Their answer should be the same as mine.
Congress passed the PPP loan program. Congress did not pass Biden's handout. According to the Constitution, Congress controls the money, not the President.
That’s a BS answer that reflects the hypocrisy of their outrage over the loan forgiveness. They aren’t arguing about procedural matters, they’re whining “It’s not fair!”. Ted Cruz is making fun of baristas with college debt. Etc.
That’s a politician answer that doesn’t answer the question of why it’s ok for them to have millions forgiven, but not a student to have 10k or 20k forgiven.
But if that’s the answer you’d give, then I’d ask “would you vote for a bill that forgives that amount of debt? And if not, why not? And if you’re against loan forgiveness, why did you accept it?”
I want a real answer, not a typical bullshit one.
It’s just like the GOP scum who
peddle the lie of a rigged election. How many of them resigned in protest or demanded recounts in races they won? How many GOP members of congress from Arizona or Georgia demanded recounts of their own totals?
This is more of the same.
*And to be clear, I haven’t heard a single Republican say “I think this is great for the hardworking men and women who are struggling with college debt, we just want to pass it in the traditional manner through congress. We’ll draft the bill and pass it and President Biden can sign it”.
All I’ve heard is “what about people who paid their debt” and “Why should some gender studies loser get a free 10k to buy their vote!? This is a handout and an attempt to buy votes!”
Not to mention, your answer brings up another problem - why are we letting congress vote on debt relief they themselves are entitled to? And why didn’t they put restrictions in place so that only people who needed the PPP forgiveness could receive it? I’m not happy with a congressman worth millions, who owns several shell companies, being able to vote on his own debt relief, but it happened.