hopefully she helped him like she as helped her cause.The wonderful Marjorie Taylor Greene lives up there somewhere... in the 14th CD, in the northwest corner of Georgia. She campaigned for Walker and donated money and was even cited for excessive campaign contributions to Walker by Georgia's state Democratic Party officials, but the FEC dismissed it 5-0 with 1 not voting, decidingi that it was a low priority item because "it wasn't a lot of money." The accusation was that past the limit of $2000 for a straight-up to-candidate contribution, she had also contributed $3k worth of Facebook ads which amounted to in-kind contributions and so took her total contribution over the limit. But she was cleared so Walker got $5k worth of help from her.
Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign cleared of wrongdoing after Georgia Democrats accused her of giving too much money to Herschel Walker's campaign
The Georgia Democratic Party said Greene's campaign illegally boosted Herschel Walker's Senate campaign, but the Federal Election Commission unanimously disagreed.www.businessinsider.com
Raphael Warnock Has Defeated Herschel Walker In The Georgia Runoff, Giving Democrats 51 Seats In The Senate — BuzzFeed News
The Senate race in Georgia went to a run-off after neither candidate won more than 50% of the vote in the November midterm election.apple.news
This is with an estimated 91% of the vote in. Please, please, please change.CNN just showed Walker taking the lead. Of course there are a lot of outstanding precincts that are not reporting in blue counties.
This is with an estimated 91% of the vote in. Please, please, please change.
This is with an estimated 91% of the vote in. Please, please, please change.
Fulton and Cobb counties are not even 80% in and they're going for Warnock with plenty votes left to count yet.
Hell even McConnell's probably pouring a bourbon, even if he knows Schumer is too.
The old turtle really helped democrats when he told the truth about “candidate quality”.
*Fox has called it for Warnock too.
I thought trump dumped his ass? maybe another vampire story?Walker is about to speak, you have to think Trump called and said something like "Go out there and say it was stolen!!!!!" but let's hope for a concession.
He was hand picked by Trump, who is directly responsible for this loss. Had Republicans actually chosen a more viable candidate they likely would've won. Until the party decides as a whole to distance themselves and denounce him they're just going to keep losing ground they could handily win otherwise. He's the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats.I thought trump dumped his ass? maybe another vampire story?
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