minute. There might be a false flag operation. WE GET IT. Now how about you shut your pie hole and take care of strategy behind the scenes. WTF do you expect me to do about it? If there is an attack absolutely nobody is going to go “Why didn’t you warn me sooner!? I could have prevented this!” Quit attempting to shell game our attention away from our internal issues.
Every time Putin has done something sketchy, he has used the same roadmap (either a false flag or a covert operation that would elicit a reaction in their target, which they then use as an excuse to attack).
You get it (although calling it fan fiction makes me question that, because it is all well documented and you can see it by yourself without going through the US press releases). But many people don't. And every time the Russians have used those methods, they were successful.
Even Russia needs to give some justification for their invasion, no matter how blatantly fabricated it is. By broadcasting Putin's plans out loud, the Western countries are preemptively defusing the false flag or provocation excuses. We also have no idea what kind of other actions they are taking behind the scenes, it would be naive to think all they do is this. At the very least it buys Ukraine some time to improve their defence, send them more weapons, etc.
Bear in mind the most likely direct response from the West will be sanctions, and those can only legitimately be brought on if Russia is unequivocally in the wrong. Remember, there are many political forces in the west that are overtly pro-Putin and will gladly use any excuse they can to look the other way and side with Russia:
Le Pen's FN in France (and Zemmour's spin-off).
Whatever Farage's party is called now
Salvini's Lega Nord in Italy
Abascal's Vox in Spain
Orban in Hungary
Kurz in Austria
Part of the Republican and Democratic parties
And the list goes on...
Some of these parties are in power, some of them have a significant weight in their respective parliaments. All of them –and their media– will readily spread Russia's narrative and need to be preemptively shown what's going on to ensure that they have no choice but to back heavy sanctions.
If announcing exactly how Russia will invade Ukraine makes Putin change his mind and not invade -> win
If announcing exactly how Russia will invade Ukraine makes the sanctions more swift and effective -> better than nothing
The alternative is not saying anything and letting Putin play his usual game, allowing him to stay one step ahead of the West, which will make it harder to convince some politicians to get on board with sanctions, thus making it easier for Russia to invade as the response as a whole will be weaker. If the US and the other Western countries broadcast every single attempt at provoking Ukraine (ie shelling a kindergarten) it becomes much harder for the Western pro-Russian parties to look the other way.