
How is it mind boggling? How would you feel about Putin having Biden assassinated? What response would that trigger from us?

Look I am all for encouraging the Russian people to stand up to Putin and overthrow him. But will not in any way condone the US/EU to assassinate Putin. Just as much as I was against us taking out that Iranian general. Remember how we thought that could trigger a war with Iran?
If Iran had nukes, they never would have taken him out. The dumb thing is that with Trump killing the Iran nuclear deal, they are closer to nuclear weapons now.

But plenty of people seem to think nuclear war is just a fantasy that could never happen, so just act rashly as if nukes don’t even exist!
How is it mind boggling? How would you feel about Putin having Biden assassinated? What response would that trigger from us?

Look I am all for encouraging the Russian people to stand up to Putin and overthrow him. But will not in any way condone the US/EU to assassinate Putin. Just as much as I was against us taking out that Iranian general. Remember how we thought that could trigger a war with Iran?

Where was this passion for starting WW3 and assassinating Putin when Russia was killing civilians in Syria?
Yes Matt, my goal is to start WWIII :rolleyes:. My statement stands for anywhere a ruthless dictator is deliberately killing innocent people trying and attempting to take over sovereign countries.

If this were your neighborhoods being bombed and you were fleeing for any help you could get, you would've be on such a high horse about it. IMO there's just as much of a lack of empathy here as we all bash Trump supporters for. I've got mine, don't worry about everyone else.
Saw a terrible pun. The Russians are using odd symbology on their equipment, including the "Z", which is sometimes in a triangle or box, sometimes just spray painted on its own. This is a glyph (letterform) which is not found in any version of Cyrillic (the alphabets used for Russian, Ukrainian, Kazak, Mongolian and some others). One person suggested that they are trolling English-speakers: the Russians are the Zs, so therefore their foes are Not-Zs.
Yes Matt, my goal is to start WWIII :rolleyes:. My statement stands for anywhere a ruthless dictator is deliberately killing innocent people trying and attempting to take over sovereign countries.

If this were your neighborhoods being bombed and you were fleeing for any help you could get, you would've be on such a high horse about it. IMO there's just as much of a lack of empathy here as we all bash Trump supporters for. I've got mine, don't worry about everyone else.
A high horse - says the person that is telling everybody else they lack empathy.

Foreign policy should be all about emotional reactions and assassinating other nation’s leaders. Let’s see where that gets the world... oh wait, we already know.

The thing is, when America WAS bombed (9/11), we overreacted. We deposed the evil dictator Saddam Hussein, which led to peace and safety hundreds of thousands of casualties and the genesis of ISIS in the Middle East. And we all know how the Afghanistan invasion worked out. Trillions of dollars, countless lives wasted, and the world is not any safer.

You want an instant solution to this? There isn’t one. Even if we launched the entire military might of NATO into Ukraine, now you’re talking about massive battles, fought on Ukrainian soil, with maybe more casualties than the current invasion.
A high horse - says the person that is telling everybody else they lack empathy.
You do lack empathy. Throughout this entire thread you've kissed Biden's ass, praised the powers that be for doing such a great job throughout this invasion, all from the comfort of your couch.

Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine are getting bombed and ravage by Putin and his army and you can't even see fit to take him out. So yes, you're sitting on your high horse and it stinks for those people you refuse to empathize with but Putin is glad for your support.
You do lack empathy. Throughout this entire thread you've kissed Biden's ass, praised the powers that be for doing such a great job throughout this invasion, all from the comfort of your couch.

Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine are getting bombed and ravage by Putin and his army and you can't even see fit to take him out. So yes, you're sitting on your high horse and it stinks for those people you refuse to empathize with but Putin is glad for your support.

Are you on a flight to Ukraine yet to help Ukraine out by either fighting the Russians or aiding in the evacuation?
Are you on a flight to Ukraine yet to help Ukraine out by either fighting the Russians or aiding in the evacuation?
I would be willing to assist or fight for these people in any capacity possible. Just as you would for Putin, apparently.
You do lack empathy. Throughout this entire thread you've kissed Biden's ass, praised the powers that be for doing such a great job throughout this invasion, all from the comfort of your couch.

Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine are getting bombed and ravage by Putin and his army and you can't even see fit to take him out. So yes, you're sitting on your high horse and it stinks for those people you refuse to empathize with but Putin is glad for your support.
Hey, Eric, I have an idea: why not just brutally (or humanely) murder Putin's daughters? That might be more effective than taking him out.
You don't need to wait for the US to take military action. I am sure Ukraine would welcome you if you wanted to go right now.
And you don't need to wait to start a drum circle with flowers in your hair humming for peace, though it seems like you may have done so already so don't let me get ahead of you.
You do lack empathy. Throughout this entire thread you've kissed Biden's ass, praised the powers that be for doing such a great job throughout this invasion, all from the comfort of your couch.

Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine are getting bombed and ravage by Putin and his army and you can't even see fit to take him out. So yes, you're sitting on your high horse and it stinks for those people you refuse to empathize with but Putin is glad for your support.
Fine but I REALLY wanted to hear their rendition of kumbaya.
Personal attacks don’t help one’s argument.

Zelensky isn’t calling for Putin to be “put down.” Does he lack empathy for himself? Putin has tried to kill him 3 times in a week, and I don’t see him asking for Putin to be killed.
Personal attacks don’t help one’s argument.
LOL dude, literally look a few posts back. Man you are so full of yourself you don't even see it.

Zelensky isn’t calling for Putin to be “put down.” Does he lack empathy for himself? Putin has tried to kill him 3 times, and I don’t see him asking for Putin to be killed.
This should be the takeaway, three attempts on Zelensky and we still can't wish death on Putin. Yet we can for Trump for having a rally in the middle of a COVID outbreak. We have some priorities.
You like martyrs?
You mean Putin as a martyr? Yes, I can see the headlines of sympathy that a ruthless dictator who was only trying to murder tens of thousands of innocent people in the gentle annexation of a nation. We all wept.

BTW do the Ukrainian people get the same level of empathy as you give Putin? He's gotta be loving the support in this thread.
How is thinking that the U.S. assassinating him is a bad idea the same as empathy and loving support? There are a lot of people I don't think should be assassinated for various, that doesn't mean I empathize with them. 😂
I never once specified that it be sanctioned nor committed by the US, I don't even think even Graham or Republicans went that far (maybe but I have not personally seen it). I am talking about taking him out by any means necessary, no matter who does it.

There is a real sentiment here about protecting Russia, Putin and their invasion as being justified because it's "not our fight". And while some think I only care about this particular conflict, they would be wrong. I have always advocated for those who are being ruthlessly taken over, I don't care if it's in the middle east, Europe, North Korea, etc. The world (not just the US) has an alliance with NATO, if not to protect people who can't protect themselves from dictators, then I would ask to what end?

See, what Ukraine lacks is oil, or we would've had troops on the ground a month ahead of the invasion. If we only put the same value on human life as we do fossil fuels.
The world (not just the US) has an alliance with NATO, if not to protect people who can't protect themselves from dictators, then I would ask to what end?

Please read up on NATO.......

NATO only gets involved if Article 5 is activated because a country attacked a member nation. The world is not apart of NATO......

But we have discussed this already. NATO is a defensive alliance that will only act in the defense of a country that is a member of NATO, not the World Police Organization.
Please read up on NATO....... NATO will not get involved if Zimbabwe invades Somalia because Somalia is not a member of NATO.

NATO only gets involved if Article 5 is activated because a country attacked a member nation. The world is not apart of NATO......

But we have discussed this already. NATO is a defensive alliance, not the World Police Organization.

Formed in 1949 with the signing of the Washington Treaty, NATO is a security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe. NATO's fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies' freedom and security by political and military means.
Please, read up on NATO yourself, or at least Google it before making a fool of yourself.