
This is so fucking on brand for abbott

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and top state lawmakers shifted around roughly $1 billion in federal coronavirus aid to help pay for their campaign to arrest migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, exposing gaps in a law meant to bolster the country’s response to the ongoing pandemic.

Relying on the availability of generous federal relief funds, Texas repeatedly in recent months rerouted state money toward its controversial immigration crackdown — all without leaving a massive hole in its budget. But critics say the money would have been put to better use tending to a public health crisis that has killed more than 86,000 people in the state.

The trouble centers on Operation Lone Star, an initiative announced by Abbott last year, when he promised that law enforcement would “start arresting everybody” crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. The campaign, which detains migrants on state trespassing and other charges, relies on extensive and expensive deployments of National Guard troops.

Civil rights groups have widely derided the effort as discriminatory — and some have urged the Biden administration to intervene — calling it a harmful political stunt by a Republican governor who harbors aspirations for the presidency. The operation even has seen Texas send buses of arrested migrants to other cities, including Washington, as Abbott argues his state “should not have to bear the burden” at the border.

But the program also has been expensive, and to help pay for it, Texas has eased the financial burden using money received under a 2020 law meant to help states battle the coronavirus. The state did so through a series of little-noticed “swaps,” in the words of one aide to the governor, who explained the setup to state lawmakers at a hearing in early April.

Essentially, Texas this year transferred money away from its public health and safety agencies and to the governor’s office to administer Operation Lone Star. That cash, totaling nearly $1 billion, was available because the state had backfilled those same public health and safety agencies with stimulus funds it received from Washington, according to interviews with local officials, submissions to the Texas legislature and missives from the governor’s office itself.

The moves appear to be legal under the stimulus law known as the Cares Act, enacted in March 2020. Congress never prohibited states from rejiggering their budgets to take full advantage of a program called the Coronavirus Relief Fund, which aimed to help cities and states pay front-line workers, purchase supplies and tend to other pandemic needs. The approach helped states save their money, which some local governments later reinvested in their efforts to arrest the spread of the virus. Others, like Texas, however, seized on the federal program to redirect their newly found savings for unrelated uses — including immigration enforcement.
You may recall Greg Abbott trying to “own the libs” and/or punish the federal government for ending Title 42 by sending migrants to Washington, DC.

Well, it’s turned out very well for the migrants!

(paywall removed)

When the best thing you can do for people is to ship them out of your state, what does that say about how you’re doing as governor?

Even more hilarious is I heard they were grateful that they were taken closer to their desired destination, Miami. Sticking it to that libtard extremist DeSantis.
The child welfare agency of Texas was blocked by a court from investigating the parents of a transgender child for child abuse simply for providing gender-affirming care to their child. This block applied to ALL parents of transgender children.

The Texas Supreme Court heard the case, and although they are keeping the block in place for the one case being litigated, they decided the state can go after all other parents of transgender children, effective immediately.

The child welfare agency of Texas was blocked by a court from investigating the parents of a transgender child for child abuse simply for providing gender-affirming care to their child. This block applied to ALL parents of transgender children.

The Texas Supreme Court heard the case, and although they are keeping the block in place for the one case being litigated, they decided the state can go after all other parents of transgender children, effective immediately.

I think it's pretty obvious by now that the goal is to keep more liberals from moving to Texas. Have kids or plan to (or not to)? Then you don't want to move to Texas. It's a minefield of government sanctioned emotional abuse for anybody who isn't a straight white male.

Your experience as a minority isn't real. Your identity isn't yours to decide. Your reproductive ability isn't yours to control. You know, freedom!!
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Three or four years ago my upstairs neighbors here in the condo community decided to move to San Antonio, Texas. They're a married gay couple and, well.... they quickly found that San Antonio wasn't quite as welcoming as they'd assumed it would be, plus one of them had trouble finding a new job, which didn't help matters any. After about a year and a half, maybe two years, they gave up, sold the house down there and moved back to this area. I can imagine that they are really relieved that they got out of there when they did!
The 5th Circuit Court lifted an injunction on a social media regulation law passed by the Texas Lege and immediately enjoined by a district judge.
Texas Republicans passed their internet censorship bill, known as H.B. 20, in the fall of 2021. Its sponsors said that the legislation was necessary to prevent “West Coast oligarchs” from silencing “conservative viewpoints and ideas.” … The bill applies to social media companies with “more than 50 million active users” in the U.S. each month, like Twitter, YouTube, and Meta, that operate in Texas. … It states that these companies may not “censor” a user’s expression on the basis of their “viewpoint,” whether that “viewpoint” is expressed on the company’s platform or somewhere else. …

… also bars social media companies from labeling posts on their own websites—with, for instance, a warning that they contain violence, vulgarity, or disinformation. … And one baffling provision sharply restricts email service providers’ ability to block spam, allowing users to collect $25,000 for each day that their provider impedes “the transmission of an unsolicited or commercial electronic mail message.”

As if that does not go far enough,

The only way out of this mess, then, would be for social media companies to cease all operations in Texas. But H.B. 20 orders them to continue providing their services in Texas.

They want to require companies to do business in Texas. Because, Free Market! Or something. How could they possibly expect to force a company to provide their service in Texas if the company does not want to? Are these people insane?
Before we start...

Okay, lets go...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528272636572078085/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528273327822802944/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528584111128039427/

I know what you are thinking, "why make up such a story involving Texa..."
WINKLER COUNTY, Texas — The top seated official in the least populated county in the state of Texas was arrested Friday. Loving County Judge Skeet Jones is accused of livestock theft and organized criminal activity.

A special ranger with the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association confirmed Judge Jones and three others, including a county employee, are accused of picking up estray cattle and selling them.

Judge Jones, Cody Williams, Jonathon Alvarado and Leroy Medlin were all booked into the Winkler County Jail before they bonded out Friday night.

Special rangers have been investigating for more than a year.

By law, if an estray (loose) livestock animal roams onto a property, the property owner must report the livestock to the the sheriff. The sheriff's office would then contact the livestock's owner and work toward reunification.

I really appreciate this one line.

Jones and Williams are officially charged for theft of three head of cattle and organized crime. Alvarado is charged for theft of one head of cattle and organized crime. Medlin is charged for organized crime.

From Skeet, to Medlin, Fuchs, and cattle rustling, this story has it ALL.

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Just trying to distract from the massive shittiness & evil of today, with petty evil & shittiness of the day.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528923362357129216/

Hate that big gummint, amirite? :rolleyes: Go business!
Just trying to distract from the massive shittiness & evil of today, with petty evil & shittiness of the day.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528923362357129216/

Hate that big gummint, amirite? :rolleyes: Go business!
They spent 50 years of aggressive political activism to get their far-right Supreme Court. The reason is supposedly that saving kids’ lives is the most important thing in the world.

But when little kids are gunned down with assault weapons?

”It’s sad, but there‘s nothing we can do…”
Right now I’d probably feel safer and more sympathetic sitting in a bar as an American in Russia with ultra nationalists justifying the invasion of Ukraine than sitting in a bar in Texas with MAGA patriots defending Texas.
Now attention is turning to the police during this

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529687298094379009/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529826405667717120/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529652093354536961/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529689677749534721/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529708434995683329/

There's one wild accusation that I can't find back up to that a cop got their kids out, while parents were kept out.

It's understandable they aren't letting more people into a chaotic active scene, but the optics of the effort to keep the parents out while less effort in getting the kids out is not a good one. These are frightened parents & confronting them like you should the shooter, perhaps isn't the best choice.

Texas is in for a storm after this, and it's just getting started.
Now attention is turning to the police during this

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529687298094379009/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529826405667717120/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529652093354536961/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529689677749534721/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529708434995683329/

There's one wild accusation that I can't find back up to that a cop got their kids out, while parents were kept out.

It's understandable they aren't letting more people into a chaotic active scene, but the optics of the effort to keep the parents out while less effort in getting the kids out is not a good one. These are frightened parents & confronting them like you should the shooter, perhaps isn't the best choice.

Texas is in for a storm after this, and it's just getting started.
How many heavily armed “good guys with guns” does it take to stop one teenager?

Every single argument against gun control from the NRA and Republicans falls apart like a piece of wet toilet paper.

Choose: guns or kids. It’s that simple. We see what the Republicans are choosing. NOBODY should vote for them.
WTF Greg Abbott is pressuring family of victims to say they don’t want gun restrictions????

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529933105359753218/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529933108182515713/
A little more about the questions concerning the police

This was something being discussed, that I believe the poster's think they covered.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529710536169910272/

This has the unproven rumor I mentioned earlier

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530021082308440064/

The missing 18 minutes begins to become it's own conspiracy

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529956774379413508/

There maybe quite the reckoning. Besides what the police did or didn't do, what story they can & cannot get right, it's also clear that the plans put in place earlier ( "hardening schools" ) isn't the solution it was peddled to be.

Texas + Police, do better

At 12:36, about an hour after police first entered, a child called 911. She was told to stay quiet.

At 12:47, she begged them to “please send the police now.”

Police were OUTSIDE in the hallway for minutes, and this little girl is BEGGING for the police to be sent. Police that are OUTSIDE.

They stood there waiting for a FUCKING key to open a door.

To me, it sounds like a greater concern for the lives of the officers, over the lives of the children they were supposed to save.

The Border Patrol tactical team did not enter the classrooms until after that moment, McCraw explained. What the police were doing inside the school during the nearly 90 minutes after the gunman entered, why they delayed so long even while children called 911, and what happened to the “eight to nine students” who were still alive at 12:15 pm is still unclear.


Yeah, guns are NOT the problem.
Texas + Police, do better

Police were OUTSIDE in the hallway for minutes, and this little girl is BEGGING for the police to be sent. Police that are OUTSIDE.

They stood there waiting for a FUCKING key to open a door.

To me, it sounds like a greater concern for the lives of the officers, over the lives of the children they were supposed to save.


Yeah, guns are NOT the problem.

They only have 13,000 people in Uvalde, but they have a SWAT team. They spend 40% of their municipal budget on police. And they couldn’t stop one 18-year-old from killing 19 children and 2 teachers.

Maybe if they told them there were doughnuts getting stale inside they would have shown some urgency?

Firefighters know their job is to run in immediately and risk their lives to save others. These police don’t seem to share that professional ethic.

I saw a timeline (link below). The cops first encountered the shooter 4 minutes after he entered the school. I don’t believe he’d killed any kids at that point. So they got scared and ran away and let him kill kids?

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They only have 13,000 people in Uvalde, but they have a SWAT team. They spend 40% of their municipal budget on police. And they couldn’t stop one 18-year-old from killing 19 children and 2 teachers.
The thing I am given to understand is that the job of the police is to catch bad guys so that they can be punished. But you cannot idenify a bad guy until he actually does a bad thing (such as exiting the womb with the wrong ethnicity). Police are absolutey not tasked with preventing crime, only with catching criminals.
The thing I am given to understand is that the job of the police is to catch bad guys so that they can be punished. But you cannot idenify a bad guy until he actually does a bad thing (such as exiting the womb with the wrong ethnicity). Police are absolutey not tasked with preventing crime, only with catching criminals.

I remember back at the other place, there were a handful of characters who liked to remind others what the role of the police were. It wasn't what many of us were supposedly led to believe. Which is why to this day when see vehicles with the slogan & think of those characters I wince a little.


It was made worse after the concerns about police in Uvalde. They manage to do what the characters really like which was harass the wrong people, and out of seeming "fear for their lives" not harass the right person.

I should clarify, I am not "completely" faulting the police alone. Along with the governor's obsession to do everything but anything with involving guns, he helped create an industry for hardening schools. Which made entry MORE difficult for the police. NOT so difficult though that they needed to run around looking for a custodian's key, like they were looking for a mop to use in the cafeteria. The screwups here ALL over the place with ALL eyes on Texas now, and everyone running to avoid blame that well deserves it.