
Breaking news on this: a Texas court has shut down this program, which it ruled as improperly adopted and unconstitutional. I’m sure the piece of 💩 governor will try again though. F him.

At some point I feel even Trump is going "WTF is wrong with these people? Focus on the Mexicans, idiot."
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1502744602054475783/

There is little to no legitimate concern for human life involved here anymore. Just "feels" for those put in danger.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1502744602054475783/

There is little to no legitimate concern for human life involved here anymore. Just "feels" for those put in danger.
Sad to me is that the doctor(s) are more scared of a lawsuit than of saving the woman’s life. The consequence of the abortion in Texas is… just a lawsuit - to be clear. So they think somebody would be enough of an a-hole to sue them for saving a woman’s life. And they’d probably be right, but to be honest, they chose “save myself from a lawsuit” over “save this woman’s life.”

Granted, the law is pure evil and the doctor(s) never should be forced to make that choice…. But no excuse for the doctor for the choice they made.

Everybody EXCEPT the woman about to die had a choice in this story.
I just can't get over how much of a fucking cult the Republican party has turned into. It's rodeo time in Houston and for a month all of the rednecks flock to the city for the rodeo. So many trucks with "Trump" and "Lets go Brandon" stickers and flags. You need to evaluate your life if you're driving around town with "lets go brandon" on the back of your truck or a flag. No one should be idolizing these fucking politicians. It's crazy.
I just can't get over how much of a fucking cult the Republican party has turned into. It's rodeo time in Houston and for a month all of the rednecks flock to the city for the rodeo. So many trucks with "Trump" and "Lets go Brandon" stickers and flags. You need to evaluate your life if you're driving around town with "lets go brandon" on the back of your truck or a flag. No one should be idolizing these fucking politicians. It's crazy.
Where I come from, we reserve that level of fandom for sports teams.
Listened to an interview with somebody who went to SXSW and has been going there for quite a long time. They said Austin is starting to remind them of the Bay Area during the dot com days – gentrification with a rapidly increasing cost of living and homeless problem. Meanwhile you also have Abbot and his goons there turning Texas into the country’s test lab for the most regressive and oppressive far right legislation. There’s also a serious dose of LA style artificially attractive people. Sounds like a lot of people walking about with their head up there ass completely oblivious to the many bigger pictures.
Listened to an interview with somebody who went to SXSW and has been going there for quite a long time. They said Austin is starting to remind them of the Bay Area during the dot com days – gentrification with a rapidly increasing cost of living and homeless problem. Meanwhile you also have Abbot and his goons there turning Texas into the country’s test lab for the most regressive and oppressive far right legislation. There’s also a serious dose of LA style artificially attractive people. Sounds like a lot of people walking about with their head up there ass completely oblivious to the many bigger pictures.

Starting? Austin has been California for years already.

It's the worst city in Texas filled with fake white racist liberals.

And it sounds like this guy has finally figured it out too.
It's the worst city in Texas
Huh. We drove through Lubbock on a Sunday afternoon. The sidewalks were rolled up and the dust storm was blowing russian thistle through the empty streets. That was creepy as hell, probably why Buddy wanted to get the hell outta there.
I just can't get over how much of a fucking cult the Republican party has turned into. It's rodeo time in Houston and for a month all of the rednecks flock to the city for the rodeo. So many trucks with "Trump" and "Lets go Brandon" stickers and flags. You need to evaluate your life if you're driving around town with "lets go brandon" on the back of your truck or a flag. No one should be idolizing these fucking politicians. It's crazy.

Why is "Let's Go Brandon" not OK, while Robert Di Niro saying "Fuck Trump" at an award's show on national TV is not only OK, but celebrated?

I do agree that no one should idolize politicians, celebrities or athletes. Very few are worthy.
Why is "Let's Go Brandon" not OK, while Robert Di Niro saying "Fuck Trump" at an award's show on national TV is not only OK, but celebrated?

I do agree that no one should idolize politicians, celebrities or athletes. Very few are worthy.

People can say "Lets go Brandon" all they want...or "Fuck Trump" all the want and it doesn't bother me. I just draw the line at decorating your vehicle or home with signs that say those things. I don't idolize anyone that much to put crap all over my truck or home.
People can say "Lets go Brandon" all they want...or "Fuck Trump" all the want and it doesn't bother me. I just draw the line at decorating your vehicle or home with signs that say those things. I don't idolize anyone that much to put crap all over my truck or home.
I do not object to people declaring "I'm an ASSHAT!". It gives me a slight edge, knowing straight up what to expect from them.
Why is "Let's Go Brandon" not OK, while Robert Di Niro saying "Fuck Trump" at an award's show on national TV is not only OK, but celebrated?

I do agree that no one should idolize politicians, celebrities or athletes. Very few are worthy.
Fuck Robert De Niro. Is everybody happy now?

I guess the entirety of all liberals of all time is bad because Robert De Niro (who isn’t even a politician) said fuck?

Meanwhile, millions of right-wingers chant “Let’s Go Brandon” and you even put it in your own signature. What a steaming pile of hypocrisy. If you want to call out De Niro, great. Don’t lump all liberals in with him. But the “let’s go Brandon” bullshit - YOU put in your own signature, so you have to own it.
Starting? Austin has been California for years already.

It's the worst city in Texas filled with fake white racist liberals.

And it sounds like this guy has finally figured it out too.

I have no doubt a good percentage of the liberal transplants to Austin will be migrating to Ukraine as soon as military action simmers down and there’s a sizable population of unsightly homeless in Austin. They’ll be making the world a better place by healing the war-ravaged masses with their artisanal hemp pastry puffs, 300% increase in housing costs, and turning the bomb cratered streets into world-class mountain bike trails.
Fuck Robert De Niro. Is everybody happy now?

I guess the entirety of all liberals of all time is bad because Robert De Niro (who isn’t even a politician) said fuck?

Meanwhile, millions of right-wingers chant “Let’s Go Brandon” and you even put it in your own signature. What a steaming pile of hypocrisy. If you want to call out De Niro, great. Don’t lump all liberals in with him. But the “let’s go Brandon” bullshit - YOU put in your own signature, so you have to own it.

I have no problem owning it. But for people to complain about that while ignoring or even celebrating when similar things are said about Trump is hypocrisy at its finest.

You have noticed it has been gone from my sig for a while now right?

People can say "Lets go Brandon" all they want...or "Fuck Trump" all the want and it doesn't bother me. I just draw the line at decorating your vehicle or home with signs that say those things. I don't idolize anyone that much to put crap all over my truck or home.

And it is not on my truck because I have both conservative and liberal clients. No need to offend away a job.
I have no problem owning it. But for people to complain about that while ignoring or even celebrating when similar things are said about Trump is hypocrisy at its finest.
You are asking others to “own” something done by Robert De Niro. Sorry, I don’t care about him one way or the other. If it was Clint Eastwood who said “F <insert politician here>” and NOT you, then you could be making a reasonable comparison. However, that’s not what’s happening: you said something, and in response to criticism for it, you claim others are hypocrites because Robert De Niro said something. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
I have no problem owning it. But for people to complain about that while ignoring or even celebrating when similar things are said about Trump is hypocrisy at its finest.

You have noticed it has been gone from my sig for a while now right?

And it is not on my truck because I have both conservative and liberal clients. No need to offend away a job.

My grandfather believed you should have respect for the President regardless of party affiliation. He died in the late 90’s and I’m glad he wasn’t around for the Trump era to push that belief to its limits, going back to Trump’s birther movement through present. I could be wrong but I feel the loud public disrespect of the President based on nothing tangible started with Obama. I know people on the right feel Trump was treated the same and for no good reason, but the fact is that Trump went into office with a heavy amount of baggage constantly firing insults at women, minorities, and half the country/liberals. He also insulted a great deal of Republicans, part of his drain the swamp schtick, which Republicans seemed to have forgotten the minute he took office.

Then we have Biden. I disagree with him on many things, mainly couching most progressive policies he ran on, but right out the gate the right came swinging with saying he’s a socialist and nothing about his record shows that. He’s probably closer to a Republican than a Progressive. Based on policy review you could say the same about Obama. Yet, the right gets all worked up based entirely on trigger words propaganda with zero critical thinking about it. It’s really a false equivalency to say all these men are the same because they happened to be President at some point in their life and therefore are equally deserving/undeserving of a “fuck you!”.

If nothing else, it’s completely lost all meaning.