The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

There is a thread on this very board called something like TF Guy meaning Trump. So you can't have it both ways. Sorry.
There is? šŸ‘€

Holy Spit!

Somebody made a copy of a thread I started about about political TFG, based on the phrase and the meme


For clarification:

I know since I literally included the Hot Tub Time Machine gif

and the first post was...

So instead of clogging up the TFM thread with individuals who's claim to shame is political, I present...

About a certain lawyer who can't tell a Four Seasons from a hotel or landscaping business.

I'd appreciate you linking to the thread who started a similar titled thread meaning our 2X impeached former president, I'll ask @Eric if one of our titles could be changed.

It's an agenda that says even if something good is done for YOU & OTHERS, if it's done by / and with democrats, it's completely UNacceptable!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458500912104804355/

How fanatical do you have to be to be party / politics over people at all costs?

They say 13 is unlucky for some, and controversial Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene certainly made the ā€œwrong callā€ when she posted the phone numbers of House representatives who supported President Joe Bidenā€™s bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Pun most definitely intended.

The Georgia congresswoman shared the numbers ā€“ which are publicly available ā€“ on Twitter on Saturday, a day after the House of Representatives approved Bidenā€™s $1.2 trillion plan for improvements to roads, bridges and other ā€œhard infrastructureā€.

Tweeting the details, Greene wrote: ā€œThese are the 13 ā€˜Republicansā€™ who handed over their voting cards to Nancy Pelosi to pass Joe Bidenā€™s Communist takeover of America via so-called infrastructureā€.

One of them, Michiganā€™s Fred Upton, went on to share information about one of the voicemails he received for supporting Bidenā€™s support package.

ā€œI hope you die. I hope everybody in your f**king family dies,ā€ it said, calling him a ā€œf**king piece of s*** traitorā€.

Mr Upton described the call ā€“ which he said did not come from a constituent ā€“ as a ā€œreal step backā€, noting that Greene had tweeted out his number to her 456,000 followers.

Even if it can be made to spite yourself

However, according to POLITICO reporter Olivia Beavers, the office of one Republican mentioned in Greeneā€™s post decided to redirect all of their incoming calls to the Georgia politicianā€™s office.

ā€œShe can answer the phones,ā€ the source said.

This is NOT a group of people in a political party in the least bit interested in governing. It's a group of zealous fanatics who would deny their own anything good or of use in the name of petty politics & high school antics.
All you need to know about the crowd that "hates big gov't", because it intrudes on personal freedoms and life... And how they will use gov't when they can.

WICHITA, Kansas ā€” The Goddard school district has removed more than two dozen books from circulation in the districtā€™s school libraries, citing national attention and challenges to the books elsewhere.

The list of books includes several well-known novels, including ā€œThe Handmaidā€™s Taleā€ by Margaret Atwood, ā€œThe Bluest Eyeā€ by Toni Morrison, ā€œThe Hate U Giveā€ by Angie Thomas and ā€œThe Perks of Being a Wallflowerā€ by Stephen Chbosky.

It also includes ā€œFences,ā€ a play by August Wilson that won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1987, and ā€œThey Called Themselves the K.K.K.,ā€ a historical look at how the white supremacist group took root in America.

Julie Cannizzo, assistant superintendent for academic affairs in Goddard, sent an email to principals and librarians last week with the list of 29 books.

ā€œAt this time, the district is not in a position to know if the books contained on this list meet our educational goals or not,ā€ Cannizzo wrote in the email. ā€œAdditionally, we need to gain a better understanding of the processes utilized to select books for our school libraries.

ā€œFor these reasons, please do not allow any of these books to be checked out while we are in the process of gathering more information. If a book on this list is currently checked out, please do (not) allow it to be checked out again once it's returned.ā€

Cannizzo said in the email that the district is assembling a committee to ā€œrate the content of the books on the listā€ and to review the selection process. She did not say how long the process is expected to take.

Cannizzo said Tuesday that one parent objected to language he found offensive in ā€œThe Hate U Give,ā€ a novel about the aftermath of a police officer killing a Black teenager. The parent then submitted a list of books he questioned, and district officials agreed to halt checkouts and complete a review.

"We're not banning these books or anything like that as a district," she said. "It was just brought to our attention that that list of books may have content that's unsuitable for children."

"We're not banning these books or anything like that as a district," she said. "It was just brought to our attention that that list of books may have content that's unsuitable for children."

Cannizzo said she plans to meet with school librarians this week. She wouldn't say when or if the books would return to circulation.

ā€œWe havenā€™t even evaluated these books," she said. "I couldnā€™t even tell you what these books have in them or why someone may find them offensive or not."

Their own rules?

A Goddard district policy adopted in 2016 spells out procedures for challenging textbooks, library books or instructional materials. Anyone with a complaint about a book is directed to meet first with the school principal and submit a ā€œrequest for reviewā€ form.

If a challenge isnā€™t resolved at the school level, it goes to the superintendent and then the school board. Board members may forward a complaint to a review committee made up of the building principal, media specialist, two subject area specialists and two community members.
So waitā€¦the parent?

As in singular?

Theyā€™re circumventing their own policy and doing this on the basis of one complaint??

This is what I mean by calling what they do bullying. Theyā€™ve put enough fear into people that complaints, mere complaints, make them fold like a cheap card table. ā€œDoing the right thingā€ be damned, we donā€™t want to arouse the ire of the white nationalist types. šŸ˜”
So waitā€¦the parent?

As in singular?

Theyā€™re circumventing their own policy and doing this on the basis of one complaint??

This is what I mean by calling what they do bullying. Theyā€™ve put enough fear into people that complaints, mere complaints, make them fold like a cheap card table. ā€œDoing the right thingā€ be damned, we donā€™t want to arouse the ire of the white nationalist types. šŸ˜”
A lot of schools have antI-bullying initiatives. Maybe they should make the parents a part of them.

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - Several books that were challenged by a Goddard parent will remain in circulation. That was the decision Goddard Public Schools made Wednesday night after a parent questioned the language and graphics from a specific book that their child had checked out from a school library. That challenge was far from an isolated incident as across the country, certain books have long been facing challenges and bans.

The American Library Association recorded a 60 percent increase in the number of book challenges in September compared to a year earlier. Many of those books deal with racial or LGBTQ issues. This is also playing out in a Kansas City, Mo. school district that removed two books as they wait to resolve a challenge.

ā€œItā€™s not a good idea to try to limit access to information and to all forms of literature. It sets a bad precedent,ā€™ said Goddard Public Library Director April Hernandez. ā€œOnce you start down that road, itā€™s really hard. What are we going to get rid of next?ā€

Note: "The hate you give" is listed as a book with 444 pages. That one parent is doing a lot of reading to submit a list of books that they find something objectionable with.

So waitā€¦the parent?

As in singular?

Theyā€™re circumventing their own policy and doing this on the basis of one complaint??

This is what I mean by calling what they do bullying. Theyā€™ve put enough fear into people that complaints, mere complaints, make them fold like a cheap card table. ā€œDoing the right thingā€ be damned, we donā€™t want to arouse the ire of the white nationalist types. šŸ˜”

My unfounded impression from reading various articles is that 'THE parent' is just the pretense to get the ball rolling on a recently increased conservative agenda involving schools. My gut instinct says that one parent wasn't actually reading 'The hate you give' on the bus to work or on break, for personal enjoyment or education, and suddenly came across something that so concerned them being taught to their kids. šŸ¤Ø

Concerned parents have suddenly picked up reading a lot of material for youths during the pandemic. That is when they aren't railing against CRT, masks, or vaccines. Remember the 'old days', when someone else was doing something like this & they would scream, "Why aren't you working"?

This consistently involves "parent(s)" reading material that specifically seem to be concerned with, then "finding" something that needs to be reported. Since "CRT" this has become a supposed more urgent issue, which is why rules that would normally discourage such behavior seem to be being ignored in the rush to do something to impress some people.

To me the telling thing is such rules are intended for parents to review the reading material that teachers ask of their students, and the parents can review & raise their issues. What we are more often seeing is parents supposedly reading books that may seem like unusual choices for them, and having said books removed for EVERYONE. That's your bright red flare telling what the real intentions are.

Note: "The hate you give" is listed as a book with 444 pages. That one parent is doing a lot of reading to submit a list of books that they find something objectionable with.

My unfounded impression from reading various articles is that 'THE parent' is just the pretense to get the ball rolling on a recently increased conservative agenda involving schools. My gut instinct says that one parent wasn't actually reading 'The hate you give' on the bus to work or on break, for personal enjoyment or education, and suddenly came across something that so concerned them being taught to their kids. šŸ¤Ø

Concerned parents have suddenly picked up reading a lot of material for youths during the pandemic. That is when they aren't railing against CRT, masks, or vaccines. Remember the 'old days', when someone else was doing something like this & they would scream, "Why aren't you working"?

This consistently involves "parent(s)" reading material that specifically seem to be concerned with, then "finding" something that needs to be reported. Since "CRT" this has become a supposed more urgent issue, which is why rules that would normally discourage such behavior seem to be being ignored in the rush to do something to impress some people.

To me the telling thing is such rules are intended for parents to review the reading material that teachers ask of their students, and the parents can review & raise their issues. What we are more often seeing is parents supposedly reading books that may seem like unusual choices for them, and having said books removed for EVERYONE. That's your bright red flare telling what the real intentions are.
There appears to be a pattern here. Books involving anybody not white, cisgender, and straight are the ones being targeted. I remember as a kid reading sexual content in the Isaac Asimov book Robots of Dawn, and yetā€¦ I donā€™t see it on any lists put forward by these censors.

Speaking of Asimov, I love this quote:

Any book worth banning is a book worth reading.
So how far away do you think we are from book burning? I'd wager closer than any of us would've thought a few years ago.
Not sure if the burning has commenced yet, but some school board members in Virginia are advocating for it:

While dems keep leaning on a constituency to turn out in greater & greater numbers, while not doing what it takes to protect that turnout...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1460279786081820676/


From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
In a stealth move this week, state Sen. Clint Dixon orchestrated an attempt to nearly double the number of commission seats, neuter the power of the countyā€™s newly elected chairwoman and make the school board, which also flipped to Democrats, nonpartisan.

The reason for this late push, according to Dixon, is the pressing desire to give Gwinnett residents more representation in the most diverse county in the state. There was no such desire last year when Republicans controlled the commission.

Since then, an epic election cycle for Democrats flipped the balance of power decisively in Gwinnett, the second most populous county in the state with roughly a million residents. Democrats now command the county school board, hold every seat on the county commission and lead the sheriffā€™s department, the District Attorneyā€™s office and several other elected positions.

The makeup of the new Democratic political class in Gwinnett is just as notable. Many of the Democratic winners are decades younger than the elected officials they replaced. And every one of them is Black.
While dems keep leaning on a constituency to turn out in greater & greater numbers, while not doing what it takes to protect that turnout...
At a certain point, Black Dems will stop coming out. Especially Black women. They're the most reliable Dem voters and are never taken care of. Whiners think they should just shut up and be quiet while their rights are trampled on. Some inane trickle-up-democracy I suppose. The thing is this: hurting Black voters essentially hurts Dem voters and pols. Any scheme that targets Black Dem voters hurts all Dem voters. We've seen it with how these schemes depresses the youth vote, working class vote and now college/campus voters. It even hurts a large enough number of older white GOP-leaning voters with voter ID laws. GOP states that are making it harder to vote by mail will ensnare some of their own constituencies. Just as long as it hurts Dems voters more, they don't care.
I know Iā€™ve been a fountain of pessimism lately on these topics, but how can it be otherwise? Does anyone see a rainbow on the horizon?

In Texas on NPR they are talking about the blue wave that crashed before it ever reached the shore. Betoā€˜s running for Governor, I wonā€™t hold my breath. Itā€˜s not as if the Republican Party is withering away and on itā€™s last legs. Itā€™s a cancer that seems to be winning.

I predict that all the worst characteristics of humanity will prevail, best described as stupid and corruption for self benefit. My sincere hope is that we get what we deserve, and that can go in either direction.
Casper Star-Tribune: Wyoming GOP votes to no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member reality. <-- Fixed that for them

Casper Star-Tribune: Wyoming GOP votes to no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a party member reality. <-- Fixed that for them

Good. This is starting the groundwork so we can reclassify the status of the GOP from a political party to a terrorist cult. Let the death threats begin, I mean continue!
When a minority party tries to take control, the results are almost always disastrous. If you make elections a mockery, or try a military coup, etcā€¦ the majority will find a way to make their voices heard.

Gerrymandering a 60% or more majority of seats in a legislature when you have less than 50% of the overall votes... you are going to have an uprising if you keep that up very long.
It doesnā€™t have to be violent.

How's that police reform going after all those protests?

It appears the only thing that's going to come from that after the Rittenhouse case (pending verdict) is protests can now be a shooting gallery for people on the right. It will happen and the mental illness card will get played, another thing we are doing absolutely nothing about.