The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward


Possible future fashion choice?

Gaetz and Taylor Greene's joint effort to hog the pro Trump spotlight for 2022 races must be backfiring. Their superPAC is running out of dough already, MTG's Dem opponent in Georgia has noticed with glee.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1449798597550223364/
To think at some point, there used to be congress people who wanted a productive congress.

In a sane country, Senator Ron Johnson might be in the dock for treason by now, and not just for being someone who celebrates obstruction of legislation that a majority of the American people favor.

Anyway aside from more than a few members of Congress in both chambers, we now have civilian apologists for the insurrection trying to comb through all evidence and discredit every bit of it, one way or another.

Well it wasn't this, or it wasn't that, or "they didn't realize...."

We used to talk about the spirit of America. Now maybe time to look at what was the spirit of the damn incursion into the Capitol on January 6, 2021. It was incited by Trump to prevent the legitimate accession of his duly elected successor to the American presidency. Whoever was for that attack --on a joint session of Congress that was following a Constitutional obligation at that time-- was walking in the shadow of Trump's treasonous intentions. And now we have Trump followers in and outside of Congress still trying to dismiss that or even worse, advocate for its merit.

Senator Schatz of Hawaii has apparently had enough of all that wordsmithing by the pro-Trump contingent.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1449557209617108992/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1449773745774612480/
Well, THAT Francis guy isn't getting THEIR vote.
Why do American Christians hate socialism so much? Read the New Testament. The early christians were literally communists, with a common purse, selling all their belongings, and giving to whoever needed it.

If you disagree with the Pope on everything, can you still call yourself a Catholic? The American Catholic Church should break from Rome. They can become American Orthodox or something.
Why do American Christians hate socialism so much? Read the New Testament. The early christians were literally communists, with a common purse, selling all their belongings, and giving to whoever needed it.

If you disagree with the Pope on everything, can you still call yourself a Catholic? The American Catholic Church should break from Rome. They can become American Orthodox or something.

Read an interview with a religious scholar who said today’s political Christians are a bunch of heretics. It’s the religious equivalent of “I have a black friend. So I can’t be racist.”
Republicans are having a strange time of it.. Still pretending Trump is Jesus, but now President Vulva Neck is telling his people to get behind his big stupid lie, or else.

So today I see Senator Bill Cassidy said Trump is a loser he won’t for. Wow! I am pleased to see someone speaking out, even if not firmly. It’s better than going in the other direction. And it’s actually pretty ballsy right now. He’s a Senator who voted to impeach President Chicken Skin Neck for his redneck terror cult on January 6. And now this, as Trump’s nonsense is gaining traction.

I wonder if this is a McConnell-backed plan to slowly start turning against Trump. With a year to go, republicans are getting progressively more insane and culty. And with Trump drumming up the big lie and campaigning for or against his own party* members, they don’t have much time to pull back. I think Trump, running himself or not, also drums up as many people to vote against him as he does for him, and McConnell and McCarthy desperately want him to move on so they can have a normal midterm where they gain seats. But there‘s a good chance Trump demanding his own folks* run to the right of lunacy will result in bad candidates who lose, but the redistricting could help them.

Of course, if republicans win, they’ll just say it’s proof that election integrity** laws work, and how America spoke against Biden, but if they lose, they’ll say it’s proof they need more racist voter suppression laws and proof Trump in 2020. President Gobble Neck will celebrate and claim he’s the reason republicans won, or he will say the loss is proof he was cheated.

Pure insanity with these folks. That’s not even to mention their vile and racist white replacement theory going mainstream, their anti-women faux-religious stances, fraudulent “audits”, indictments, January 6 findings, folks like Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordache and Marge. McCarthy is weak and neutered and scared of both Trump and the Jan. 6 committee…. I can see McCarthy and Trump having a falling out at some point.

I could keep rambling, but this stuff is far more salacious than that True Crime story they’re doing on the Clinton impeachment scandal.
Their agenda today? Destroying democracy:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1450911872266510345/

Even Manchin thinks voting rights should be protected. The GOP knows they are a minority party, and instead of trying to reach out to win new voters, they are trying to stop non-Republicans from voting.
Texas will lead, where the rest of the scared 'r' party will go


That the rest of the party on a national level will do their level best to support, by even refusing to discuss voting issues...

For the third time this year, Senate Republicans filibustered voting rights legislation meant to override new voting restrictions in Republican-run states that affirm former President Donald Trump’s lies about election fraud.

The party-line vote blocking debate on the Freedom to Vote Act came after months of negotiations among Democrats to craft a compromise voting rights bill that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) claimed could get Republican support. But Manchin failed to convince a single Republican to support the bill, let alone allow the Senate to debate the bill.

“Let there be no mistake: Senate Republicans blocking debate today is an implicit endorsement of the horrid new voter suppression and election subversion laws pushed in Republican states across the country,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on the floor after the vote.

It is now up to the 50 members of the Senate Democratic caucus to decide whether or not to change the Senate’s filibuster rules to provide a path forward on what Democratic leadership has called must-pass voting rights legislation.

The one guy who has been the greatest obstacle to voting rights is the man behind the latest thing the republicans absolutely voted against, that he said they would NOT vote against. If it wasn't clear catering to Manchin is a losing cause, today showed it. He has no more fucking clue about voting, what his voters want, or anything else. Don't cater to the man! For all the supposed worry about what if Manchin isn't re elected as a dem, worried about a lost seat, stop worrying. It's ALREADY a lost seat! Now Manchin is supposedly considering pulling a Lieberman! Manchin is NOT a team player, unless the team is team Manchin. Not even Team USA.
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Texas will lead, where the rest of the scared 'r' party will go


That the rest of the party on a national level will do their level best to support, by even refusing to discuss voting issues...

The one guy who has been the greatest obstacle to voting rights is the man behind the latest thing the republicans absolutely voted against, that he said they would NOT vote against. If it wasn't clear catering to Manchin is a losing cause, today showed it. He has no more fucking clue about voting, what his voters want, or anything else. Don't cater to the man! For all the supposed worry about what if Manchin isn't re elected as a dem, worried about a lost seat, stop worrying. It's ALREADY a lost seat! Now Manchin is supposedly considering pulling a Lieberman! Manchin is NOT a team player, unless the team is team Manchin. Not even Team USA.
Kill the gosh-darn filibuster already. Screw the GOP. They are trying to cheat their way into power.
Kill the gosh-darn filibuster already. Screw the GOP. They are trying to cheat their way into power.
That won’t happen. The only way things can change is if everyone votes in the midterms and we start replacing some of the Rs who are trying to turn the country back to another era.
That won’t happen. The only way things can change is if everyone votes in the midterms and we start replacing some of the Rs who are trying to turn the country back to another era.
Yeah but everybody CAN’T vote in the midterms. That’s the whole point. “Vote the bums out” only works if you can vote. The GOP is making that difficult for Democrats specifically.
Yeah but everybody CAN’T vote in the midterms. That’s the whole point. “Vote the bums out” only works if you can vote. The GOP is making that difficult for Democrats specifically.
It may need to happen though. As I said, where scared Texas 'r's lead, others will follow

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1451216149501431811/

This shit will NOT stop, unless they are stopped. Getting rid of the filibuster which was made to allow for this shit to happen, needs to go, despite the future risks involved.
It may need to happen though. As I said, where scared Texas 'r's lead, others will follow

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1451216149501431811/

This shit will NOT stop, unless they are stopped. Getting rid of the filibuster which was made to allow for this shit to happen, needs to go, despite the future risks involved.
Exactly. Democrats in the Senate need to kill the filibuster and pass voting reform so that we, the people, can actually have a voice in future elections. If not, Democrats might never get a Senate majority again.
Technically it's unfair to put this here, as there are more than enough corporate dems.

However this is the system the 'r's will happily to continue to push, all the while mouthing concerns about Americans & their kitchen tables.


That is until such entities decide to do what's best for them, that isn't politically expedient for the 'r's, then it's time for some good ol' hated vehemently 'gov't overreach'. If anything though, we're seeing how fed up some workers are, and realizing that have to use this trying time to get themselves heard. Unsurprisingly, NOT a peep from the 'r's during this time, while even the administration is showing support for the workers. Quite the opposite from this time last year when the former administration was only willing to use their power during a pandemic to keep meat packing plants open at the risk of the plants' workers.
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It may need to happen though. As I said, where scared Texas 'r's lead, others will follow

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1451216149501431811/

This shit will NOT stop, unless they are stopped. Getting rid of the filibuster which was made to allow for this shit to happen, needs to go, despite the future risks involved.
An op-ed from Colby King in the Washington Post lays out the case for voting rights being the MOST important issue today.

Closing polling locations is not a matter of conserving real estate. Purging voting rolls is not done in pursuit of tidy paperwork. Limiting vote-by-mail isn’t aimed at giving postal workers a break. And none of these voting restrictions are about “election integrity.”

A majority of Senate (with the vice president’s tiebreaking vote) and House members have signed on to protect those hard-fought rights.
But Senate Republicans, clearly outvoted but equally determined, have a relic of Jim Crow in their arsenal — the filibuster. Their 50 votes prevented the Senate from reaching the required 60-vote supermajority to overcome the long-standing filibuster rule.
The only thing Republicans have to offer right now is “Let’s Go Brandon” - an allusion to an obscene slogan. That’s literally ALL they have to offer?

(paywall removed)

Democrats coalesce around a plan to raise taxes on those making more than $10 million a year, to crack down on tax cheating by the richest fraction of 1 percent of Americans and to make sure Fortune 500 companies can no longer pay zero in taxes. And Republicans reply: Let’s go Brandon.

Could the contrast be any greater? Half of America’s leaders are trying to govern, and the other half are hurling vulgarities.

Do voters want a competently governed America with better airports and a reliable power grid? An America where parents can afford child care, old folks can get hearing aids and all tots can go to free pre-K?

Or do they want an unstable America of ill-mannered insults, conspiracy theories, rageful attacks on educators, irrational opposition to lifesaving vaccinations, ham-handed attempts to suppress voting, and extreme abortion bans without exceptions for rape or incest?

They figured out a way to allude to the F word without saying it. That is what they are PROUD of, and pat themselves on the back for being such geniuses. What a pathetic excuse for a political party.
The GOP in this country is not just utterly worthless, it's acutely poisonous.

However, as insults go, "Let's go Brandon" is lame beyond belief. Yes, I get its hidden meaning, but it's just stupid. Below even, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Wow, they managed to come up with a phrase with the same number of syllables as "Fuck Joe Biden" and sounds very vaguely like it? That takes a real Rhodes scholar to come up with, that does. Hell, "Truck Fump" may be goofy, but it's cleverer than that.

The GOP. Can't come up with legislation to help you or me, but boy are they inventive with kindergarten insults.
The GOP in this country is not just utterly worthless, it's acutely poisonous.

However, as insults go, "Let's go Brandon" is lame beyond belief. Yes, I get its hidden meaning, but it's just stupid. Below even, "I know you are, but what am I?"

Wow, they managed to come up with a phrase with the same number of syllables as "Fuck Joe Biden" and sounds very vaguely like it? That takes a real Rhodes scholar to come up with, that does. Hell, "Truck Fump" may be goofy, but it's cleverer than that.

The GOP. Can't come up with legislation to help you or me, but boy are they inventive with kindergarten insults.
Nah, it is way worse than that. It is more than a coded way to say “Fuck Joe Biden”. They believe it is evidence that the fake news mainstream media is lying to hide criticism of Joe Biden.