The 2022 Midterms

You could see that using legislative powers to punish those who dare disagree with the will of the current head of state cuts dangerously close to some sorta 'ism, right?

It may be some "ism" but since he is not a dictator and did not use violent force, it is not by definition, Fascism.

That is why called everyone right of center a Fascist is losing its meaning. And impact. But by all means, keep it up. It is going to help so much at the polls in 2 weeks.
Sure. He was pissed at them. I get that. But he went through the proper channels and either or both the FL House or Senate could have said No. He did not do it by himself.
I’m going to call that attempted fascism. He got angry at an opinion and used his powers to lash out, it was blatantly transparent.
I’m going to call that attempted fascism. He got angry at an opinion and used his powers to lash out, it was blatantly transparent.

Then you have changed the definition to fit what you want it to be.

But how is that any different than the current administration threatening to punish Saudi Arabia because they didn't do what Biden wanted, ie not cut production until after the midterms? He's pissed and is going to use his powers to punish them. Kind of seems like the same thing, No? Is he now a Fascist?
Then you have changed the definition to fit what you want it to be.

But how is that any different than the current administration threatening to punish Saudi Arabia because they didn't do what Biden wanted, ie not cut production until after the midterms? He's pissed and is going to use his powers to punish them. Kind of seems like the same thing, No? Is he now a Fascist?
No it isn’t the same. Biden could arguably use that in the interest of the country, but DeSantis just doesn’t like their opinions and perhaps views it as a political threat. That’s the difference.
That is why called everyone right of center a Fascist is losing its meaning. And impact. But by all means, keep it up. It is going to help so much at the polls in 2 weeks.

I think the biggest problem here isn’t so much that Republicans are doing these things, but that so many people make apologies for it.
No. That's not Socialism. Those are social constructs.

Under true socialism the government controls the means of production of most industries. They can't do what they do now with any efficiency, so what makes you think they could do more?
Yes. It is. Funding police, schools, fire, rescue, infrastructure, social services, etc. is Socialism. Watching Republicans trying to split hairs on things they support or don't to try and squirm heir way around this is frustrating (and a bit laughable at times).

The Republican way is to think of everything as Capitalism but the reality is every one of these services are Social. It's the difference between private school and public school, one is for profit and the other is socialized for children who could never afford it otherwise.

Without these services, which again ARE social, we wouldn't have any infrastructure, an equitable education system, a military, or any of that stuff. Capitalism serves the rich in a fallible system, Socialism serves everyone else and cleans up when Capitalism fails and needs all their bailouts.
Yes. It is. Funding police, schools, fire, rescue, infrastructure, social services, etc. is Socialism … Republican way is to think of everything as Capitalism but the reality is every one of these services are Social.

Just go one more step: property titles. Without them, we would have difficulty establishing who owns what, which, although fundamental to our perception of hat capitalism is, are nonetheless a social service. Without titles, we would have to hire ruffians to keep people off what we have claimed as our personal territory, from using our inventions and art freely as our own.

When you look closely, the line between "socialism" and "capitalism" can be discerned as … a phantasm.
It may be some "ism" but since he is not a dictator and did not use violent force, it is not by definition, Fascism.

That is why called everyone right of center a Fascist is losing its meaning. And impact. But by all means, keep it up. It is going to help so much at the polls in 2 weeks.
I would hope we can agree there are many nuanced shades of grey between the absolutism implied by labels. I think your claim that everyone right of center is being branded a fascist isn't accurate, but the ones who declare any election they don't win rigged and invalid (the old heads I win, tails you lose gambit), call the people who attacked the Capitol heroes, or support authoritarian policies deserve the moniker.

Personally, I don't believe this applies to the majority of Republican politicians, but there are far too many of them with a good chance of being elected or attaining positions of power to not be highly concerned. What's especially galling is that the Republican party hasn't put forth any meaningful legislation to address issues like climate change or healthcare inequality. Their plan, if they take the House or Senate, is to be as disruptive as possible to the Biden administration. And, if they win both chambers, to try to reverse all the beneficial legislation passed over the past two years. Hence their promotion of candidates like Walker in Georgia who in saner times would never have been considered a serious candidate.
It’s being reported that the economy expanded and Democrats should brag about the growth. I don’t think voters are going to give a shit about that brag when looking at the reality of prices at the pump, grocery store, and housing. I can’t think of a more blatant example of how “the economy” is code for how the rich are doing and little else. This news should probably be seen as a negative for most people as one of the goals of the fed’s interest rate hikes is to get people to stop buying shit. That goal clearly hasn’t happened. Get ready to hand over more interest payments to banks.

The inherit fatal flaw of capitalism is you can’t both have all the money while you need people to buy your shit. Probably the best bottom up economic revolution sticking it to the top is to mass max out credit and then not pay it back. Not a hell of a lot they can do if most of the country claims bankruptcy.
See, I never said I would pick fascism over socialism. You all have been calling everyone right of center a fascist for so long it has lost all meaning.

When I posted that it (fascism) beats socialism it was in jest. Here is what transpired.

To which this response was posted:

And my response was:

From that point it went off the rails. My point is if I can be labeled a fascist for liking a certain politician, then it's fair game to label others socialist for who they vote for. But see, it doesn't mean I like fascism anymore that it means you or anyone else likes socialism.

But I am up for examples of exactly what fascists things DeSantis has actually done. Or Lake, but since she hasn't ever been elected, I doubt there is much. I want them to run simply to watch the media's head's explode as both are savage and well prepared.
I think I have pointed out the evils of fascism, and the seeds of what we see in Republican leadership are the kernels of the Fascist playbook, the diminishment of human and civil rights.

They want their “freedom of religion” but what they mean is the freedom to stamp their Christian beliefs on everyone foreheads, turning the country into a Christian theocracy, and they deny women dominion over their own bodies threatening them and others with jail.

Arguably having adopted the stance of we win, or the election is rigged, and besides lying their asses off at every opportunity, one of the worst is their hostility towards, and schemes against open, free, and fair elections elections because they know that would means they‘d be out of the leadership game.

This is how it starts. Cheat to win, profess a belief in laws and belief in the foundations the country was built on, while undermining laws that ensure equal rights, restricting the ability to vote for the demographics who disagree with you. Embracing racist groups because they embrace your racist policies and support of white Supremacy, and toxic Nationalism.

Another shocking issue is how a giant POS like Donald Trump brought out all the cockroaches living among us, how the definition of Patriotism was been twisted until it is unrecognizable to fool STUPID, and how the GOP converted from our number one Russia critics into Vlad lovers, but I am digressing.

Anyway, if you are trolling when you say fascism beats socialism, then expect the reaction you got. If serious then it does mean you’d prefer facism over socialism, and the reasonable assumption would be, between the two, that you’d pick what you prefer.
I would hope we can agree there are many nuanced shades of grey between the absolutism implied by labels. I think your claim that everyone right of center is being branded a fascist isn't accurate, but the ones who declare any election they don't win rigged and invalid (the old heads I win, tails you lose gambit), call the people who attacked the Capitol heroes, or support authoritarian policies deserve the moniker.

Personally, I don't believe this applies to the majority of Republican politicians, but there are far too many of them with a good chance of being elected or attaining positions of power to not be highly concerned. What's especially galling is that the Republican party hasn't put forth any meaningful legislation to address issues like climate change or healthcare inequality. Their plan, if they take the House or Senate, is to be as disruptive as possible to the Biden administration. And, if they win both chambers, to try to reverse all the beneficial legislation passed over the past two years. Hence their promotion of candidates like Walker in Georgia who in saner times would never have been considered a serious candidate.
I’d say the Bad Apples are at the wheel in the GOP and the rest are too afraid of being primaried from STUPID back home. The result is that the Republican brand of corruption and malfeasance rules.

This list, I don’t know how Congresswoman Greene is not on it:
I’d say the Bad Apples are at the wheel in the GOP and the rest are too afraid of being primaried from STUPID back home. The result is that the Republican brand of corruption and malfeasance rules.

This list, I don’t know how Congresswoman Greene is not on it:
I read somewhere this morning about MTG might be our next VP. I wanted to vomit.
I would say the exact same thing about the Dems.

I hope with that you are leaning more towards Pelosi and crew and not the squad. The squad is pathetically ineffectual. Just this week the progressives sent Biden a letter urging him to try to look into other options to find a ceasefire in Ukraine other than bombing the shit out of Putin and causing a nuclear war and the warhawks (of both parties) got so outraged by this suggestion that hours later they apologized and took it back.

The biggest attraction to Trumpism is often stated as leaders willing to fight for them. Take note, Democrats. Quit being a monument to bending over and capitulating because you want everybody to like you.
Yes. It is. Funding police, schools, fire, rescue, infrastructure, social services, etc. is Socialism. Watching Republicans trying to split hairs on things they support or don't to try and squirm heir way around this is frustrating (and a bit laughable at times).

The Republican way is to think of everything as Capitalism but the reality is every one of these services are Social. It's the difference between private school and public school, one is for profit and the other is socialized for children who could never afford it otherwise.

Without these services, which again ARE social, we wouldn't have any infrastructure, an equitable education system, a military, or any of that stuff. Capitalism serves the rich in a fallible system, Socialism serves everyone else and cleans up when Capitalism fails and needs all their bailouts.

Without social services, many people who do well - anti-socialism conservatives included - would be digging in the dumpster for their dinner, regardless of brains, integrity or work ethic. How many conservatives who brag about their bootstrap story went to public schools? Probably a good portion. They don’t all come from cushy private schools.

When a tornado, hurricane, fire or other disaster tears through a conservative town, you can bet your ass they want that socialism to rebuild their lives ASAP.

For many, they don’t see themselves taking taxpayer-funded government aid as socialism. They only see it as socialism when someone they don’t like - usually someone with darker skin than them - gets that same help. There’s probably about 50 videos on YouTube of unemployed southerners on food stamps. unemployment benefits and Medicare/Medicaid deriding socialism before admitting they're gladly helping themselves to the same services.
I would hope we can agree there are many nuanced shades of grey between the absolutism implied by labels. I think your claim that everyone right of center is being branded a fascist isn't accurate, but the ones who declare any election they don't win rigged and invalid (the old heads I win, tails you lose gambit), call the people who attacked the Capitol heroes, or support authoritarian policies deserve the moniker.

Personally, I don't believe this applies to the majority of Republican politicians, but there are far too many of them with a good chance of being elected or attaining positions of power to not be highly concerned. What's especially galling is that the Republican party hasn't put forth any meaningful legislation to address issues like climate change or healthcare inequality. Their plan, if they take the House or Senate, is to be as disruptive as possible to the Biden administration. And, if they win both chambers, to try to reverse all the beneficial legislation passed over the past two years. Hence their promotion of candidates like Walker in Georgia who in saner times would never have been considered a serious candidate.

The pro-Trump Rs are basically adopting the position of the New Right regarding establishment of "party as state". It's not initially just about specific policy but about simply gaining the power to define, expand or dismiss the rules of the road -- not so much any more about getting the courts to interpret rule of law in a particular manner.

The pesky media though, gee... what to do, what to do. Usually dictators start by trying to discredit traditional journalistic practices and seek to become the One True Voice. Hasn't worked out so well in the USA, even if Fox and OAN and a zillion trolls on social media keep trying. That failure has slowed down the power grab somewhat, because so much of its mechanics are still being reported.

It's a problem the New Right proposes to settle on the campaign trail (and then in office as well) by just flat out nonstop lying and projection. It all sounds preposterous if you're not in their bubble. I mean some of the candidates come off like they're acting in a remake of Alice in Wonderland. But then so do some of the voters --and some of the pollwatchers and countinghouse officials-- and that's what has been and remains so alarming ever since 2020.

It's worse now with some "red states" having made it simpler to decline to certify unwanted election results in future. I don't like all the hyperventilating about how 2022 is the last chance for democracy, but the Republicans do seem to have tipped their hand regarding intention to declare victory no matter if coming up short on popular support at the polls.

Have to hope the majority of judges and justices in our courts now can still read the Constitution as currently amended, at least until 34 states decide to call a convention and rewrite the thing. We may have a little longer past 2022 on that score, although 30 states' legislatures are in GOP control at this time. That too is alarming.

It appears people aren’t exactly top searching the topics the news media is instructing them that they are most concerned about.. come on, people! At least their attempt to manufacture voting horse races seems to be working. Can’t have a clear winner no matter how absurdly unqualified a candidate might be.
This is how we got TFG. It’s time for everyone to want what’s best for the country, and not what makes the greatest entertainment. SMDH

Maybe if we had an honest media this wouldn't be needed. But we don't.

Trump exaggerates the size of a crowd at his rallies and the media jumps on his "lies". Biden says that gas was over $5 when he took office (It was actually $2.39) and just crickets from the media.