The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

The “left” should extend what courtesy where?

I think the post slipped past your sarcasm radar. The right-wing whiners on this issue think that people aren’t agreeing with them simply because they aren’t being heard. Using that logic, then they should agree that black lives matter just based on it being constantly yelled in their eyeballs. Clearly that wasn’t what happened. So based on their own reactionary behavior and experience they should in no way conclude that exposure equates to agreement. Their views just suck. There’s some agreement for them. We agree their views suck.
Here’s what I don’t get about the war on big tech and the mainstream media. They believe that right wing views and beliefs are being banned and silenced.
It's ironic how Sean Hannity and that crowd constantly complain about the bias of the "mainstream media" while they themselves are of course biased. I guess it's okay when they do it. And what does "mainstream media" mean anymore? We're long past the days of CBS, NBC and ABC providing the news to most people. So now they probably include CNN and MSNBC in that category. In other words, any media that doesn't agree with their right wing take on things and their support for an insurrectionist must be the "mainstream media." The sad part is that they get so many people to follow them.
I think the post slipped past your sarcasm radar. The right-wing whiners on this issue think that people aren’t agreeing with them simply because they aren’t being heard. Using that logic, then they should agree that black lives matter just based on it being constantly yelled in their eyeballs. Clearly that wasn’t what happened. So based on their own reactionary behavior and experience they should in no way conclude that exposure equates to agreement. Their views just suck. There’s some agreement for them. We agree their views suck.
Yeah, your word salad obliterated my sarcasm radar.
McCarthy: I’m removing these Democrats from their committees "because integrity matters".

Also McCarthy: I’m putting George Santos on committees.

It's ironic how Sean Hannity and that crowd constantly complain about the bias of the "mainstream media" while they themselves are of course biased. I guess it's okay when they do it. And what does "mainstream media" mean anymore? We're long past the days of CBS, NBC and ABC providing the news to most people. So now they probably include CNN and MSNBC in that category. In other words, any media that doesn't agree with their right wing take on things and their support for an insurrectionist must be the "mainstream media." The sad part is that they get so many people to follow them.

The bigger irony is Fox claiming it’s not mainstream and some underdog while having the biggest viewership of a single news network.

At minimum they mainstreamed grifting.
Santos probably should have his own thread

The story suggests that he might be more than just a flat-out liar but also possibly a thief who bilks Amish people and scams charity.
A little late in posting this, but Sara Huckabee Sanders managed to pull off the triple lindy of projection with her rebuttal of the state of the union.

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” :ROFLMAO:

"We are under attack in a left wing culture war we didn't start, and never wanted to fight." :ROFLMAO:

“Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols. … That's not normal. It’s crazy, and it’s wrong." :ROFLMAO:
A little late in posting this, but Sara Huckabee Sanders managed to pull off the triple lindy of projection with her rebuttal of the state of the union.

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” :ROFLMAO:

"We are under attack in a left wing culture war we didn't start, and never wanted to fight." :ROFLMAO:

“Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols. … That's not normal. It’s crazy, and it’s wrong." :ROFLMAO:

"A left wing culture war we didn't start"... wow. Is 1992 too far back for Ms. Huckabee to remember?

A little late in posting this, but Sara Huckabee Sanders managed to pull off the triple lindy of projection with her rebuttal of the state of the union.

“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy.” :ROFLMAO:

"We are under attack in a left wing culture war we didn't start, and never wanted to fight." :ROFLMAO:

“Every day we are told we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols. … That's not normal. It’s crazy, and it’s wrong." :ROFLMAO:
I think she goofed up and meant the right just a small error. From the lady who admitted to lying to reporters.
Nikki Haley has officially stepped into the 2024 Presidential race.

One problem with her (and any other republican) who claims to be a fighter: she's soft and weak on Trump.

The other problem is the more (weak) candidates in the Republican primary the more likely it is Trump will get the nomination. The rest of the candidates will just be spoilers for each other, especially DeSantis, and Trump will get the overall majority. Considering that Nikki spoke to Trump before officially announcing and he hasn’t thrown a major fit, this might be the actual intention.
This morning they flashed a graphic on MSNBC showing who leads in the 2024 Republican Primaries- The Head Liar had a significant lead over all of the Republicsn contenders. This is both bad and good news.

BAD: The GOP as a group are still poor little lost poisonous sheep bending over taking it up the ass for the Master Manipulator Of Dummies.
GREAT: If it insures a win for the democrats.
BAD: If there are enough Never Democrats who will vote for Mr Poison, basically perform National hair-kiri because they think the likes of a mentally ill, corrupt POS is better than any socialistic Democrat.
GOOD/BAD: If it leads to the implosion of the Republican Party, however if you look at the State level, Republicans currently control a majority of States. Being the cynic I am, I think we are screwed, and STUPID will be dancing on our political graves, until they themselves are overcome by their own bad decisions, :oops:
This morning they flashed a graphic on MSNBC showing who leads in the 2024 Republican Primaries- The Head Liar had a significant lead over all of the Republicsn contenders. This is both bad and good news.

BAD: The GOP as a group are still poor little lost poisonous sheep bending over taking it up the ass for the Master Manipulator Of Dummies.
GREAT: If it insures a win for the democrats.
BAD: If there are enough Never Democrats who will vote for Mr Poison, basically perform National hair-kiri because they think the likes of a mentally ill, corrupt POS is better than any socialistic Democrat.
GOOD/BAD: If it leads to the implosion of the Republican Party, however if you look at the State level, Republicans currently control a majority of States. Being the cynic I am, I think we are screwed, and STUPID will be dancing on our political graves, until they themselves are overcome by their own bad decisions, :oops:
I think (hope?) there are enough Republicans and Independents in the electorate who would reject Trump if the Democratic presidential candidate could articulate plans to actually solve our problems and govern. Unfortunately, I think Joe Biden is too old to do this, since he'd be 86 at the end of his second term. It will be even harder if someone other than Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket. Unfortunately, the prevailing wisdom is that Biden will be it, and I don't see who's going to challenge him.
I think (hope?) there are enough Republicans and Independents in the electorate who would reject Trump if the Democratic presidential candidate could articulate plans to actually solve our problems and govern. Unfortunately, I think Joe Biden is too old to do this, since he'd be 86 at the end of his second term. It will be even harder if someone other than Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket. Unfortunately, the prevailing wisdom is that Biden will be it, and I don't see who's going to challenge him.
That’s a great leap to make. After the primaries are done and Trump is on top, it boils down to GOP vs DNC. Given the prevailing sentiment of most GOP supporters (that aren’t business owners) is simply “fuck you” to the Democrats, I think it’s a fools errand to place your hopes on the mythical “moderate” GOP voter.

Policy means nothing when governance no longer has anything to do with people’s material living conditions. So hoping that elections are anything than team X or team Y tribalism is kind of just wishcasting, no?
That’s a great leap to make. After the primaries are done and Trump is on top, it boils down to GOP vs DNC. Given the prevailing sentiment of most GOP supporters (that aren’t business owners) is simply “fuck you” to the Democrats, I think it’s a fools errand to place your hopes on the mythical “moderate” GOP voter.

Policy means nothing when governance no longer has anything to do with people’s material living conditions. So hoping that elections are anything than team X or team Y tribalism is kind of just wishcasting, no?

Dead center moderates are a myth perpetrated by those at the top benefitting from the status quo. Most moderates put their wallet before the betterment of society but don’t want to answer for the extremists and authoritarians on the right. They’ll support social issues as long as it doesn’t cost them a dime.