I've maintained this the whole time, in fact I would go as far as to assume Trump would've even armed Putin.
Former US president says Russia ‘would have never’ invaded if he were still in power, but also claims he may have ‘made a deal’ if necessary
Donald Trump: I’d have let Putin annex part of Ukraine to end the war
Former US president says Russia ‘would have never’ invaded if he were still in power, but also claims he may have ‘made a deal’ if necessary
I don’t think Trump would have armed Russia, but I think there is an argument to negotiate territory in exchange for peace (so long as Ukraine does not agree to disarmament and other such ridiculous concessions). In fact, if you ask many military experts, including General Miley, many suggest that ultimately a peace deal involving territorial concessions will have to be made, especially for this to be wrapped up in any reasonable amount of time. That’s not a pro-Russian view, it’s one of managed expectations.
Trump’s stance on the matter I think has very little to do with any ideological notion or moral obligation to democracy or the greater geopolitical implications. As I have said many times I don’t think Trump has a backbone when it comes to such things, it’s all about appeasing his base and/or presenting an image of prestige. If he could broker a peace deal, he would then brag he created “the most peace, the best peace, like nothing you’ve ever seen before”- or something along those lines.
So depending on what Trump is persuaded to do by his base and whatever his generals tell him he needs to do I believe would dictate his actions. And I don’t think the military would support suspending aid right now for a number of reasons.
The compromise is essentially lives vs land and sovereignty - and how many resources America and the west want to allocate to Ukraine. Ultimately I think it’s for Ukraine to decide their future and thus their compromises. On the other hand we as citizens should have a vote on where our money and resources go. It’s not just military aid, we are supporting pensions, govt payroll, and presumably the rebuilding of a now half devastated country. Yup
That said, I believe if there was any time for such a compromise, it was a year ago. Any concessions now, especially beyond the 2014 borders would be a tremendous victory for Russia over Ukraine and the West and would signal to other bad actors that they can conquer whatever land they want so long as they hold out long enough.
Also relevant, Fox should not be editing interviews to make people like Trump or Kanye more palatable- or to alter their talking points to protect people or present a slightly different message. Granted, other channels have edited clips and interviews in the past to make people look better or worse. More recently I believe it was ABC that edited a Biden interview that some could argue was done to make him look better while other would argue it was “cut for time” which is I’m sure what Fox will argue in this case. The fact of the matter is this happens all too frequently and it’s quite shameful. Fox has presented itself as particularly dishonest and not credible recently. And then media companies have the audacity to complain when they are called out or when polls reveal no one trusts them.
But it’s worth asking if Fox cut Trumps comments about conceding territory, what does that say about how Fox feels and their viewers actually feel about supporting Ukraine?