The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

Dead center moderates are a myth perpetrated by those at the top benefitting from the status quo. Most moderates put their wallet before the betterment of society but don’t want to answer for the extremists and authoritarians on the right. They’ll support social issues as long as it doesn’t cost them a dime.
Not even mentioning that a “centrist” of today would be further to the right than from 2 decades ago given the country’s drift to the right in everything barring social identity politics….
I think (hope?) there are enough Republicans and Independents in the electorate who would reject Trump if the Democratic presidential candidate could articulate plans to actually solve our problems and govern. Unfortunately, I think Joe Biden is too old to do this, since he'd be 86 at the end of his second term. It will be even harder if someone other than Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket. Unfortunately, the prevailing wisdom is that Biden will be it, and I don't see who's going to challenge him.
I accepted Biden. but worried about his age, his delivery, and his ability to stand up to Right wing losers and mud wrestlers beckoning him to jump in their mud, even his ability to win in a National race. He has done a good job under the circumstances, and I like him, but I wish a younger firebrand who is potent would step up. He is too old. And I want the younger working class generation to step into the fray and start taking possession of their country.

The most discouraging thing in my life is to look at the list of States controlled by Republicans and then listen to the Bull Shit that spews out of their mouths, and their base laps it up like hot fudge. I believe that all the Right Wings Anti-movements (name it Anti- abortion, Anti- reproductive rights, Anti-trangender, Anti-democracy veiled in patriotism for dummies) is because a minority in each of those States is controlling the political landscape at least I hope so. This means that there is a chance for them to be kicked out of leadership if the rest of us start paying attention.

But the reality is, I've thinking/hoping for this since W. How in the hell can these nitwits continue to be in charge? The answer is we are surrounded by enough nitwits and/or self serving asshole, who can't see beyond today's poisonous rhetoric that they think the outcome of the implosion will benefit them..😢
Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin rejected Ford building a plant in his state claiming its due to their ties to China. Ford. I’ll say it again. Ford. :ROFLMAO:

It's a shame he missed the opportunity to remind everybody that China is woke and satanic but I'm sure a "journalist" will give him that opportunity with no pushback.
Some Republicans are championing congressional term limits and it seems the left-wing media is the one being the rare contrarian on this one – it’s just a bad idea simply because some Republicans are supporting it. I haven’t seen anything detailing exactly why this is a bad idea and I haven’t met anybody left, right, or center who thinks it’s a bad idea. So can anybody tell me what possible nefarious reason some Republicans would have for supporting it?
Some Republicans are championing congressional term limits and it seems the left-wing media is the one being the rare contrarian on this one – it’s just a bad idea simply because some Republicans are supporting it. I haven’t seen anything detailing exactly why this is a bad idea and I haven’t met anybody left, right, or center who thinks it’s a bad idea. So can anybody tell me what possible nefarious reason some Republicans would have for supporting it?
Misdirection, anything to fool ya.

Term limits is somewhat of a double edged sword. Some politicians are competant and others not, and some do a great job of fooling their dummies. I support the idea of fresh blood until it is mired by STUPID electing Incompetant, poisonous asses like Green. But you know STUPID is the real threat, that and condoned corruption so my group can get one up on you…:( Yeah who cares if we end up living in a Fascist State?
Here’s a question: are all Republicans really as “ANTI” everything that the leadership pursues or do they just go along with it because in the big picture they think they will personally, financially benefit by having the lying their asses off Republicans running the show?

And if the rest of us, supposedly a majority, when the hell will we kick these jokers out of office?
…not holding my breath. The problem seems to be millions who either don’t think the effort is effective or worth the effort, or don’t care.

How can so many of us not care? Or is it the STUPID, SELFISH factor at play continuously that will destroy the USA as it was originally designed to work? The premise 200+ years ago by the Founders is that we be composed of a populace who is worthy to run a demicracy.
… when the hell will we kick these jokers out of office?

The Republicans are not the problem. Kicking them out will not fix what is wrong with our socioeconomic system. To succeed, we would have to roll back everything since at least Reagan and then go farther than that. If we do not fix the money<->politics game, even full D control of every part of government will not be an improvement, because they will just keep putting more scotch tape, bubblegum and bailing wire on the cracks in a deeply broken system.

We will have an enduring, worsening catastrophe that will eventually lead to robespierrean levels of upheaval. Sadly, it will most likely lead to the end of a Who song – Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. As you can tell, I am not getting much in the way of optimism vitamins in my diet.
The Republicans are not the problem. Kicking them out will not fix what is wrong with our socioeconomic system. To succeed, we would have to roll back everything since at least Reagan and then go farther than that. If we do not fix the money<->politics game, even full D control of every part of government will not be an improvement, because they will just keep putting more scotch tape, bubblegum and bailing wire on the cracks in a deeply broken system.

We will have an enduring, worsening catastrophe that will eventually lead to robespierrean levels of upheaval. Sadly, it will most likely lead to the end of a Who song – Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. As you can tell, I am not getting much in the way of optimism vitamins in my diet.
Surely the choice of 100mph off the cliff vs 60mph is a choice right?

Keep in mind that turning the car is not an option, so pick which team you want behind the steering wheel.

^American Politics in a nutshell
The Republicans are not the problem. Kicking them out will not fix what is wrong with our socioeconomic system. To succeed, we would have to roll back everything since at least Reagan and then go farther than that. If we do not fix the money<->politics game, even full D control of every part of government will not be an improvement, because they will just keep putting more scotch tape, bubblegum and bailing wire on the cracks in a deeply broken system.

We will have an enduring, worsening catastrophe that will eventually lead to robespierrean levels of upheaval. Sadly, it will most likely lead to the end of a Who song – Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. As you can tell, I am not getting much in the way of optimism vitamins in my diet.
I agree with you, anyone who is elected who incurs communal pain for trying to fix things will be immediately thrown out of office.

Yet it is modern Republicanism over the last 40 years, the people who have been elected as Republicans, the people who elected them that is the source of the problem pushing what is considered a self serving ME>WE agenda, with a self serving blind refusal to deal with social issues, and a corporatism that has decimated much of the working class shipping 100s of millions of what used to be good paying jobs out of the country.

Yep, I assign the honor to Reagan, who started the ball rolling with the first significant WWII deficits. Do you remember how he didI it? He promised to cut taxes and cut spending, but unable to find agreement , the GOP cut taxes alone and have been doing it ever since, generating and accelerating our trillions of $$$$ National Debt. And the millions of workers who lost their jobs overseas, I guess it was slow, insidious enough, and those who still had their jobs saw no danger, or not willing to act, there was just not enough shared anger to start a job preservation movement after it started happening, :unsure: So it is, what it is, at some point there will be a tipping point, then look out as lots of pain will shower down upon us.
Folks, can we please draw line at transgendered witches in the FAA?

I guess the GOP got together behind closed doors and decided that the new battle cry of the culture war would be the word "woke." What a pathetic group of people. They have no real interest in actually governing and helping out the citizens of the country. It's all about Hunter's laptop, the color of M&M's etc. while conveniently disregarding an actual violent attack on the seat of government and still supporting an ex-president who lies constantly and who stole top secret documents and obstructed attempts to retrieve them. This Ted Cruz guy is especially sleazy. If that photo of him escaping to Cancun while millions of his fellow Texans were suffering from a massive power outage doesn't get him booted out of office at the next election, then the people of Texas are hopeless.
Here’s a question: are all Republicans really as “ANTI” everything that the leadership pursues or do they just go along with it because in the big picture they think they will personally, financially benefit by having the lying their asses off Republicans running the show?

Definitely the latter. It’s why they were anti-Russia, pro-cop, etc. until Trump came along.

How can I take these guys seriously when they have fabricated story after story to tie Joe Biden to China, yet here’s newly-empowered bozo Matt Gaetz spreading Chinese propaganda in a committee and getting schooled by someone testifying. How incompetent and embarrassing.

Contrast the performance of republicans in committees with democrats and I struggle to see how anyone takes republicans seriously.
Definitely the latter. It’s why they were anti-Russia, pro-cop, etc. until Trump came along.

How can I take these guys seriously when they have fabricated story after story to tie Joe Biden to China, yet here’s newly-empowered bozo Matt Gaetz spreading Chinese propaganda in a committee and getting schooled by someone testifying. How incompetent and embarrassing.

Contrast the performance of republicans in committees with democrats and I struggle to see how anyone takes republicans seriously.

This is just how traitorous the GOP has become, any outrageous BS to gain perceived political advantage at a cost to the country they are supposed to serve.
We’ll it’s been 20 years, so we’re seeing the same cycle of “sex panic” (soon to be followed by satanic panic) that this country goes through.
Another Norfolk Southern train has derailed near Springfield, Ohio. No hazardous materials. I wonder what carpetbagger JD Vance will actually accomplish to solve this issue. I heard he’s working Sen. Sherrod Brown from his state to improve safety standards, which will be odd since you know the anti-safety/regulation rail lobbies probably line Vance’s campaign coffers.

Or maybe Gym Jordache will have his hands full. He will have to chair another select committee to look into claims he read on Breitbart’s comment section that anti-Trump and anti-conservative democrat operatives were trying to sabotage Ohio’s railways.
