He also said it was a really good idea and showed how smart Putin was. The F-22 comment was the one comment he made that was anti-Russia both before and after he was decidedly pro-Russian (brokering a peace deal in this case favors Russia as a cease fire would benefit them far more than Ukraine). As I said, he is as consistently pro-Russian as he is on anything else.
Sort of. A lot of that was congressionally mandated and yes he did try to tie weapon shipments to the dirt. Also, the lethal weapons program that those weapons were sent under was actually set up by Obama as one of the last things he did in office. No weapons were shipped while in office, but the lethal aid program was started then. It shouldn't have been the last thing he did, he should have started it immediately after Crimea, but he did do it eventually. Further Trump's statements about NATO funding and NordStream 2 were not designed to foster NATO unity, but its disunity and set the conditions for US withdrawal (much like our withdrawal from various treaties with Russia which was actually to the benefit of Russia). Again, there is a reason they refer to him as "our Trump" on Russian TV and the Russians continually opine about getting him back (though DeSantis is seen as a possible replacement). If you want a peek into the horror show you can see what the Russian propaganda shows say helpfully translated by Julia Davis (Daily Beast) and Francis Scarr (BBC).
Most of the advisors he listened to (especially by the end) most closely like Miller and Bannon and Flynn were decidedly pro-Russian - one of them, I think Miller, even claimed that within the administration they had put in place the plan to leave NATO near the beginning of the 2nd term ... which would have coincided perfectly with the full Russian invasion of Ukraine (I'm NOT saying they knew that's what would happen, but Ukraine would have been left adrift regardless). And if that wasn't enough, let's say that wasn't true, just Miller spouting off, his most fervent vocal base is pro-Russia and he both leads and follows them. Think vaccines, he tried to claim credit, which to be fair, it was a success! But his "people" hated that and now Trump is reportedly going to go after DeSantis for DeSantis' early positive, vaccine statements as each jockey for the fervent anti-vaccine crowd that make up the MAGA base.
Trump's personality is essentially the same Yankuvich (sic) and well we know how that turned out. While Y was always venal and corrupt he didn't initially kill the EU deal until he succumbed to Putin and agreed to one with the Russians instead setting off this whole shebang in the first place. Trump's personality is essentially perfect for manipulation by Putin. You are correct, for Trump it is flattery and self-service rather than some ideological support for Russia over Ukraine. But that's enough.
And yet, Trump was on the phone calling members of congress to vote for McCarthy and most of the holdouts listened to him. True Gaetz held out out for even longer until he personally got more and humiliated McCarthy further, but Trump still carries enormous influence within the Republican party. Supposedly there's a 30% always Trump crowd. That's big enough to swing things if not win outright.
He has to run. If anything else, he views it as a way to try to protect himself from jail.
I don’t think a peace deal would necessarily benefit Russia… that all depends on the terms of the peace deal. Presumably Ukraine would not agree without some meaningful concessions from Russia.
Most of media has taken an extreme position, as they often do these days, that anyone who suggests a peace deal is anti-Ukraine or pro-Russia. Actual peace deals with any merit will inherently make both sides win something and lose something.
Very early in the war Trump and some others conservatives were chastised largely by the media for calling Ukraine corrupt. This is despite Ukraine long having being rated one of the most corrupt places in Europe, let alone on earth. Members of “the squad” shortly before that wrote a letter to Biden promoting trying to make a peace deal- and got so much pushback they had to rescind it. I’m not sure why it’s not possible to promote a peace deal while also support Ukraine’s sovereignty and condemn Russians actions… and recognize Ukraine is far from a perfect place. We all know our government has corruption, we just pretend it’s not there because it’s usually more subtle.
At the outbreak of the Invasion, the west expected Ukraine to fall, therefore it’s not surprising we had very tacit support (which as only increased as Ukraine has proven themselves). My sentiment for some time was we either need to give them what we need, or push as hard as possible for peace. The decision to ship supplies at the last minute while also not pushing for peace is not particularly helpful to resolving the war one way or another. A peace deal might loose Ukranians territory, but it could have saved them hundreds of thousands of lives, homes, businesses etc. But after the atrocities uncovered at Bakmhut, my perception was there is no way Ukraine is going to make a deal after such heinous war crimes. And I can only assume many of the pro-Russian Ukrainians realized they were on the wrong side of history.
I will say pushing for peace NOW makes zero sense. Neither side is in a willing position to negotiate. Russia has never been a trustworthy negotiator and there is no negotiating with someone who has overseen the war crimes that have occurred.
I don’t believe Trump has any interest in the terms of the peace deal, merely being about to be the one who claims he brokered one. And I don’t see his volatile attitude and unpredictable being remotely useful in mediating.
To clarify, it’s not that Obama didn’t support Ukraine, rather he didn’t send lethal weapons. In addition to basic and medical supplies, he sent a bunch of humvees, some counter battery radars, and night vision goggles. The latter two can definitely aid in lethality, but they not lethal weapons. Obama refused to give Ukraine Javelins, which is what they had long been asking for.
In retrospect Obama should have ideally done more, but Crimea has a convoluted history. I don’t think there was much public pressure to involve ourselves in a country that no one had thought about since Chernobyl. And in 2014 Ukraine never had a chance at defending, let alone taking back Crimea. It probably didn’t help that the Obama admin had been trying to improve US-Russian relations earlier.
I’m not familiar with the internal workings of Trumps administration in regards to Nato. I know Trump had always been upset with our NATO partners because of their insufficient spending per the NATO guidelines and apparently expecting the US to care for any problems. I usually assumed threatening to leave NATO was all about getting them to increase their spending- though I’m sure many NATO member leaders obviously didn’t Trump, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was part of the calculus too. And wasn’t really wrong about many European nations militaries being completely unprepared. He was also highly critical of Germany’s domestic energy policies and decision to being overly reliant on Russian gas. He wasn’t wrong about the dangers involved, though that should have been obvious to everyone.
While I do think Trump has this weird man-crush on dictators, the mainstream media has loved this obsession trying to tie every motive to Russian interests and Putin, almost where it has become a trope. Frankly, I’m not sure there is overwhelming evidence of that.
Trump may have some sentimental love of Russia and Putin, but once again all I ever see Trump motivated by is his narcissism and childish pettiness. ie “the NATO countries won’t do what I tell them, they make fun of me behind their back, so I’ll just leave NATO”. And that’s how he often deals with situation- he assumes all power and threatens to walk away. It happens with the WHO, the Boeing Air Force 1 contract, probably every business deal ever,.. even 1/6 is similar. It seems in his anger and confision of losing the election, he refused to do what everyone needed him to do- make the rioters stop. Anyone who did something wrong that was close to Trump, Trump would try distance himself by saying something like “I never really thought too highly of hill (ie Mark Milley).
Trump was clearly more than happy for the Russians to smear Clinton and probably would have taken any dirt they offered, but the attempts and desire to constantly tie him to Russia has become so routine on the left and used against anyone that they don’t like.
Remember when Tulsi Gabbard was accused as a “Russian Agent” for being up concerns about the “Biolabs” in Ukraine given the invasion. Indeed, the US did provide funding to these labs, as we do in many countries. Russia twisted this fact into claims that the U.S. was funding “bioweapons” in Ukraine- which is a not the same thing… but despite Gabbard not making that point, she must be a Russian agent… despite one of the Biden admin Victoria Nuland bringing up this concern of lab safety up in a hearing AND the WHO mirroring these same concerns. No one would blink twice if she states concerns about Nuclear plant safety in a war zone.
I am merely suggesting everything is not about Russia all the time. Putin does make a great Bond Villain though.