I don’t think inflation, crime, and immigration are cherry-picked problems.
The economy is one of those issues that automatically affects approval regardless of what the government can actually do to control it. Spending more money certainly doesn’t help. Granted I don’t think the Republicans will necessarily solve that problem. We should all be offended by the name of the “inflation reduction act” though.
Gas prices are largely out of the government’s control. That said, I think more could be done to persuade the Saudis but I think a lot of that situation has to do with Biden’s comments about MBS (all of which are legit, but it’s a complex relationship). And the Biden administration’s stance on the oil industry isn’t helping either. They’re not going to invest if they think in a couple years they’ll be slammed with more regulations. And the future outlook on the industry does affect prices. That said, I’m not sure there’s much republicans will be able to solve anytime soon.
Crime is a serious problem. The statistics show that. I think it’s fair to say some places crime reform has a lot to do with that, but that’s not all of it. But for the most part this seems like a local issue.
The immigration problem is completely out of hand and truly unsustainable. I think reverting to the remain in Mexico policy would greatly reduce the current influx. Building the wall won’t solve the issue, I’m not sure it’s a great use of money, but it can’t make the problem worse.
I think the problems for the democrats is that they aren’t even pretending to have solutions. Or if they do, it’s buy a $60,000 car that you won’t get for 6 months. In a lot of cases, they don’t seem to even admit there is a problem in the first place. I think it’s fair to say a lot of people think they’re out of touch with day to day concerns of the average American.
Generally speaking I have no more faith in the Republicans except maybe dealing with the immigration crisis. But they’re at least creating the illusion they’ll fix the problems to persuade voters. Ignoring the concerns or the “it could be worse” attitude doesn’t inspire voters.
I say the Rs have cherrypicked their election themes because it's true. Voters also care about affordable housing shortages, gun violence, voting rights, LBGTQ+ rights, decline of effective education, health care accessibility including but not limited to abortion rights and availability of OB/GYN care in the era of abortion bans.
But those concerns haven't the immediacy of stuff like getting mugged again or being short the money to pay for both one's utilities and basic groceries in the house plus gas for the car (since most don't yet have EVs and public transport is largely absent outside urban areas).
So I get why Rs pick crime and inflation. They're cherrypicked for good reason but my gripe with the Rs is they only pick them for fear mongering and offer no solutions. The implication is... no, the insistence is that crime and inflation are all the fault of Democrats in public office.
On immigration, well... overall, Americans actually rate that problem far lower than stuff like housing shortages and gun violence but "immigration" rhymes with CRIME in the Rs' playbook and in certain states that combo sells well.
I'll take the "cherrypicked" problems in reverse order.
Immigration: we could have had immigration reform locked down during Bush 43 first term, since he was very big on making it happen. It failed because the Rs liked the issue better (they choose to link "reform" with "amnesty" and so with CRIME), and the corporations in hospitality and poultry / meat processing -- which give money to pols on
both sides of the aisle-- still like cheap and eminently disposable labor better than a guest worker program that protects worker rights and provides proper benefits in exchange for properly applied taxation. If this country actually wanted to deal with immigration better even in the short run then "all they need to do" in Congress is jack up the appropriations for hiring more judges to adjudicate asylum and immigration applications more quickly. But "all they need to do" = not going to happen.
Crime. The Rs run ads about it. They say CRIME is happening. Yeah. What is their solution? Judging from their track record all they do is divert block grants to building more privatized prisons. They're into punishment, not addressing root causes --poverty, sketchy childcare, poor education-- or amping up programs for prevention or rehabilitation that hook up industry and social service oversight of people re-entering society after serving time. If the Dems ran ads about crime maybe they'd get a leg up for a change.. and why is that? Well it's not like Republicans are the ones running programs that do try to provide education, job training, apprenticeship to ex-felons or to people out on parole. So why are voters drawn in by Rs pitching CRIME as an issue? I don't know. Any moron can stand on a corner and complain about crime. After awhile it's hard not to hope they stand there long enough to get their wallet lifted. Bottom line we have a "haves versus have-nots" problem in this country, and it is inevitable that crime will worsen until it is addressed by other than neglect and incarceration. In the meanwhile there will be plenty innocent victims, and the Republicans hope they all grow up and vote R, and they're probably going to be right about that. When they're running the whole table, there will still be CRIME... and martial law and other accoutrements of a fascist government.
Inflation. Of course that's a primary concern. I do get it that the sitting president is the one with the sign on his desk in the Oval Office that says "the buck stops here." Biden gets it too. He didn't invent inflation; his inauguration did not push some special inflation button; inflation was inevitable after the stimulus programs applied the world round during covid to keep the global economy from bottoming out worse than during the 2008 collapse over failure of subprime mortgage schemes. However, "voting with your wallet" is never more popular than when everyone's wallet is pinched by inflation. Switching horses in midterm over inflation is not necessarily logical, but one must be prepared to see it happen. It's just how it goes. I regret that Dems don't seem able to get traction over the positive impact of Biden's legislation on the forward path of our economy. That's the breaks. It's hard to look down the road when your cupboard is bare and you're out of gas. The Rs are lucky they're not being pressed for solutions to inflation. We'd have to engage them on matters of what corporate profiteering has to do with it.