This is a 30 minute long video. It is also 7 months old and came out just after the Mar-a-Lago raid. I think it's fair to say things have only escalated on that case.
But for Hillary, he (a Lawyer) goes into detail about the facts of the case from a legal stand-point. He goes into the investigations and the results of those investigations. He clearly explains why Hilary wasn't prosecuted. If you wonder why she was let go, I highly recommend watching this.
I have seen his videos before. I think he’s very thorough and often makes very interesting points. He does cover some things very fairly, but in others he has very apparent political bias highlighted by smugness. His Kyle Rittenhouse coverage was extremely biased IMO. It’s also worth noting he sued the Trump administration over a FOIA request intended to reveal wrongdoing of Trump in censoring John Bolton or something, but the case was dismissed.
I don’t mind if people take the same circumstances and perceive things differently- and I respect any opinion that someone takes the time to craft an argument for. In fact, I enjoy hearing the other sides of arguments. I also am not a lawyer so have to defer to opinions of lawyers such as himself. I just don’t think he’s consistently objective when it comes to political matters.
He casually glosses over the details of the case in a manner that suggests there’s nothing inappropriate or suspicious with what happened in Clinton’s case. And Comey should have left the decision to an actual prosecutor to decide whether or not charges were appropriate. Even if we chalk all of this up to negligence, how does one differentiate between “carelessness”(how Comey described her behavior) and gross negligence (an offense). And I’m not sure Comey should have been the one to decide upon prosecution, that sounds like the job of an
acting prosecutor.
For me, the mere fact of relying on personal email for government business goes beyond carelessness. It’s not hard to imagine that you might be sent classified information (or information that could become classified), especially as Secretary of State. If we take Clinton’s word, she, ultimately the sole custodian of this all data, didn’t have the operational control to have files deleted or removed when requested and failed the confirm such actions. How can it happen your lawyer requests emails and some technician deletes them?
If we say the Clinton scandal was merely carelessness with no underlying nefarious actions, compare to the case of former CIA director John Deutsch. After leaving the CIA and returning his multiple agency computers, it was he had many classified documents on multiple internet-connected CIA-owned computers not setup for classified information handling and later floppy discs in his home- btw this was 1996 and they were concerned about hacking. Deutsch never was found to have a criminal motive, never deleted evidence, AFAIK cooperated entirely, but was nonetheless ultimately lost his security clearance and was offered a misdemeanor plea deal w/suspended sentence to which was to be accepted, but was pardoned by Bill Clinton at the 11th hour before the case was filed. That seems like a pretty close parallel. It also suggests Hillary Clinton would probably be well aware of the records laws having lived through this scandal.
Esquire Legal Eagle claims Clinton’s case is unlike others prosecutions of gross negligence (which I’m not sure the study included cases that did not go to trial or only involves those involving the espionage act and not lesser changers) because she never knowingly destroyed evidence. I think that requires some deeper consideration. Clinton and her lawyer evidently marked personal emails for deletion and the claim is only those were deleted. (And can I mention how odd it is to delete
all your personal emails). But what about the emails with classified info on Anthony Weiner’s laptop not on Clinton’s server? That would lead me at the very least the deletion process was not executed carefully enough and there’s likely other documents that were not retain- which is at a minimum seems negligent. And Legal Eagle’s anti negligence statue argument seems pretty weak considering it exists in other parts of criminal law. It’s fair to say using your own server commingled with personal email creates a lot of issues that would be apparent to Clinton (a lawyer herself) and her team.
I think it’s fair to say if it’s you or I who did something like Clinton, we would not have the same outcome. I’ve met people who have far more serious consequences for lesser infractions within the government- stories for another time. But understandably law enforcement will usually be caught between a rock and a hard place dealing with potential criminal charges of a candidate right before an election.
That said, even if I think Clinton was guilty, it doesn’t mean I necessarily think the consequence should be jail time. But there should be consequences for elites. At the end of the day I suppose the election served in some respect as the Jury in this case… though I can’t say having Trump elected was any sort of justice.
I really don’t want to re-litigate this though. It won’t change the past and won’t have a bearing on the future. I’ve made my points. Regardless, Trump is at a level beyond Clinton and deserves the case against him.