The official Florida man thread

Well, Fox finally posted an article, now that the Governor’s office has come up with their official explanation for the absence.

The governor was taking his wife to cancer treatments.

Now, why did his press Secretary say they were on vacation, then backtrack that and say they weren’t on vacation? And then back again, and now claiming “I never said he was on vacation!” WTF? If the story was true, why not announce it ahead of time? “The Governor will be unavailable for the next 2 weeks so he can help his sick wife.” Would anybody have had a problem with that? Of course not.

Pretty incredible it took them 2 weeks to come up with this cover story. Since it was cancer, everybody that was so mean to Ron should feel really guilty!

Fox gave no coverage to the story until the Republican governor came up with the cover story? This isn’t a journalistic enterprise. Everybody was talking about it, but Fox completely ignored the story until they got the official talking points from the Republican Party. Just think about that next time you turn on Fox. They are only telling you what the party apparatus wants you to hear.
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Depends on the cancer. I believe I had a cousin who was in chemo for more than a month, seems to me it was like several.
I know a lot of people who had daily treatments, and some who had them every other day. Mine were 3 weeks apart. The thing is, in any of those scenarios it wouldn’t require him taking off two weeks.
Florida Man charged with falsifying documents, using COVID relief funds to buy Lamborghini, Rolex; faces 132 years if convicted. Honestly, how does a plan like that fall apart?

Proposed bill would allow video, audio recording in Florida classrooms​

got to make sure they are nto teaching anything like CRT and such.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — A new bill filed in the Florida Legislature would allow video and audio recordings in school classrooms, forcing teachers to wear microphones and allowing parents to review video of any ‘incidents.’

Proposed bill would allow video, audio recording in Florida classrooms​

got to make sure they are nto teaching anything like CRT and such.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — A new bill filed in the Florida Legislature would allow video and audio recordings in school classrooms, forcing teachers to wear microphones and allowing parents to review video of any ‘incidents.’

Do those showboating "lawmakers" ever think about cause and effect of their proposed laws on existing conditions in the schools? Or maybe the filing of this bill is just another photo op for the campaign trail. The teachers union is likely to provide some feedback...

Miami-Dade, Broward schools struggle with acute teacher shortages amid omicron surge

Of the more than 1,700 teachers who were out Tuesday in Broward, for example, just 31.4% were filled by a substitute, Cartwright said. The other vacancies were filled with school- or district-based personnel who aren’t assigned to a classroom. School-based personnel are officials’ first choice after substitutes, she said.

In Miami, just 70 individuals who ordinarily are not assigned classroom duties were in the classroom, Carvalho said. “It’s a reasonably small number, which tells me the substitute teacher capacity is actually pretty strong,” he said.

For United Teachers of Dade President Karla Hernandez-Mats, however, any disruption — be it a substitute or a school official — is concerning. “The shortage is there (and) impacts the quality and caliber of education our children are receiving,” Hernandez-Mats said. “This is certainly something that impacts not just quality of education but quality of life.”
I know but it gets the based riled up so its useful.

Yeah, the GOP deservedly enters a phase of anxiety now about the prospect of having denied too many prospective R-leaning voters an actual vote, thanks to newly draconian registration, absentee balloting and mail balloting processes.

So much of their presumptive electorate is elderly. They do like to vote absentee and by mail, and they're probably not going to like belated discovery of very fine print in some of the new bills that move registration deadlines and absentee ballot request deadlines to way earlier than before.​

So what if after all this preparation against nonexistent fraud, the GOP fails to turn out its own vote? Sort of along lines of anxiety about throwing a bake-sale fundraiser and no one turns up at the event. Hence all the pot stirring, to keep a very distracted electorate on tap.

The problem with the Rs new voting laws though, is that the GOP may just turn to hoping that no one shows up and even if they do, then if the count's not to their liking they mean to wipe it out and declare their guy a winner.

A proposed bill (Georgia, not Florida, although one in Florida wouldn't surprise me) to allow the state's bureau of investigation to launch a voting-results inquiry without a request to do so from local officials is shocking to me. That it's proposed in Georgia is also surprising since its conservative Republicans and its Libertarians as well are usually really big against "government intrusion" where they say it doesn't belong. Wanting a state bureau drop in to audit a county's votes without first being asked by anyone local to do so sounds like a flip-flop there to me. Or it sounds like a move by a party that figures to be running a one-party operation permanently. Which is also what Florida's lawmaking has sounded like lately, because there's no way they'd tolerate laws like theirs coming off a Democrat's wish list.
Yeah, the GOP deservedly enters a phase of anxiety now about the prospect of having denied too many prospective R-leaning voters an actual vote, thanks to newly draconian registration, absentee balloting and mail balloting processes.

So much of their presumptive electorate is elderly. They do like to vote absentee and by mail, and they're probably not going to like belated discovery of very fine print in some of the new bills that move registration deadlines and absentee ballot request deadlines to way earlier than before.​

So what if after all this preparation against nonexistent fraud, the GOP fails to turn out its own vote? Sort of along lines of anxiety about throwing a bake-sale fundraiser and no one turns up at the event. Hence all the pot stirring, to keep a very distracted electorate on tap.

The problem with the Rs new voting laws though, is that the GOP may just turn to hoping that no one shows up and even if they do, then if the count's not to their liking they mean to wipe it out and declare their guy a winner.

A proposed bill (Georgia, not Florida, although one in Florida wouldn't surprise me) to allow the state's bureau of investigation to launch a voting-results inquiry without a request to do so from local officials is shocking to me. That it's proposed in Georgia is also surprising since its conservative Republicans and its Libertarians as well are usually really big against "government intrusion" where they say it doesn't belong. Wanting a state bureau drop in to audit a county's votes without first being asked by anyone local to do so sounds like a flip-flop there to me. Or it sounds like a move by a party that figures to be running a one-party operation permanently. Which is also what Florida's lawmaking has sounded like lately, because there's no way they'd tolerate laws like theirs coming off a Democrat's wish list.
It seems highly unlikely it could ever happen, but we could really use some reform to our constitution. Here are two essays I enjoyed reading that lay out some ideas for doing so. We should be a nation of the people, by the people, for the people.

Majorities of the people, not the Electoral College, should be able to pick the president and decide who controls the House and Senate. All who make their lives in the United States — including the incarcerated, people convicted of felonies and noncitizens — should be allowed to vote.

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Given demographic trends, power in Washington will likely continue accruing to Republicans even if the right doesn’t undertake further efforts to subvert our elections. And to fix the structural biases at work, Democrats would have to either attempt the impossible task of securing broad, bipartisan support for major new amendments to the Constitution — which, it should be said, essentially bars changes to the Senate’s basic design — or pass a set of system-rebalancing workarounds, such as admitting new states ⁠like the District of Columbia. It should never be forgotten that fully enfranchised voters from around the country gathered to stage a riot over their supposedly threatened political rights last January in a city of 700,000 people who don’t have a full vote in Congress.

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Florida Man disguised himself as a woman in armed robberies, police say, although how he was able to carry away his loot in an outfit with no pockets is unclear
this guy just thinks he is Florida Man.
Driving the wrong way on the interstate, stopping and removing your clothes, and then running away is no way to go through life, Iowa man
this guy just thinks he is Florida Man.
Driving the wrong way on the interstate, stopping and removing your clothes, and then running away is no way to go through life, Iowa man
… that caused the semi to turn over, spilling corn on the interstate …

Oh, come on. A truck full of corn in Iowa? Who is going to believe that?
Florida Man disguised himself as a woman in armed robberies, police say, although how he was able to carry away his loot in an outfit with no pockets is unclear
But did he try to use the women’s bathroom? Now THAT would get people truly outraged.