Except the Idiot with the rifle who thinks he is right, wouldn't know if the the 4 ballots in my hand are "random" people or family members. None of their business who's they are, but they'll take a look at my Biden hat and assume I am "stuffing" the ballot box. Meanwhile the people on the right who actually did commit voter fraud in 2020, got what you would consider less than a slap on the wrist. The hypocrisy is real my friend
In the US’s political spectrum, the GOP has broken bad. First it was slavery, and the hypocracy of people who professed to be Christians deciding that owning slaves was a good business practise. They even made up excuses why their God would accept this. So we’ve been there before and it took a war to fix it, erase slavery, although in light of today’s Republican Party whose ancestry dates back to Civil War Democrats, we are still seriously broken.
This group has always on the wrong side of history. In the early 1960s, the Country again managed to shove civil rights down Southerner’s throats, this seems to be when a lot of them turned into Republicans.
Since then, it’s been a long 60 year evolution from a right wing position, pretending to possess a degree of integrity, logic, consistency, and at some point even acknowledged their need for a bigger tent, when they could still recognize their short comings, but were always tribal/racist, and it’s always been about keeping the advantage. The idea of a bigger tent as far as diversity got tossed soon after it was suggested.
Towards the goal of holding power, especially today there seems to be no place in their playbook for level playing fields and equal rights, a fundamental inability to acknowledge the advantages they had to get ahead at the start, and unwillingness to share, lots of $$$ for the Military Industrial Complex, and Corporate Wellfare, and a big fuck you to average citizens, better referred to as
the sheep. But some percentage of the sheep are fighting back.
Consequently it appears there is no low today’s GOP leadership* won’t sink to if needed to win, which includes lies, cheating, and attacks on our Democracy and Constitution, with the primary goal of remaining in power.
* The leadership is voted in and condoned by the base.
If you need more confirmation of a new all time low, all you have to do is look at Donald Trump, still lurking, poisoning brains, and a Conservative US Supreme Court who has been unleashed to march us backwards in time. But not only back in time, but in the destruction of fundamental values and tenants upon which the country was created. From there, without extreme effort on our part, it’s all downhill until we bottom out.