The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Remember the "good ol' days" when THIS crowd was telling the "liberal crybabies" to get over their feelings?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1454461586018603012/

Now THEIR feelings are the only thing they are concerned with to the point it bleeds into their jobs, participating in entertainment, or the the only seeming bit of governance ( besides shouting voter fraud & Biden didn't win, all the while proving Biden did win by more votes ) they can motivate themselves to attempt.
Trump is the real winner in Virginia’s governor race. If Youngkin loses, Trump will blame him for not fully embracing his orangemost. If Youngkin wins, he’ll claim it was ALL due to his endorsement.

The old “take credit for everything and blame for nothing” approach he’s mastered.
Looks like Youngkin is going to win VA. And the message should be “republicans don’t need Trump to win”. Which could be good or bad, because Youngkin did not reject Trumpism, just tried to keep Trump at arm’s length. He’s now free to embrace him, so we will see how this plays out.

It also means suburbanites didn’t reject Trump’s policies, they rejected him.

Biden had an excellent first six months, the last four haven’t been too good. They’ve got to pick up the momentum, keep it and fight back harder against the GQP’s lies and racism. Youngkin won on CRT, which isn’t even a thing in VA. It would be like democrats running on banning Republicans teaching Critical Incest Theory. Not a thing. I say we try anyways. 😎

Not to diminish Youngkin’s victory, but it’s normal for VA to flip-flop their governors. Hopefully we won’t have to hear any stupid voter fraud arguments. Now, democrats need to pressure Youngkin if his election was as secure as Trump’s. Keep pressing him on his support for the big lie.

*The race hasn’t even been called, and Trump is already claiming credit for tonight. For what, I don’t know; Youngkin outperformed him.

**A big f-you to Joe Manchin. He’s not a democrat-equivelant of a RINO (DINO?); he made some tough votes with dems during Trump’s term, which was not an easy thing to do if you’re from WV. But he and his buddy from AZ have prevented democrats from advancing the Biden agenda, which would have given democrats a HUGE boost this evening. The average American has a short memory; that stimulus and vaccination push was months ago; masks, gas prices and inflation are today. I guess it’s refreshing to know there are independents who will vote for Biden and Obama, but also Youngkin. Or Trump and Obama. They are either fiercely independent or stupid, but I honestly think they’re true independents and largely intelligent.

Thanks for listening to another rant…
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...Biden had an excellent first six months, the last four haven’t been too good. They’ve got to pick up the momentum, keep it and fight back harder against the GQP’s lies and racism.

There are many, many factors that drive popularity, but I keep noticing one consistent factor: this inverse ratio of gas prices<-->popularity.

For a segment of the populace it's as simple as that (stupid as that sounds). If the price of gas were to drop to $1.50/gallon nationwide, you'd see Biden and the Democrats' popularity start to rise again.
There are many, many factors that drive popularity, but I keep noticing one consistent factor: this inverse ratio of gas prices<-->popularity.

For a segment of the populace it's as simple as that (stupid as that sounds). If the price of gas were to drop to $1.50/gallon nationwide, you'd see Biden and the Democrats' popularity start to rise again.
Spot on. Someone wrote their Master's thesis on this. There does seem to be data to corroborate your statement. Low gas price favors incumbent.

There are many, many factors that drive popularity, but I keep noticing one consistent factor: this inverse ratio of gas prices<-->popularity.

For a segment of the populace it's as simple as that (stupid as that sounds). If the price of gas were to drop to $1.50/gallon nationwide, you'd see Biden and the Democrats' popularity start to rise again.

If my FB feed is any indication, then yeah that's a thing. Recently the posts even include little stickers on the pumps of Biden pointing at the price with the caption "I did that".

But gas prices aren't going to be the issue, inflation is. And it is going to get ugly. Prices are rising, especially at the grocery store and people are going to look to the Administration to fix it. And if they don't, look for an absolute bloodbath come midterms that won't be based on CRT, Trans policies or any other social issue. It will be an economic issue and it will hit hard.
Remember the "good ol' days" when THIS crowd was telling the "liberal crybabies" to get over their feelings?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1454461586018603012/

Now THEIR feelings are the only thing they are concerned with to the point it bleeds into their jobs, participating in entertainment, or the the only seeming bit of governance ( besides shouting voter fraud & Biden didn't win, all the while proving Biden did win by more votes ) they can motivate themselves to attempt.
As I said before, this let's go Brandon thing is like the guy who finally finds a joke people laugh at and instead of trying to come up with the next good one, he changes his name to Brandon. After this many repeats, it only impresses as weak and immature.


I'll be frank, I'm irritated by people trying to draw major conclusions from this set of elections. VA is the South, let's not pretend it isn't. NoVA might be a liberal powerhouse thanks to the FedGov, but without it, this state is a sea of red. That said, there's nothing surprising. Reps vote R, Dems vote policy/performance. Simple as that. Inflation is still tightly attached to the changes in world economy as an aftermath of COVID. Unless you're deliberately trying to kill people (sigh), there's a limit on how much control an admin has over it.
If my FB feed is any indication, then yeah that's a thing. Recently the posts even include little stickers on the pumps of Biden pointing at the price with the caption "I did that".

But gas prices aren't going to be the issue, inflation is. And it is going to get ugly. Prices are rising, especially at the grocery store and people are going to look to the Administration to fix it. And if they don't, look for an absolute bloodbath come midterms that won't be based on CRT, Trans policies or any other social issue. It will be an economic issue and it will hit hard.
You are a "lets go braden" so GFY. I used to think, hey Herdfan is human right, but FU
You are a "lets go braden" so GFY. I used to think, hey Herdfan is human right, but FU
That's actually the punchline in this joke. The people who whinged for 4 years about civility and their, and only their feelings now drop these principles at the first opportunity they find. To be fair though, I understand if somebody doesn't like "Brandon," but Brandon got where he is, because he isn't a troll.
If my FB feed is any indication, then yeah that's a thing. Recently the posts even include little stickers on the pumps of Biden pointing at the price with the caption "I did that".

But gas prices aren't going to be the issue, inflation is. And it is going to get ugly. Prices are rising, especially at the grocery store and people are going to look to the Administration to fix it. And if they don't, look for an absolute bloodbath come midterms …

Which is another thing I think voters can often be ridiculous about. Even if the situation isn’t the president’s fault, even if Biden (or Obama or Bush) do whatever is in their power to alleviate the situation, a subset of voters won’t be satisfied, they’ll just be mad because. They’ll be angry that the situation happened in the first place, as if it’s Biden himself who started the logjam at the Long Beach ports, or Bush who somehow forced OPEC to cut oil production.

This subset doesn’t understand the simple concept that shit happens and you deal with it as best you can. No, we’ve gotta find an individual to blame and string them up and that will solve everything.

And that’s usually the President. Yes, “the buck stops here,” but a lot of people today are in such a pissy mood that if someone cuts them off in traffic it’s somehow Biden’s fault.

People need to chill and understand that government can only do so much and that especially now making our government as divisive as possible ensures it not being able to do anything.
You are a "lets go braden" so GFY. I used to think, hey Herdfan is human right, but FU

When Robert Di Niro can say Fuck Trump at an award's show, I think Let's go Brandon is pretty tame.

There is a thread on this very board called something like TF Guy meaning Trump. So you can't have it both ways. Sorry.
If my FB feed is any indication, then yeah that's a thing. Recently the posts even include little stickers on the pumps of Biden pointing at the price with the caption "I did that".

But gas prices aren't going to be the issue, inflation is. And it is going to get ugly. Prices are rising, especially at the grocery store and people are going to look to the Administration to fix it. And if they don't, look for an absolute bloodbath come midterms that won't be based on CRT, Trans policies or any other social issue. It will be an economic issue and it will hit hard.
We all know what happened with the price of gasoline during the Trump Administration yes? Huge fracking production in the States while the Saudis kept their production up to try to drive the frackers out of business, resulting in a glut of gas and very low prices at the pump. This happened independent of anything Trump and what is happening now is independent of what Biden has done. Today‘s market with inflation is a direct result of what occurred on Trump’s watch, don’t forget the pandemic under Trumo’s watch, and what is happening would be happening with gas prices if Trump had been re-elected, but sure, blame Biden (A general comment).

Oh, I was thrilled when Biden won and kicked Mr Cancer out, but I truly think we are surrounded by FUCKING Dummies, who appear to be blind, not seeing the Democrats working their asses off to give average citizens a break, voting rights, prescription drug costs, child care, paid leave, social safety nets, and ignoring virtually all of the Congressional Republicans screaming no, No, NOOOO!!! Wake up, these latter politicians are hostile to working class citizens.

And then there are the usual Right Wing, Big Business players with their Koolaid ads screaming that tax increase on the rich, will stall America, although they don’t say ”rich“. They want the dummies to think their sub >$100k annual income taxes will be going up, and most likely succeeding in scaring them.

As a pessimist, do you know what I think? 2022 will tell us our fate. Unless there is some kind of miracle, and the Republicans take the Congress back, followed by The Head Piece of Shit or some other vile, poisonous ignoramus Surrogate like a Green or Gaetz winning the Presidency, we are headed towards some kind of fascist, dystopian future, wrapped in the flag, pretending to be a democracy, while I continue to mull over moving to Ireland.

No I don’t have to do that, I’m almost 70, but I might be around for another 20 years. Unless there is a revolution, I can sit in my corner in relative comfort as the America I thought I knew slips away. The United States of America has/had it all, setting an incredible standard, yet we are literally watching it dissolve because of human greed, self interest, and outright stupidity, don’t forget racism and xenophobia, alive and thriving. 😢
The latest far-right conspiracy is the Virginia governor win was a false flag win, meaning the Democrats let them have it so it would take attention away from them stealing Trump's election. :ROFLMAO:

There's no reasoning with or working with these people. There's no shovel out there for you to dig down to their level of stupidity because they own all those shovels and are never done digging even further.
The latest far-right conspiracy is the Virginia governor win was a false flag win, meaning the Democrats let them have it so it would take attention away from them stealing Trump's election. :ROFLMAO:

There's no reasoning with or working with these people. There's no shovel out there for you to dig down to their level of stupidity because they own all those shovels and are never done digging even further.
They should audit the results then. Get the Cyber Ninjas and any other kind of ninjas they can find. Maybe they can track down Youngkin’s son and find out why he tried to vote illegally.
Beacause Trump is an unfiltered idiot, he just doubled down on party over country with his latest tantrum over Republicans who voted to pass the infrastructure bill which he is more upset that a bill didn't pass (or was even submitted?) while he was President. But at least this gave him the opportunity to call it socialist.
Beacause Trump is an unfiltered idiot, he just doubled down on party over country with his latest tantrum over Republicans who voted to pass the infrastructure bill which he is more upset that a bill didn't pass (or was even submitted?) while he was President. But at least this gave him the opportunity to call it socialist.
I believe the specifics were over him being investigated for his :poop:, and we all know how much he hates that. He'd rather shaft the country, then let an investigation that his own party would actively tank, carry on.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458239272541114386/

I believe the specifics were over him being investigated for his :poop:, and we all know how much he hates that. He'd rather shaft the country, then let an investigation that his own party would actively tank, carry on.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1458239272541114386/

What an asshat, but this isn't surprising.