See, I never said I would pick fascism over socialism. You all have been calling everyone right of center a fascist for so long it has lost all meaning.
When I posted that it (fascism) beats socialism it was in jest. Here is what transpired.
To which this response was posted:
And my response was:
From that point it went off the rails. My point is if I can be labeled a fascist for liking a certain politician, then it's fair game to label others socialist for who they vote for. But see, it doesn't mean I like fascism anymore that it means you or anyone else likes socialism.
But I am up for examples of exactly what fascists things DeSantis has actually done. Or Lake, but since she hasn't ever been elected, I doubt there is much. I want them to run simply to watch the media's head's explode as both are savage and well prepared.
I think I have pointed out the evils of fascism, and the seeds of what we see in Republican leadership are the kernels of the Fascist playbook, the diminishment of human and civil rights.
They want their “freedom of religion” but what they mean is the freedom to stamp their Christian beliefs on everyone foreheads, turning the country into a Christian theocracy, and they deny women dominion over their own bodies threatening them and others with jail.
Arguably having adopted the stance of we win, or the election is rigged, and besides lying their asses off at every opportunity, one of the worst is their hostility towards, and schemes against open, free, and fair elections elections because they know that would means they‘d be out of the leadership game.
This is how it starts. Cheat to win, profess a belief in laws and belief in the foundations the country was built on, while undermining laws that ensure equal rights, restricting the ability to vote for the demographics who disagree with you. Embracing racist groups because they embrace your racist policies and support of white Supremacy, and toxic Nationalism.
Another shocking issue is how a giant POS like Donald Trump brought out all the cockroaches living among us, how the definition of Patriotism was been twisted until it is unrecognizable to fool STUPID, and how the GOP converted from our number one Russia critics into Vlad lovers, but I am digressing.
Anyway, if you are trolling when you say fascism beats socialism, then expect the reaction you got. If serious then it does mean you’d prefer facism over socialism, and the reasonable assumption would be, between the two, that you’d pick what you prefer.