The 2022 Midterms

Intimidation is a baby step. Let's see what happens with less than a week to go as Democrats are harassed and even assaulted

Taken together, Mr. Ringer said he can’t help but be suspicious that the three incidents within three weeks of the general election are related to his candidacy, especially considering how “calm and quiet a neighborhood” it is.
I’d also like somebody to explain which part of putting an envelope a in box on public property necessitates a possible response of deadly force. Maybe one of the many 2nd amendment scholars can explain that to me.

Sure, if you're a cop that's a pretty standard scenario to unload your firearm. It involves somebody doing something with their arms and hands which is always a highly dangerous situation. But we're talking standard-issue patriots here. I'm fairly confident they don't have the years of training required to handle a person putting envelopes in a box scenario.

2 years of this and nothing but this. But hey, inflation kind of sounds like investigation. So you can see the confusion. Anyhow, they’ll have their hands full with that. Don’t expect anything else.

But don’t worry. The fed promises to continue to make things worse regardless of which party has control. There’s comfort in consistency.
How widespread is that? And where are these "scores of ballots" coming from? How many scores? Is that systematically done to the extent it can change an election?

Are those scores of ballots
• Stolen out of peoples' mailboxes in mass without being caught, and then
• Marked by someone wanting to see a particular candidate win, and then
• Signed using the signatures from the people they were stolen from (how do they accomplish that?), and then
• Delivered to a public drop-box?

• What happens when someone who has their ballot stolen requests a replacement and then votes? Surly the local registrar of voters will see a lot of duplicate ballots and raise an alarm.


Look, I know the film 2000 Mules has its issues. I get that. But there is video in it where people are walking up to drop boxes with handfuls of ballots.

Where they came from I have no idea, but ballot harvesting is illegal in AZ.

And FYI, both AZ and GA require 24/7 cameras on drop boxes.
Anyway it's shortsighted to blame inflation on Joe Biden, especially since the economy is showing resilience despite the hassles with both the residual inflation and the Fed's ongoing rate hike pressure.

Ok, let says Biden shouldn’t be blamed for inflation, although some economists point to trillions in spending as being the cause.

But what about the border? He is certainly responsible for that. There are things he could do to secure it better than it is.

And then there is crime. While Biden may not be responsible as President, the Dems with their No-cash bail and other progressive policies are having negative effects on public safety and the people will vote against those and the party of those responsible.
You spout so much bullshit and then walk away when challenged. I have no idea what you're referencing and if your history holds true, neither do you.

He‘s probably referring to the case where two members of the New Black Panthers were accused of voter intimidation by wearing “paramilitary” uniforms and yelling things? One of them allegedly had a billy club.
Where they came from I have no idea, but ballot harvesting is illegal in AZ.

Why? It’s absurd in the same country that in some states a vote can be invalidated or considered a crime just based on how it got to the location. The only defense of this is it sometimes results in a win for the party the defender supports.

This is like if the Democrats proclaimed tens of thousands of people were killed in a mass shooting. They can’t produce even one victim but they can find lots of guns. So it must have happened and then they start confiscating guns because they could have been used to kill the victims nobody can produce.
I know I"m replying to a really old post here, but it's striking how we're a week from the midterms and the post quoted above could have been made this afternoon.

Not sure what's with the Dems any more, they are playing below their weight and have done ever since they won the damn 2020 election. There's a talented bench there, but they are not being utilized. Makes me crazy.

I don't think "inflation and crime and immigration" alone can account for why the Dems stand to lose the House and maybe even the Senate.

Dems have won against those fear mongering mantras (and, facts - regarding inflation) in the past.

It's like this time around they're just flummoxed by all the noise and hate. Whatever their message on accomplishments may be, it's not getting through, and that's too bad because the legislation that has been passed is already having a positive effect on the economy despite inflation and the pressure of the Fed to rein it in. Also, some of the things the Rs are pegging away at are not high on the list of American concerns (immigration, for instance, is not a top 3 or even top 10 item). And yet the chances of the Ds retaining the House keep sinking if one believes the polls.

We are resilient as a people, but the Republicans are still trying to bring us all down by fear mongering cherrypicked problems and providing ZERO suggestions on how to resolve them. Some ads don't even suggest voting for Republicans, just recite the "inflation, crime, immigration" anti-Dem theme.

I don’t think inflation, crime, and immigration are cherry-picked problems.

The economy is one of those issues that automatically affects approval regardless of what the government can actually do to control it. Spending more money certainly doesn’t help. Granted I don’t think the Republicans will necessarily solve that problem. We should all be offended by the name of the “inflation reduction act” though.

Gas prices are largely out of the government’s control. That said, I think more could be done to persuade the Saudis but I think a lot of that situation has to do with Biden’s comments about MBS (all of which are legit, but it’s a complex relationship). And the Biden administration’s stance on the oil industry isn’t helping either. They’re not going to invest if they think in a couple years they’ll be slammed with more regulations. And the future outlook on the industry does affect prices. That said, I’m not sure there’s much republicans will be able to solve anytime soon.

Crime is a serious problem. The statistics show that. I think it’s fair to say some places crime reform has a lot to do with that, but that’s not all of it. But for the most part this seems like a local issue.

The immigration problem is completely out of hand and truly unsustainable. I think reverting to the remain in Mexico policy would greatly reduce the current influx. Building the wall won’t solve the issue, I’m not sure it’s a great use of money, but it can’t make the problem worse.

I think the problems for the democrats is that they aren’t even pretending to have solutions. Or if they do, it’s buy a $60,000 car that you won’t get for 6 months. In a lot of cases, they don’t seem to even admit there is a problem in the first place. I think it’s fair to say a lot of people think they’re out of touch with day to day concerns of the average American.

Generally speaking I have no more faith in the Republicans except maybe dealing with the immigration crisis. But they’re at least creating the illusion they’ll fix the problems to persuade voters. Ignoring the concerns or the “it could be worse” attitude doesn’t inspire voters.
You know, my state is 100% vote-by-mail. Kind of hard to intimidate voters if there is not a polling place to loiter at. But, the Rs seem to be opposed to vote-by-mail, because …
You know, my state is 100% vote-by-mail. Kind of hard to intimidate voters if there is not a polling place to loiter at. But, the Rs seem to be opposed to vote-by-mail, because …

They won’t be happy until the only way you can vote is by shooting your choices on a ballot from 100 yards at a polling range conveniently located 100 miles from the nearest big city. It’s the only way we can be certain that you voted and are a real American.
Generally speaking I have no more faith in the Republicans except maybe dealing with the immigration crisis. But they’re at least creating the illusion they’ll fix the problems to persuade voters. Ignoring the concerns or the “it could be worse” attitude doesn’t inspire voters.

How have they said they are going to fix anything?
I don’t think it is about intimidating individual voters, but about intimidating those who are dropping off scores of ballots.
How often does that happen exactly? How did you come up this? :unsure: Qualifier: It’s as simple as bringing guns to a polling place is a form of intimidation. Maybe they should have a sign posted:

We are here just to dissuade the cheaters, although we have no idea who among you that would be. We just really, mostly like showing off our guns and the implied power they give us over you.

There is another issue, you bring a gun because either you think you need it to defend yourself, or you plan on using your gun to enforce some belief you have that you have no way of verifying. There is no place for groups of armed individuals at a polling place period.

And all of this is happening because of the Big Fat Peace of Shit who used to be President and all of the co-conspirators, crooks, schemers and anti-Democracy, anti-American low life’s who latched onto him and are capitalizing on his big lie (the election was stolen), this just one of the millions of lies this man tells as a matter of routine to fool STUPID.* If Donny has done anything for this country it was to draw the cockroaches out of the woodwork, and show us just how badly we are infested. 🥺

* No I did not just call you a name…