The 2022 Midterms

Except the Idiot with the rifle who thinks he is right, wouldn't know if the the 4 ballots in my hand are "random" people or family members. None of their business who's they are, but they'll take a look at my Biden hat and assume I am "stuffing" the ballot box. Meanwhile the people on the right who actually did commit voter fraud in 2020, got what you would consider less than a slap on the wrist. The hypocrisy is real my friend

Try watching some of the videos of the ballot drop boxes. It wasn’t “4” ballots, it was handfuls of them.
Are the videos somehow verified as legit by a credible news source? What was the outcome of the stuffing (authorities notified, an official investigation completed, etc.)? Which elections and where did the ballots come from?
Brennan Center has run a piece with details about the law and intimidation of voters or election workers, and resources for assistance with related issues. Looks like a loophole exists in legal terms of "intimidation" at locations like drop boxes, and some states will probably patch those up in future, considering what's starting to happen in 2022 during the runup to Election Day.

Try watching some of the videos of the ballot drop boxes. It wasn’t “4” ballots, it was handfuls of them.

I am not talking about your fictional movie. I pointing out how a person with 4 ballots in my scenario, with totally legitimate and legal grounds, would be intimidated because those asshats think and act they are the law. Meanwhile something you didn't address was the very real illegal voting going on in 2020 by Republicans who didn't get punished for it.
Except the Idiot with the rifle who thinks he is right, wouldn't know if the the 4 ballots in my hand are "random" people or family members. None of their business who's they are, but they'll take a look at my Biden hat and assume I am "stuffing" the ballot box. Meanwhile the people on the right who actually did commit voter fraud in 2020, got what you would consider less than a slap on the wrist. The hypocrisy is real my friend
In the US’s political spectrum, the GOP has broken bad. First it was slavery, and the hypocracy of people who professed to be Christians deciding that owning slaves was a good business practise. They even made up excuses why their God would accept this. So we’ve been there before and it took a war to fix it, erase slavery, although in light of today’s Republican Party whose ancestry dates back to Civil War Democrats, we are still seriously broken.

This group has always on the wrong side of history. In the early 1960s, the Country again managed to shove civil rights down Southerner’s throats, this seems to be when a lot of them turned into Republicans.

Since then, it’s been a long 60 year evolution from a right wing position, pretending to possess a degree of integrity, logic, consistency, and at some point even acknowledged their need for a bigger tent, when they could still recognize their short comings, but were always tribal/racist, and it’s always been about keeping the advantage. The idea of a bigger tent as far as diversity got tossed soon after it was suggested.

Towards the goal of holding power, especially today there seems to be no place in their playbook for level playing fields and equal rights, a fundamental inability to acknowledge the advantages they had to get ahead at the start, and unwillingness to share, lots of $$$ for the Military Industrial Complex, and Corporate Wellfare, and a big fuck you to average citizens, better referred to as the sheep. But some percentage of the sheep are fighting back.

Consequently it appears there is no low today’s GOP leadership* won’t sink to if needed to win, which includes lies, cheating, and attacks on our Democracy and Constitution, with the primary goal of remaining in power.

* The leadership is voted in and condoned by the base.

If you need more confirmation of a new all time low, all you have to do is look at Donald Trump, still lurking, poisoning brains, and a Conservative US Supreme Court who has been unleashed to march us backwards in time. But not only back in time, but in the destruction of fundamental values and tenants upon which the country was created. From there, without extreme effort on our part, it’s all downhill until we bottom out. 🥺
Between the two, people who don’t vote and low information voters, I don’t know which is worse but I’m starting to lean toward low information voters. At the very least we should stop giving them almost some hero-like status “They’re too busy taking care of their lives to know WTF is really going on, but they vote!” Yeah, they vote based on how they see things this minute with extreme tunnel vision and no comprehension that things could be a lot worse if they just reflexively switch sides or think doing that is actually going to fix the problem.

Then in a case of extreme mental gymnastics propaganda we’re supposed to believe these people are both too busy to pay attention AND really weighing all the information before they vote. You can’t be doing both, but at the end of it we get “The people of [insert area here] have spoken!” as if every voter did exhaustive research on all issues and confidently picked a winner.

If “historically in the midterms the party in power loses control of Congress” isn’t a hallmark of an electorate asleep at the wheel I don’t know what is. But hey, we also think cyclical major recessions are totally normal and unavoidable and not completely manufactured by those at the top abusing the system until it breaks. I know, let’s vote the party in power during that time out of office! That will fix it. Despite that never happening.
IMO Biden squandered the 2 years, and made a huge mistake trying to be polite and work with the other side. The other side doesn't want to work with us and has gotten worse with the divisive crap they pull. Biden should have used his first two years to protect Transgender Rights, addressed Racism and Hate Speech with stronger laws, packed the courts, forgiven student loans way sooner, and put the burden of the taxes clearly on the Corporations and Ultra Wealthy. We'll see what happens come next Tuesday, but it isn't looking good. I fear for the future of democracy, and for my children's future.
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Are the videos somehow verified as legit by a credible news source? What was the outcome of the stuffing (authorities notified, an official investigation completed, etc.)? Which elections and where did the ballots come from?

They are supposed to be from the official box watching cameras put up and monitored by the election board. But I think if they were faked, it would have been a huge story.

Yep, your typical bucket of bullshit.


I all know is that come Wednesday morning I am likely to way happier than you. And it’s not going to be just because of MAGA individuals.

It is going to be because the people are getting tired of the progressive push left. Hispanics are bailing to the GOP in record numbers and the Dems pissed of the mama bears and they are returning after their vote against mean tweets.

They are supposed to be from the official box watching cameras put up and monitored by the election board. But I think if they were faked, it would have been a huge story.

Would you happen to have some links with official city/county/state government URLs of those ballot-stuffing videos?

And what is the rest of the story? Was there a local government investigation and finding as to what was going on?

Pardon my skepticism, but I'm kind of fussy on knowing the source of such claims before I take them as fact.
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Are the videos somehow verified as legit by a credible news source? What was the outcome of the stuffing (authorities notified, an official investigation completed, etc.)? Which elections and where did the ballots come from?
D’Souza is a convicted felon. His crime was interfering in the electoral process. The book version of his mockumentary was pulled by the publisher so they could take out all the libel and/or slander and re-issue it in a way to avoid lawsuits. D’Souza is facing a lawsuit from a person he falsely accused of illegally voting. The man is proven to have voted legally, but D’Souza kept up with the false claims, which led to threats against the man… not to mention he had to defend himself from prosecution for no good reason. So when people say “I saw people illegally voting in the movie” - no they didn’t. They legally voted, but D’Souza intentionally lied, claiming they were doing something illegal. The movie is intentionally deceptive, but truly laughable for anybody looking at it objectively. Bill Barr literally laughed when asked about it in his Jan 6 interview.

Right now, ”True the Vote” (who produced the movie) members are actually in jail for contempt of court. Why? Because they have been ordered to back up some of their claims against a software company they slandered… but of course they can’t. So now they are pretending to have a secret source in the FBI that they can’t disclose in order to protect the agent’s safety. The judge saw that BS for what it was and locked them up.

But if all that still doesn’t convince you that D’Souza is totally full of 💩, please read this interview. Philip Bump interviewed D’Souza to allow him to back up any of his claims from the movie. Well, read for yourself. If you want the short version, whenever D’Souza is asked to back up a claim, he asks the interviewer to prove the claims false instead. 🤦‍♂️

(paywall removed)

If anybody from this point forward uses 2000 mules as a source of anything, you can safely ignore them. Believing anything in it is like watching Finding Nemo and then dunking your head into a fish tank hoping for a conversation.
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IMO Biden squandered the 2 years, and made a huge mistake trying to be polite and work with the other side. The other side doesn't want to work with us and has gotten worse with the divisive crap they pull. Biden should have used his first two years to protect Transgender Rights, addressed Racism and Hate Speech with stronger laws, packed the courts, forgiven student loans way sooner, and put the burden of the taxes clearly on the Corporations and Ultra Wealthy. We'll see what happens come next Tuesday, but it isn't looking good. I fear for the future of democracy, and for my children's future.

Well, yeah, Democrats always do this. The best example was the "Biden crack pipe" scandal. Harm reduction policies to address overdose deaths do sometimes provide paraphernalia, but the right-wing media jumped on it with "Biden is giving people crack pipes!" and instead of doubling down and defending these policies, Democrats immediately caved and walked it all back. Any push left is immediately followed by backpedaling and groveling. Any push right is celebrated and applauded. Republicans can keep going further to the right, but Democrats have to make sure they stay moderate. Why? It's BS.
I'm hoping the pollsters have massively overcompensated this time for having twice slightly underestimated Republican chances in prior outings. It's a faint hope.

But at this point I have almost zero hope that people are still listening to valid points made by Dems talking about any of Biden's accomplishments. I mentioned the 11% drop in homeless veterans on Biden's watch to a couple of locals, both of whom are Vietnam era vets and who when younger were very supportive of efforts to find MIA veterans of that era, and pressuring DC to provide better social services and do more to get industry to seek out returning vets for employment, etc.

One of them said yeah but... and changed the subject. The other said yeah it's good but gas is too expensive and Biden could do something about that if he felt like it. This despite gas having come down in the past several months.

So the inflation issue seems to be running true to political form of years past: when it's an issue, it's THE issue in midterm elections. Late in the day for Biden to do or say anything at this point to take focus off people's shrunken wallets... even if the day after election the other problems created by Republican anti-tax anti-regulatory anti-labor anti-social policies of the past 40 years are still on our plates AND affecting resilience of our people and our economy. And, even if the Republicans have no more power than Biden to wave a magic wand and "disappear" inflation.
all know is that come Wednesday morning I am likely to way happier than you. And it’s not going to be just because of MAGA individuals.

It is going to be because the people are getting tired of the progressive push left. Hispanics are bailing to the GOP in record numbers and the Dems pissed of the mama bears and they are returning after their vote against mean tweets.

That is truly sad. As is your apparent glee of it happening.

So women lose out on having a choice over their bodies, even if raped or dying of sepsis due to a pregnancy gone bad. We lose affordable healthcare, endure cutbacks or possible loss of medicare and social security but you will be clicking your heels together in happiness over this inevitable suffering.

You represent everything I abhor about the GOP and far right. How you can live with yourself is beyond my comprehension.
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Democrat candidates (have no faith in most incumbents who have probably already been corrupted) should run on an anti-neoliberal platform because

A). It’s the actual problem
B). Low information voters will hear “liberal” in the name and hear it as anti-Democrat establishment which will attract some voters
C). Despite the name, it’s actually a Republican/conservative philosophy. So if you are running against it you are still on the left side of politics
D). They don’t have to deal with the psychological damage inflicted on “socialism” or “progressive”.
D’Souza is a convicted felon. His crime was interfering in the electoral process. The book version of his mockumentary was pulled by the publisher so they could take out all the libel and/or slander and re-issue it in a way to avoid lawsuits. D’Souza is facing a lawsuit from a person he falsely accused of illegally voting. The man is proven to have voted legally, but D’Souza kept up with the false claims, which led to threats against the man… not to mention he had to defend himself from prosecution for no good reason. So when people say “I saw people illegally voting in the movie” - no they didn’t. They legally voted, but D’Souza intentionally lied, claiming they were doing something illegal. The movie is intentionally deceptive, but truly laughable for anybody looking at it objectively. Bill Barr literally laughed when asked about it in his Jan 6 interview.

Right now, ”True the Vote” (who produced the movie) members are actually in jail for contempt of court. Why? Because they have been ordered to back up some of their claims against a software company they slandered… but of course they can’t. So now they are pretending to have a secret source in the FBI that they can’t disclose in order to protect the agent’s safety. The judge saw that BS for what it was and locked them up.

But if all that still doesn’t convince you that D’Souza is totally full of 💩, please read this interview. Philip Bump interviewed D’Souza to allow him to back up any of his claims from the movie. Well, read for yourself. If you want the short version, whenever D’Souza is asked to back up a claim, he asks the interviewer to prove the claims false instead. 🤦‍♂️

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If anybody from this point forward uses 2000 mules as a source of anything, you can safely ignore them. Believing anything in it is like watching Finding Nemo and then dunking your head into a fish tank hoping for a conversation.

Thanx for the heads-up. Wasn't aware of D'Souza or 2,000 Mules.
Thanx for the heads-up. Wasn't aware of D'Souza or 2,000 Mules.

My wife is a therapist, and has some D’Souza book on her shelf. Makes me vomit in my mouth whenever i walk into our home office.