Tablet to replace second laptop?

Funny thing is, if I have to create something, whether editing a photo, adding text to an image, or changing the size of a photo - I go straight to my iPad. I think it’s awesome for creation.

I agree. I've used my iPad for photo editing, and it's great to use a stylus to draw. I also like making quick movies on an iPad or iPhone.

I don't like writing on the iPad. My brain needs a keyboard to really get going, but I suspect that's just because I'm an old hack.

Maybe, I'm old school; I find that I like the feel of a real keyboard when writing (bashing keys with fumbling fingers) - and I realised that I loathe touchscreen keyboards.

But, as both brothers have attested, it seems to be terrific for when you need to consult recipes...and can prop it up in the kitchen with that in mind.

Yep. I need a real keyboard. Got to bash keys with my meat hooks to get things flowing.

Once, during a trial, a judge was ambivalent about laptops in the courtroom, so I brought out my laptop and started knocking out notes. After a few minutes, the judge looked up, and goes "What is that infernal sound?"
The entire court turns to me, barreling away, typing "What is that infernal...." before I look up.
"Can you type any louder?"
"Probably your Honor, my apologies to the court."
My friend, who uses an iPad Pro, is over in the next row giggling to herself. "Shhhh," she says.
I have a good, solid keyboard case I bought for my Air-2. It has a magnetic stripe for the keyboard to recognize the presence of the iPad and seems to pair automatically (I never had to do any BT setup), but, of course, it uses a micro-usb connector, which is kind of a pain.. The old IPad is still totally functional except the red channel went wonky, making the screen impossible to look at and useless for any kind of graphic work. So I have regular iPad now, and, of course, Apple just has to make this one 1.3mm wider and 2mm shorter so that nothing matches. That is the one thing that pisses me off the most about them, that when you get a new toy, there is always just enough difference from the old toy that none of you old accessories can be brought along.