
Remember all the nonsense we had with school board meetings? Then we had warnings that the nuttery planned to join such school boards?

Well, this is what the fuck you get for all of that.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1481269231870267394/

There's a Youtube video of the meeting online. If you haven't seen racism up front & in your face, start at minute 49. Be aware the guy laughingly starts out telling you he's a "data guy", and data can be taken anyway & skewed. Which should make you go 🤨 for anything he says after that. Do you trust a guy who admits that data can be taken anyway someone want, then presents his own data?
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Remember all the nonsense we had with school board meetings? Then we had warnings that the nuttery planned to join such school boards?

Well, this is what the fuck you get for all of that.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1481269231870267394/

There's a Youtube video of the meeting online. If you haven't seen racism up front & in your face, start at minute 49. Be aware the guy laughingly starts out telling you he's a "data guy", and data can be taken anyway & skewed. Which should make you go 🤨 for anything he says after that. Do you trust a guy who admits that data can be taken anyway someone want, then presents his own data?
Trump got lots of racists to “come out of the closet” in the past few years. It’s time for them to be punished by society for publicly stating their views. Sorry, we don’t want you working here. Sorry, we don’t want you in our church. Sorry, we don’t want you coaching our soccer team.

They have freedom of speech to say whatever hateful, racist things they want. Society has freedom to exclude them from every activity they want to be a part of. Time to “CANCEL CULTURE” their butts back to the Stone Age.
Cy Fair is a suburb of Houston. Houston is diverse AF so I'm surprised he hasn't resigned yet. He may eventually resign for this. You can't say that shit in such a diverse city. This isn't lily white fake liberal Austin.
Cy Fair is a suburb of Houston. Houston is diverse AF so I'm surprised he hasn't resigned yet. He may eventually resign for this. You can't say that shit in such a diverse city. This isn't lily white fake liberal Austin.

He just got elected.
The Republican leaders in Texas wrap themselves in the flag and crow about supporting the troops. When it comes down to it though, they treat them like utter garbage, refusing to even pay them, and all for a political stunt on the border? Why does anybody vote for this party?

More news about the Texas National Guard. Soldiers losing their jobs and homes to put on a show at the border.

I hope this gets massive news coverage in Texas and that voters there see the cruelty and hypocrisy of Abbott and company.
In other news, did y'all see Ted Cruz daughter "come out" as bisexual on Tik Tok and said she disagrees on pretty much everything with her dad LOL
The Republican leaders in Texas wrap themselves in the flag and crow about supporting the troops. When it comes down to it though, they treat them like utter garbage, refusing to even pay them, and all for a political stunt on the border? Why does anybody vote for this party?

Because they're good at scaring people.
I hate making new threads, so someone else can start one later.

But, hostage situation in Texas involving terrorism

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1482447756342050821/
I also hate making new threads so just wanted to ask. Does no one in Texas wear a mask anymore? Taken at today's SF vs DAL game.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1482796933223694343/
I also hate making new threads so just wanted to ask. Does no one in Texas wear a mask anymore? Taken at today's SF vs DAL game.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1482796933223694343/
Hey, looks somewhat possible that Dallas could get the tying TD late in the game and it would go to OT. All that much more time for everyone to spread around the big O.
I wonder if they will think this was worth it?

They are still elected though.
Excellent news. Let these people whine about cancel culture all they want… but keep “cancelling” their butts.

BTW - the comments on that article… lots of racists in Houston I guess?
In today’s episode of Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud, please welcome Texas Attorney General... Ken Paxton!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1483844755226337284/

Admitting you can only win by cheating... Priceless. 🤦‍♂️
Admitting you can only win by cheating... Priceless.

Every time I hear the words "Texas" and "Attorney General" in the same sentence, I am reminded of the bizarre fact that among the many other March 2022 primary contestants for Paxton's job is the redoubtable Republican Representative from Texas district 1, Louis Gohmert.

Even Fox News has called Gohmert "the stupidest man in Congress".

Whether that beats the fact that Ken Paxton serves as Attorney General for the great state of Texas while being under indictment for securities fraud (as well as being under investigation for bribery, abuse of office and other crimes) is a fairly entertaining question.
Dan Crenshaw is a member of Congress representing Texas. He passed a law that makes it illegal for local election officials to send out unsolicited mail-in ballots. The supposed reason for this was that mail-in ballots are likely to be fraudulent.

U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston, doubled down on the claim that expanding voting by mail is not secure, saying it was like “playing with fire” in a conversation that aired Monday as part of the 2020 Texas Tribune Festival.

If that is truly the reason, then why was there an exception in the law for politicians to send out unsolicited mail-in ballots, an exception Mr. Crenshaw is taking advantage of himself?

U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston, is taking heat this week for sending out campaign mailers containing unsolicited mail-in ballot applications to voters who are 65 and older.

Last year, Texas Republicans in the Legislature passed an elections law that banned local election officials from that very same practice under the banner of protecting election integrity. However, the law made an exception for candidates and political parties to continue the practice, which has long been a popular get-out-the-vote tactic typically employed by both parties, but especially by Republicans.

Democrats this week said Crenshaw’s mailer highlights hypocrisy in the new voting law and shows that Republicans who railed against vote-by-mail expansion efforts last year were only concerned about the ways it could benefit Democrats. Crenshaw’s mailer includes a prefilled mail-in application and instructions that tell the recipient to “simply sign, stamp, and mail” it and to “be sure to vote for Dan Crenshaw” when the ballot comes.

I guess the mail-in voting isn’t in danger of being fraudulent if it’s being sent to senior citizens on the Crenshaw campaign mailing list.
Dan Crenshaw is a member of Congress representing Texas. He passed a law that makes it illegal for local election officials to send out unsolicited mail-in ballots. The supposed reason for this was that mail-in ballots are likely to be fraudulent.

If that is truly the reason, then why was there an exception in the law for politicians to send out unsolicited mail-in ballots, an exception Mr. Crenshaw is taking advantage of himself?

I guess the mail-in voting isn’t in danger of being fraudulent if it’s being sent to senior citizens on the Crenshaw campaign mailing list.

Ha ha! You're not supposed to remember stuff for more than ten minutes unless reminded by an R ad, and definitely not supposed to start connecting dots and putting things in context.