They are making Ukraine pay in a most war crime like manner, because Ukraine said Fuck You Ass Holes, you are not going to have your way with us! I am far from an expert, but what does the United Nations do, when a war criminal country sits on the Security Council?![]()
Perhaps the even bigger question is what does the UN do when you have a “war criminal country” is also a permanent member of the UNSC and holds veto power?
The answer is absolutely nothing. There is no mechanism to remove permanent members like Russian.
The UN to a large extent is and always has always been a joke. That’s not to say they haven’t made accomplishments, but they’re usually a useless organization when it comes to the most serious and complex matters. (And why is it so often that some of the counties with the worst offenders of human rights are on the human rights council? Some notable current members include Gambia, Somolia, Qatar, and Honduras. Seriously? It was actually surprising kind of (albeit kinda hypocritical considering some of these members) to see Russia was suspended from their position of the HRC.)