The Republican Agenda 2021 and Forward

“men wearing dresses hurts my feelings. Arrest them!”

When I went to the Apple Store to get my iPad restored (locked out because I could not get my new 6-digit passcode right), there was an employee there (male) wearing a utilikilt.
When I went to the Apple Store to get my iPad restored (locked out because I could not get my new 6-digit passcode right), there was an employee there (male) wearing a utilikilt.
Just saw someone walking down the road in west San jose in a kilt. Didn’t check for pockets.
When I went to the Apple Store to get my iPad restored (locked out because I could not get my new 6-digit passcode right), there was an employee there (male) wearing a utilikilt.
I’ve always been surprised that more men didn’t take to wearing skirts. This may be the solution. Women are forever complaining about the lack of pockets in our clothes. Figures men would get pockets in skirts before women.
I’ve always been surprised that more men didn’t take to wearing skirts. This may be the solution. Women are forever complaining about the lack of pockets in our clothes. Figures men would get pockets in skirts before women.
Women have had pocketed skirts since at least the 1950s, IIUC. It may not be hugely common but they are definitely out there. The convenient thing about pcokets is that you have to empty them when changing clothes, so they do not become the lost-garbage collections that are purses. The annoying thing about pockets is that you have to move all your crap into the thing you are changing to. Like purses (or sporrans) they are kind of a mixed bag.

Of course, the man in the kilt will tell you, "I dress like this because i got tired of being told 'your fly is open'. And, um, ventilation …"
Trump is giving his usual dreadful speech. It feels like his presidential announcement, but even more depressing. It’s like a Breitbart avatar onstage.

His speech is a minute in, full of the usual hyperbole and lies…

This is really the path republicans want to continue on?
Trump is giving his usual dreadful speech. It feels like his presidential announcement, but even more depressing. It’s like a Breitbart avatar onstage.

His speech is a minute in, full of the usual hyperbole and lies…

This is really the path republicans want to continue on?
Watched for 10 seconds and changed the channel. Just can't do it.
What a loser. Bitter and sore. Can’t imagine why voters didn’t pick him?

Sadly, I think we’ll see more of this going forward. Republicans have been poisoned by Trump’s BS, and there are always going to be persistent flarings of the big lie.

Anyways, good job Wisconsin.

This really should be no surprise coming from the accusation confession party that frequently uses “slippery slope” as a reason for obstruction, but you really have to marvel at the rate of their legislation, or attempted legislation, on things like gun control, LGBTQ rights, abortion, and education. They’re already penning a ramp up before the ink is even dry on their most recent related legislation. It’s not even a slippery slope. It’s a skydive without a parachute.
This really should be no surprise coming from the accusation confession party that frequently uses “slippery slope” as a reason for obstruction, but you really have to marvel at the rate of their legislation, or attempted legislation, on things like gun control, LGBTQ rights, abortion, and education. They’re already penning a ramp up before the ink is even dry on their most recent related legislation. It’s not even a slippery slope. It’s a skydive without a parachute.

I sometimes hear republicans use the phrase “big government”, but less so than usual. “Get the government out of our lives” is also a less-repeated refrain by conservatives, who want to legislate genitalia, wombs, the bedroom, classrooms, libraries, or people who dress in drag (which is not related to sexuality, as there are many straight and cisgender people who participate. Probably many conservatives as well).

Much like the thread where someone is trying to get a bible banned based on Republican rules, I can’t wait to see some of these laws bite republicans in the ass. Of course, red states will just carve out exemptions for themselves because the goal isn’t to stop drag shows, per se, but to persecute the LGBTQ community.
So, Tennessee just voted to expel two democrat house members. Their big crime was breaking decorum by participating in a gun control rally. They voted to expel two, but not the third. The two expelled were young black men, the one who was spared her seat was a white woman, and she was the first one to tell you she was saved because she was white. She’s an ally of the other two and a prominent progressive member of the house.

What a joke. The whole thing is a joke. Hopefully this bites them in the polls, though I doubt they’ll get the message if it does, they’ll just claim voter fraud.
So, Tennessee just voted to expel two democrat house members. Their big crime was breaking decorum by participating in a gun control rally. They voted to expel two, but not the third. The two expelled were young black men, the one who was spared her seat was a white woman, and she was the first one to tell you she was saved because she was white. She’s an ally of the other two and a prominent progressive member of the house.

What a joke. The whole thing is a joke. Hopefully this bites them in the polls, though I doubt they’ll get the message if it does, they’ll just claim voter fraud.
man free speech just went out of the window. government limiting free speech anyone? time to use big time.
man free speech just went out of the window. government limiting free speech anyone? time to use big time.

Well, they’ll just point to a rule in their book, but rules of decorum are broken all the time, they just hand-picked this particular example and used the harshest punishment, without much warning or process.

It’s a joke, and no accident the two black guys were expelled. But yeah, not racist at all. 🙄
I sometimes hear republicans use the phrase “big government”, but less so than usual. “Get the government out of our lives” is also a less-repeated refrain by conservatives, who want to legislate genitalia, wombs, the bedroom, classrooms, libraries, or people who dress in drag (which is not related to sexuality, as there are many straight and cisgender people who participate. Probably many conservatives as well).
They want government small enough to fit in a womb.
Just so they are consistent and match the level of their actions of giving a shit the TN Republicans should pass legislation that requires any mass shooter to expel themselves from the location of the shooting because it defies decorum and failure to do so will add another felony charge should they survive. Decisive action they can pat themselves on the back over.
They want government small enough to fit in a womb.
Except for certain ones, such as can afford to have it extracted, as needed, because, you know, they must not find out that I am the hypocrite.