The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

The clown show continues.

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The clown show continues.

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That Kevin McCarthy is just a barrel of laughs so far. I can hardly wait for February.

Well... certainly Homeland Security is a good posting from which to consider how to deal with a Jewish Space Laser. Surely wildfires need to be reined in... but didn't Trump suggest to California that raking the forest floors more often would suffice?

So maybe MTG can persuade the Jews who are in charge of Space Lasers to just focus on smaller targets. For instance, my toaster has never done bagels right despite having a special setting, and I'm sure that's true in Georgia as well, so maybe she could look into that. Laser-toasted bagels could even be a thing by time MTG leaves office (January of 2025, one hopes).
So today is the day we hit the debt limit. Currently there is a huge impasse and with the clowns over in Congress running the show, I don't have much hope that things will get resolved until the pain is so great that their own portfolios are hit hard. Who is going to take the majority of the blame on this one?
So today is the day we hit the debt limit. Currently there is a huge impasse and with the clowns over in Congress running the show, I don't have much hope that things will get resolved until the pain is so great that their own portfolios are hit hard. Who is going to take the majority of the blame on this one?

The debt limit is a total crock. The Rs know this. If they want to point the finger, let them look back to when the Trump admin said oh I know let's bring the offshore windfall home at reduced taxation rates and hand out more top-tier income tax breaks and....

The debt limit is raised in order to accommodate appropriation decisions ALREADY MADE.

If the Republicans want to play the game of let's not spend money we don't have, then get rid of the debt limit and argue for fiscal responsibility at the time they (and their colleagues across the aisle) are all hanging ornaments on the omnibus spending bill. Take defense appropriations, for instance. You know, the gold toilet seats. Well the equivalent these days is building more of some ships the Navy didn't specifically ask for. But since the armed forces are unable to reconcile their budgets thanks to computer systems that do not talk to each other, there might still also be gold toilet seats in there, who the hell knows. Every state in the union has a piece of the defense bill. It's how the overall package finally gets passed.

Anyway the time to squint at the spending is when appropriating revenue. The debt limit we just hit right now is in actuality no more than a reminder to raise it because we already signed up for obligations we cannot meet under the old limit.

I'm really sick of this ancient crock. If Congress treated money like it was real, this gig they indulge in would be us peons ordering a side of beef to stick in the freezer over winter, using up half of it, and then when the bill comes, saying man we can't afford this, oh I know, let's just not pay the electric bill, then we can store what's left of the side of beef on the porch.

That is just not how it works and all these pols would know that if we didn't pay them north of $200k each to sit around blaming each other for the fact that we hate them all. Dock their pay and let them figure out how to store a side of beef in a freezer without paying the electric bill.
The debt limit is a total crock. The Rs know this. If they want to point the finger, let them look back to when the Trump admin said oh I know let's bring the offshore windfall home at reduced taxation rates and hand out more top-tier income tax breaks and....

The debt limit is raised in order to accommodate appropriation decisions ALREADY MADE.

If the Republicans want to play the game of let's not spend money we don't have, then get rid of the debt limit and argue for fiscal responsibility at the time they (and their colleagues across the aisle) are all hanging ornaments on the omnibus spending bill. Take defense appropriations, for instance. You know, the gold toilet seats. Well the equivalent these days is building more of some ships the Navy didn't specifically ask for. But since the armed forces are unable to reconcile their budgets thanks to computer systems that do not talk to each other, there might still also be gold toilet seats in there, who the hell knows. Every state in the union has a piece of the defense bill. It's how the overall package finally gets passed.

Anyway the time to squint at the spending is when appropriating revenue. The debt limit we just hit right now is in actuality no more than a reminder to raise it because we already signed up for obligations we cannot meet under the old limit.

I'm really sick of this ancient crock. If Congress treated money like it was real, this gig they indulge in would be us peons ordering a side of beef to stick in the freezer over winter, using up half of it, and then when the bill comes, saying man we can't afford this, oh I know, let's just not pay the electric bill, then we can store what's left of the side of beef on the porch.

That is just not how it works and all these pols would know that if we didn't pay them north of $200k each to sit around blaming each other for the fact that we hate them all. Dock their pay and let them figure out how to store a side of beef in a freezer without paying the electric bill.

It’s ludicrous that Congress votes to spend money AND later vote on if they are going to actually pay for that which was already approved. In most cases it’s the same assholes who vote on both. This isn’t like your kid stole your credit card and went on a spending spree you didn’t know about until you got the bill. This should be a single vote, spend it and it will get paid. Period.
I'd say that North Dakota bill has an uphill battle to become law. And the fine is just absurd. Even the topmost speeding ticket fine in ND is only a hundred bucks plus $1 for each mph by which an over-55 speed limit was exceeded. $1500 for a trans kid to push back against official gender discrimination? Leaving aside the unconstitutionality...

The bill's sponsor was the only testimony given in support of the bill, as nearly 100 separate forms of testimony was provided against the bill. Even the state's Senate Judiciary Committee voted to not pass the proposed bill.

"I see no way this law would pass any sort of legal challenge based on basic legal construction principles," North Dakota Human Rights' Christina Sambor said in an interview with KFYR-TV of Bismarck. "It is vague, fails to advance any legitimate state interests, and not only would cause impermissible, gender-based discrimination, its very purpose is gender-based discrimination."

The bill now moves to the Senate floor.
Hard to put this any better really: American goals through the lens of the Rs now running the House:

Promising what one pundit calls a looming "year of the asshole," the GOP House sorrowfully confirms that, after so much awful in lo these endless past few years, they still haven't hit the bottom. Lacking any real ideas, policies or principles and flaunting what John Cusack's hitman in Grosse Pointe Blank terms "a certain moral flexibility," a fear-and-vengeance-fueled GOP has chosen to focus on several bizarre goals nobody else in America supports: depriving women of the right to choose, fewer books, no bad things said about white people, fatter fat cats funded by a 30% sales tax on the proletariat, more hunger, poverty and unwanted children, and getting a peek at Hunter Biden's penis. Their dubious hallmark is willed stupidity super-glued to shameless hypocrisy: They want to cut a bedrock Social Security and Medicare in the name of their "mission to end wasteful Washington spending" despite the fact that 25% of the national debt over the last 200-plus years was accrued by their feckless Art-of-the Deal guru in just four years, and despite his unprecedented record of crimes, grifts, scams and corruption they're intent on uncovering "every corrupt business dealing, every foreign entanglement, every abuse of power" by Biden.
Here’s what I don’t get about the war on big tech and the mainstream media. They believe that right wing views and beliefs are being banned and silenced. Excuse me? Everybody is well aware of your views and beliefs. Exactly who do you think isn’t getting your message? In fact, the more extreme your view, that you seem to think is getting silenced, the more big tech and the mainstream media tells everybody about it. If anything, you are getting amplified by those you are claiming are keeping you down.

But I know this is just another extension of the party that is hoping to achieve 100% grift. “They are trying to silence me!! The only way we can stop this is if you, my millions of followers who somehow follow me while being silenced, send me money!”

I think we’ve reached peak deplorable. Enjoy it while it lasts. The more your supposed silenced views get out there the more you will lose. Be careful what you wish for.
Excuse me? Everybody is well aware of your views and beliefs. Exactly who do you think isn’t getting your message? In fact, the more extreme your view, that you seem to think is getting silenced, the more big tech and the mainstream media tells everybody about it. If anything, you are getting amplified by those you are claiming are keeping you down.

To the RW, "silenced" means "people are disagreeing".
To the RW, "silenced" means "people are disagreeing".

It’s easy to see how they would make this connection considering how quickly they agreed that black lives matter the instant they got the message. Now that we're all in agreement on that one why can’t the left extend the same courtesy in their direction?
It’s easy to see how they would make this connection considering how quickly they agreed that black lives matter the instant they got the message. Now that we're all in agreement on that one why can’t the left extend the same courtesy in their direction?
The “left” should extend what courtesy where?