The 2022 Midterms

I didn't need to get student loans because I worked for 8 years before earning my college degree. Am I upset some students have had their college loans partially forgiven? Not in the slightest. Why? Because I believe society and the US as a whole are far better off helping people that want to go to college do so, who otherwise would not be able to for a variety of reasons.
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Oh, there’s Herdfan. Thought he was missing in action since he avoids the trump raid thread like the plague 😆😆

Also, why do conservatives all say the same things? Republicans all regurgitate the same talking points all across social media. It’s like they wait for Fox News to tell them how to think then they run to social media saying the same things 😆😆😆😆
Oh, there’s Herdfan. Thought he was missing in action since he avoids the trump raid thread like the plague 😆😆

Also, why do conservatives all say the same things? Republicans all regurgitate the same talking points all across social media. It’s like they wait for Fox News to tell them how to think then they run to social media saying the same things 😆😆😆😆
They get those marching orders and start posting right away. Word for word. I call is Republithug Bingo! Anti-CRT nonsense. Book Burning BS. Now it's anti-loan forgiveness. At least when it comes to working people without a huge bank account. They can't answer why PPP is okay, but SLF is going to be paid by plumbers and such. If some of them actually talked with plumbers and other such workers they'd know that some of them went to trade school and can get debt relief if necessary.
That’s a valid argument, but again, it loops back to it “not being fair” to everyday working Americans that many of the people in congress whining about this the loudest are the same ones who had millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars forgiven. Money is money, loans are loans, and I want an answer to that hypocrisy.

I want to know why it’s ok for MTG to get 180,000 forgiven but not a college student to have 10k forgiven. A procedural argument doesn’t answer that hypocrisy, and it’s not even an argument they’re making.

Because when those loans were taken out it was supposedly because the government had shut down some of those businesses and the borrowers knew if they did what was asked and spent the money on payroll and other qualified business expenses, the loans would be forgiven. It was designed that way. Not sure why they called them loans in the first place.
They get those marching orders and start posting right away. Word for word.

Or maybe I talk to people who are pissed about this. I work around a lot of tradespeople so I get an idea of what working people think. Maybe they get their ideas from Fox or some conservative SM accounts, but I really have no idea. Just know it is a hot topic of conversation and they aren't happy. If the Dems were trying to alienate whatever remaining voters they had among the working class, they did a great job.
Or maybe I talk to people who are pissed about this. I work around a lot of tradespeople so I get an idea of what working people think. Maybe they get their ideas from Fox or some conservative SM accounts, but I really have no idea. Just know it is a hot topic of conversation and they aren't happy. If the Dems were trying to alienate whatever remaining voters they had among the working class, they did a great job.

Curious... Are those tradespeople just as outraged, and hopefully far more pissed off, when corporations and already wealthy executives/CEOs receive massive bailouts and tax breaks from the Government?
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Because when those loans were taken out it was supposedly because the government had shut down some of those businesses and the borrowers knew if they did what was asked and spent the money on payroll and other qualified business expenses, the loans would be forgiven. It was designed that way. Not sure why they called them loans in the first place.

No different than republicans making fun of college grads for going into fields they don't like. What about personal accountability?
"If you can't plan for unforeseen circumstances, maybe you shouldn't be running a business."

Those aren't my sentiments, but its a common refrain from conservatives when other people are helped out.

I'd also be curious to know exactly what businesses these folks in congress who got the loans had that were shut down, or if it was just more clever accounting, like they use to get out of paying the taxes they owe... if they owe any at all in the first place. We've made it pretty easy for them to skip out, either outright or on paper.
Or maybe I talk to people who are pissed about this. I work around a lot of tradespeople so I get an idea of what working people think. Maybe they get their ideas from Fox or some conservative SM accounts, but I really have no idea. Just know it is a hot topic of conversation and they aren't happy. If the Dems were trying to alienate whatever remaining voters they had among the working class, they did a great job.
I find it hard to get this argument, the outrage is so manufactured to the point of being laughable.

We all pay our dues for experience in a related field one way or the other. You can work your way up the ranks by making minimum wage and eventually gaining experience and climbing the ladder, or you can go to college and get a degree which puts you ahead of the pack, earning a better salary right out of the gate, though still nowhere what's needed to pay off all that debt.

We all choose our own path, if you chose to go to college and had to take out tens of thousands to do it, you are also paying your dues. Shit, even the Obama's were paying off student debt at the time he was running for president. It's expensive and it's real, people want to get an education to succeed.

As for the partisan aspect of this (on man is it partisan) you NEVER see a Republican speak up for the working class other than to tout trickle down tax breaks in some for or another. Those making under 6 figures are a constant target for the right yet they're the backbone of this country.
I find it hard to get this argument, the outrage is so manufactured to the point of being laughable.

This is the one thing I don't get either. Democrats and Republicans both spend billions and billions of our tax dollars bailing out and subsidizing large corporations, yet the moment the government does something that helps the average American, Republicans are out screaming about it like it's the end of the world.

Then they turn around and scream about the government not doing anything for the average American.
This is the one thing I don't get either. Democrats and Republicans both spend billions and billions of our tax dollars bailing out and subsidizing large corporations, yet the moment the government does something that helps the average American, Republicans are out screaming about it like it's the end of the world.

Then they turn around and scream about the government not doing anything for the average American.
You can watch children get slaughtered by assault weapons or billions get paid out in corporate welfare for already thriving corporations, but take $10K off of a working class citizen with crippling debt or watch a poor person get a hotdog at 7/11 with their food stamp card? Now you've gone too far.


Sorry but every action Republicans take show they completely despise real working class people.
With Trump, they've become a political party that openly hates at least half of their fellow countrymen, takes any initiative to helps others as a personal affront, whines constantly about being ignored, despite having an entire political party representing them in Washington, and threatens violence when they don't get their way on things.

Then they turn around and call themselves the only True Americans, patriots to the end, and anyone who doesn't like them can go get fuck. Say the same thing to them though, and they'll play the victim card, say they're being cancelled.

I will always maintain that we've gone far beyond the usual liberal vs. conservative rhetoric. Liberals are basically what conservatives were 20 years ago, and conservatives are now whiny, entitled brats screaming about everyone else being whiny, entitled brats, and they deserve everything because they work a job that requires them to wear boots.
On Facebook, I always hear about the liberal policies have lead us to crime ridden cities, poor states, and a deep deficit.

I always counter by asking them to name one republican run state that takes in less tax dollars than they send out. To name one republican run city that isn't just as crime ridden, or one republican congress/presidency that's lowered the deficit in the last 40 years.

There's never a response. As far as I can tell, conservative policies give us at least as much crime, at least as much debt, but somehow leaves us twice as poor and miserable.
Good lord, I saw the house around the corner replaced their DRUMP 2024 flag with an I SUPPORT PRESIDENT DRUMP flag ...

President? And support what exactly? Paying off hookers? Being a traitor? Fucking over all but the super wealthy?

Excellent, you keep supporting him while he's in prison.
Control the sheep, herd the sheep, sheer the sheep, ironically it’s the sheep with poor judgement who elected the fleecers. All you have to do to get sheep support is to appeal to one of their selfish wedge issue, then with glee, they’ll let the fleecer trash the place. :unsure:
Reminds me of the old story of the axe. The trees let him in because he had a handle made of wood so they thought he was one of them.
Well, it isn't fair to someone who scrimped and saved to pay off their own loans or wasn't able to afford college in the first place.
First of all - life is unfair. Is it fair that some people were born without the capacity to even get through college? Is it fair that the government bailed out the banking industry, the auto industry, and farming, but won’t bail out the people affected by those industries? Relieving some (a very tiny portion!) of student loan debt means that not only will we have a more educated populace (which I know frightens the hell out of the Right), but it means when the time comes for YOU or any of the rest of us to need a doctor, dentist, lawyer, teacher, etc. - there will be one because they were able to get help paying off school.

Do you think that only smart rich people should be going to college in the first place?
First of all - life is unfair.

I'll admit, if I had just paid off a large student loan, only to see a number of people being forgiven theirs now, it'd probably irk me a bit. Though not in the sense that someone's getting a nice windfall I missed out on, but that it didn't happen sooner so I could enjoy it too.

Some people get a break, and some people don't. It sucks for the people it doesn't happen for, but that doesn't mean they should resent those who were lucky enough to get their break, and demand everyone be just as miserable.
Curious... Are those tradespeople just as outraged, and hopefully far more pissed off, when corporations and already wealthy executives/CEOs receive massive bailouts and tax breaks from the Government?

To be fair, they probably are but their news media cuts their mike if they appear to be agreeing with the other side on anything. Occasionally they'll let it slip, but in no way can it appear to be a majority consensus. But also, I'm pretty certain part of the rise of the Tea Party and Trump was due to the bailouts of the banks and Wall St.

But just when you think the lower classes of the left and right can agree on something publically apparently only the left and Democrats can be "elites". The riches and associated power of those on the right don't qualify for that label. And I guess nobody on the right has ever gone to college.

On Facebook, I always hear about the liberal policies have lead us to crime ridden cities, poor states, and a deep deficit.

I always counter by asking them to name one republican run state that takes in less tax dollars than they send out. To name one republican run city that isn't just as crime ridden, or one republican congress/presidency that's lowered the deficit in the last 40 years.

There's never a response. As far as I can tell, conservative policies give us at least as much crime, at least as much debt, but somehow leaves us twice as poor and miserable.

They NEVER have sources.