Nazis… the people who invaded land that was not theirs that they felt entitled to, who promoted the destruction of cultures believing theirs was superior, who felt justified in their actions because of how the rest of Europe treated them, who imprisoned/tortured/killed dissidents, who were extremely homophobic even for their time, etc. This is definitely not what Russia is doing.
This is one example of Russia’s commonly used propaganda tactic of accusing others of exactly what they themselves are doing.
My question was rhetorical, but I agree with your assessment. I however generally disagree with the use of the word “Trumpian” to describe certain unsavory behaviors, in this case certain authoritarian behaviors. It implies such negative traits/behaviors never existed before or should be exclusively attributed to him. But that’s just me being pedantic.
Simply said, they existed before, but Trump illustrates the exaggerated downhill trend embraced by the GOP base in 2016, for the win at any cost, cost to our Nation and our souls.
Allow me to elaborate.

Trumpian, is attributed to Mr Shithead, because he is the perfect example of a tragic loss in responsible, honest standards, who was the tip of the Fascist Spear located within the Republican Party that as a political self preservation strategy is trying to pierce the heart of our democracy, killing it, all as part and parcel of the predominant tendency in today’s GOP tactic of cheating to win at all costs, wholesale reliance on fabrications and self serving fantasies designed to fool the suckers or win over like minded self servers, and to rationalize and legitimize unacceptable, immoral, and illegal behavior to hold political power.
If we can’t win by the rules, we change the rules.
Example 1: Equal voting rights are bad for the GOP.
I frequently say the shithead politicians such as Green, Gaetz, Jordan, Desantis, and now Santos, etc, are just symptoms of the real problem, which is districts with Republican majorities who think that knifing Democracy and equal rights, along with despicable leadership is the best way to serve their personal needs.
In retrospect, I can’t look back 40 years and say I ever imagined these kind of ignorant in many cases racist clowns being held up as good leadership. As a rule, they got elected because they frequently use suitably negative characterizations such as MAGA, and
give US our White Bread Country back. A Democracy where White Privilege no longer exists is BAD.
Then you can ask out loud, WHAT THE FUCK, and wonder about just how doomed we are as a Nation if this kind of self serving behavior continues to predominate in a diverse Nation.