Sorry Zoidberg, I didn't read your reply closely enough.
Indeed, a conflict between China and Russia would end very poorly for Russia. I can't imagine Beijing to show the sort of compunction and restraint in war that one expects from Western nations that have to deal with elections, free press and opposition parties.Mr Putin will not wish to generate a situation where circumstances compel current Chinese detached benevolence on the matter of Russian interests in Ukraine to undergo revision or re-evaluation.
Russia and China will possibly clash in Africa at some point, but Ukraine is clearly not China's turf, so they can be expected to stay out of the way.
Exactly.If this conflict weakens the EU, US and NATO, it benefits China indirectly, so even if they are not really allies with the Russians, they have an incentive to cooperate with them to a point. Friends of circumstance if you will.
I believe that China will be informed about any proposed action planned by Russia, - so that precautions (if necessary) can be taken, but this may not have happened yet.Other nations have no solid advance information about the now probable invasion, so they are being prudent and getting their people out ahead of time, but for all we know China knows that as long as they evacuate by Tuesday night it's fine (but not too early, or that would set off some unmistakable alarm bells).
That can be said from pretty much every single country in the world: the Chinese invest in harbours in Australia, in whole islands in the Indian ocean, they buy food from everywhere, they put up telecom infrastructure wherever they can, they invest in land/real estate everywhere. Doesn't mean they care that much about Ukraine, they know it's not their natural turf. Just like investment funds that put some seed money into hundreds of startups, but they are not really invested in any one in particular until it shows a lot of promise and starts growing a lot. From my brief foray in the startup world and the endless boring meetings they made us watch, they understand it's okay to invest and lose a little bit on a lot of small projects if it guarantees a foot in the door when one of them happens to balloon. It also serves to build a welcome –from their standpoint– dependence on Chinese exports (For the record, Russia does it as well in African countries with mercenaries since France lost its influence in the region, and US influence is also a given pretty much everywhere in one way or another). If Russia invades and somehow gets their asses whooped, they will learn from their mistakes. If they take Ukraine swiftly, they'll learn from their success. Playing armchair geopolitics as we are, I'd wager that China stands to gain much more from the current crisis in NATO/US/EU than they stand to lose from their small direct investments if Ukraine sinks into a war.China does have interests in Ukraine and are trying to build relationships with countries like Ukraine and Poland. They are leasing quite a lot of land and importing quite a lot of food from Ukraine.
This sounds like it’s coming from some Russian propaganda source. This is NOT a civil war. It is an invasion of a sovereign country by Russia. Period. Just because some people (a minority) in Ukraine want it to happen is NOT justification for it.
Excusing their actions based on this would be like excusing Mexico invading Texas just because there are a lot of people of Mexican heritage living there.
Here’s another take on the situation from somebody with a bit more knowledge: The former US ambassador to Ukraine.
Understanding the Russia-Ukraine crisis
As Russia increases its military presence along the Ukrainian border, Stanford scholar Steven Pifer discusses what Russia hopes to achieve and why its policies toward Ukraine are
On the contrary, this is exactly why NATO is more relevant than ever. It’s a defensive alliance, necessary due to Russia proving again that they remain essentially a bully.Seems like all of this could've been avoided with a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO. In many ways I think NATO has outlived its purpose. Would we tolerate Mexico joining a Russian alliance?
And before I get called a Russian asset or whatever, no, I don't like the Russian government or Putin. They are certainly a "bad guy" here. But call me insane for being skeptical about reigniting the Cold War. Still hoping this is all going to blow over.
It looks like Putin wanted a guarantee from Ukraine that they would not join NATO, because as Russia realizes this isn’t going well, they are ramping up diplomatic talks. Part of those talks: the Ukrainian president hints at giving up the “dream” of joining NATO.Seems like all of this could've been avoided with a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO. In many ways I think NATO has outlived its purpose. Would we tolerate Mexico joining a Russian alliance?
And before I get called a Russian asset or whatever, no, I don't like the Russian government or Putin. They are certainly a "bad guy" here. But call me insane for being skeptical about reigniting the Cold War. Still hoping this is all going to blow over.
You Russian asset!Seems like all of this could've been avoided with a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO. In many ways I think NATO has outlived its purpose. Would we tolerate Mexico joining a Russian alliance?
And before I get called a Russian asset or whatever, no, I don't like the Russian government or Putin. They are certainly a "bad guy" here. But call me insane for being skeptical about reigniting the Cold War. Still hoping this is all going to blow over.
There is no way that Russia won’t invade. Putin certainly got some sort of green light from the western countries. Call me a cynic, but I am pretty sure all the calls and visits to Putin were to make sure that gas would still flow westward even after the invasion rather than actual diplomacy. Want to stop - or at least pressure - a Russian invasion? Put 1000 American soldiers at the border, or leave the embassy in Kiev.All signs (at the moment) seem to indicate that Russia wants to talk, not invade
. Biden’s strategy appears to be working quite well.
This is a very naive belief. Russia - and Putin of course - are quite paranoid. They have been paranoid since the Berlin Wall fell if not since Stalin. Paranoia is their middle name. Right or wrong they feel threatened. They feel the US/NATO presence everywhere.Seems like all of this could've been avoided with a guarantee that Ukraine would not join NATO.
And before I get called a Russian asset or whatever, no, I don't like the Russian government or Putin. They are certainly a "bad guy" here. But call me insane for being skeptical about reigniting the Cold War. Still hoping this is all going to blow over.
I’ve been recently established as a Russia sympathizing anti-vaxxer who believes 9/11 was orchestrated by a family of bigfoots avenging the aborted fetuses tossed off the western edge of the flat earth. You've started the ball rolling. The rest will just follow organically. I'll keep my eye out for when I should send you a membership card.
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