The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

He had a lap, and some Republicans asked him if they could sit on it, but he turned them down, and that made them angry.
They are always angry, but stupid angry just seems like a waste of time. Must be why they love it.
This is my shocked face. 😐

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This is some serious incoherent. Mr. CTE himself says that Warnock would have prevented All in the Family from ever getting on the air (and he, Herschel, used to love Archie Bunker).
By the way, can someone briefly explain exactly what is the accusation against Hunter Biden?

There are a few.

1) He lied on a federal form attempting to get a gun permit.

2) Tax evasion.

Those are solid and even the left-leaning media is reporting on those.

3) A myriad of accusations that he was the point man to enrich his family through his father's position as VP. Some are more solid than others. If Joe turns out to be "the big guy", then there may be some corruption. The key will be to prove Joe was the big guy. Cause he got 10%.

Biden has denied ever meeting any of Hunter's business partners, but there are visitor logs, flight manifests and pics that tell a different story.
3) A myriad of accusations that he was the point man to enrich his family through his father's position as VP. Some are more solid than others. If Joe turns out to be "the big guy", then there may be some corruption. The key will be to prove Joe was the big guy. Cause he got 10%.
How come we never see any of this in print? Not even on Fox. While I love the word “myriad,” a more appropriate term here would be “trickle.”
There are a few.

1) He lied on a federal form attempting to get a gun permit.

2) Tax evasion.

Those are solid and even the left-leaning media is reporting on those.

3) A myriad of accusations that he was the point man to enrich his family through his father's position as VP. Some are more solid than others. If Joe turns out to be "the big guy", then there may be some corruption. The key will be to prove Joe was the big guy. Cause he got 10%.

Biden has denied ever meeting any of Hunter's business partners, but there are visitor logs, flight manifests and pics that tell a different story.
It doesn't appear to be necessary or proper for a House committee to investigate #'s 1 and 2. As for #3, will the House appoint a committee to investigte Jared and Ivanka's being awarded $2 billion worth of business from the Saudis shortly after Trump left office?
It doesn't appear to be necessary or proper for a House committee to investigate #'s 1 and 2. As for #3, will the House appoint a committee to investigte Jared and Ivanka's being awarded $2 billion worth of business from the Saudis shortly after Trump left office?
I was going to write a bit, but David Frum of The Atlantic penned a great response to the impending investigations.

What Republicans want instead is an excuse for their enabling of Trump. They yearn to spread their fantasy narrative that Biden’s attempts to be a supportive father to an errant son are the moral equivalent of the Trump family’s looting of the U.S. government. Fantasies don’t survive contact with reality, including the democratic reality of elections.

Unfortunately, fantasies can be generated faster than reality can puncture them. So off we go with a repeat of an old show—written, directed, and performed by a production company oblivious that it is chasing box-office success by remaking a three-decade-old flop.
I thought I had shared this but realized I hadn't. It's still relevant and I 150% believe this. I also wouldn't be sad to see it happen.

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To begin with, a Party cannot really excommunicate, as it were, a member. If you join a Party, they cannot somehow claim that you are not one of them. The Party leadership can control how much support the allow you, but only up to a point, and if you are generating revenue for them, their hands are kind of bound.

And I, personally, have developed a deep and abiding distaste for the Republican Party. The people and the stupid are fairly trivial, but the policies of misogyny, glibertarian nihilism and tribalism are simply vile and unforgivable. Which is to say that Individual-ONE's narcissism and "I'm so smart!"-ness saved us from the worst possible of trashings. The prospect of a truly competent Republican president is terrifying.
This one is even better: a Foxnews story about how Biden is too enthusiastic about Christmas. Apparently he loves it, which means they will have to adopt a negative stance on it.

Such confusing times we have to navigate.

Yeah now the Republicans' thing will be that lefties who celebrate Christmas will have committed cultural appropriation, same as lefties who wear American flag pins or never quit flying the USA flag off their porch on at least the 4th of July.

Got it. And fuhgeddaboudit. It's sour grapes from the right because all their "war on Xmas" memes are suddenly so over.

What to do, what to do, the season is here already! Oh OK, just launch a new war and insist that Christmas should not have started before Thanksgiving.
( Heh, so behind the times. It actually starts right about the time Halloween vandals are kicking the teeth out of front porch pumpkins. /S )​

And a special note for FauxSnooze:

Biden has mooted the "war on Christmas" by simply demonstrating it to have been the silly right-wing spoof that it always was. It's ok to celebrate winter holidays or not, and to call them whatever we want. It was always ok to do that, and Americans have always acted accordingly. What a PITA to have to girlsplain all this to a bunch of fake conservatives and half-baked libertarians who are forever talking about American freedoms and rights as if only they actually understand and possess them.​
As I had previously posted, while Faux News was complaining about Biden having the Christmas tree brought so early to the White House, they had already lit up the tree in front of their NY headquarters. They are not only disingenuous, they have no shame about it.
Just saw a headline - “Pence “open to considering” DOJ request to testify”.

Open to considering? Gee, say something while saying nothing. Pence is such a pole-walking, insincere and flimsy individual. He’s afraid to pick a side. He wants to be able to easily fall back to whichever side the wind blows. If Trump somehow did something to get republicans to turn on him, he’s been firm enough to claim independence from Trump. But if public opinion Turns and Trumpism starts winning again, he can pretend he always defended the president and never gave the left everything they needed.

It’s a very spineless stance, and the longer Pence goes with this charade, the more it angers me. For a guy who pontificates about god and morals, he acts like this is somehow a tough call, whether or not to call out fat Biff Tannen as a bully.
As I had previously posted, while Faux News was complaining about Biden having the Christmas tree brought so early to the White House, they had already lit up the tree in front of their NY headquarters. They are not only disingenuous, they have no shame about it.

The freaking hypocrisy…

3:29, and then 4:05..

“I’ve never seen anything like this” to
“The Trumps did this on the same day too”

So “never” means three years.
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