The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

Trump - mixing up Obama and Biden again - while also saying he mixes up names on purpose. He said he mixed up Haley and Pelosi on purpose because he considers the same, but maybe Pelosi is a little smarter.

Imagine if Biden, after making a fuck up, stood at a podium and said “No, I meant to call Ukraine Israel. I meant to do that because it’s really the same thing.” How would anyone take him seriously?

He’s also name-dropping Melania a lot recently, he must be trying to get a decent divorce settlement.

Trump - mixing up Obama and Biden again - while also saying he mixes up names on purpose. He said he mixed up Haley and Pelosi on purpose because he considers the same, but maybe Pelosi is a little smarter.

Imagine if Biden, after making a fuck up, stood at a podium and said “No, I meant to call Ukraine Israel. I meant to do that because it’s really the same thing.” How would anyone take him seriously?

He’s also name-dropping Melania a lot recently, he must be trying to get a decent divorce settlement.

he calls president a fool well since he still thinks he is president its true.
Trump - mixing up Obama and Biden again - while also saying he mixes up names on purpose. He said he mixed up Haley and Pelosi on purpose because he considers the same, but maybe Pelosi is a little smarter.

Imagine if Biden, after making a fuck up, stood at a podium and said “No, I meant to call Ukraine Israel. I meant to do that because it’s really the same thing.” How would anyone take him seriously?

He’s also name-dropping Melania a lot recently, he must be trying to get a decent divorce settlement.

The problem is (and what's sad), is his supporters don't care. They're all under his spell.

Oh, and yeah..."He's a Business Man!" That refrain apparently carried him through 2016.
The problem is (and what's sad), is his supporters don't care. They're all under his spell.

Oh, and yeah..."He's a Business Man!" That refrain apparently carried him through 2016.
ya love the business man thing I mean even if you forget the 6 bankruptcies there are the countless failed businesses.
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 8.00.33 PM.png
Interesting. You may want to call the defense down in Georgia, they could use some of this information you're privy to that they are not.

Not sure what you’re talking about. For anyone who has paid attention to this trial- especially who has actually spent the time to watch more than the highlight reals, it’s very evident what was going on between Willis and Wade. Though even the headlines at this point seem to have things figured out.

I don’t need to talk to the court, these two have implicated themselves in perjury and corruption in their testimony. That’s why there’s now a bunch of investigations spinning up.

[But I were to talk to the court, I would suggest they look at the customs records to see if these 10’s of thousands in cash were declared in all their travels.]

Needless to say, if it’s determined Willis has been lying to the court, this could certainly lead to many convictions having to be reviewed

This is the most important case in the country (and it’s future) which very well could have been tanked because of these two and their personal interests. There are also other rumblings about misappropriation of state funds by Willis which could potentially also implicate her in wrongful termination.

I think the best case scenario is the Judge boots Wade off the case and pretends the evidence against Willis is just too circumstantial and their misdeeds are irrelevant to their prosecutions- in the interest of preserving the case against Trump. But the more that comes out here, I think the more difficult that is.

Even if my some chance Willis is allowed to stay on this case, I think there’s a good chance her career will be ending soon.

To be clear here, the criteria in this hearing is not beyond a reasonable doubt, but preponderance of evidence- which comparably is a much lower bar. I think we’re at that point when all signs point to the fact these two were together well before they claimed under oath.

I don’t think there’s any evidence to say Willis intentionally schemed to overpay her boyfriend for him to use the funds to her financial benefit specifically. While it does seem they spent a lot of money traveling, it doesn’t appear to be hundreds of thousands. But it does seem apparent she gave him a job he was not qualified for and payed him almost double, presumably because of their relationship.

I think you mistake my disgust as some sort of celebration in favor of Trump. Quite the contrary. Trump’s alleged election interference is a serious crime that cannot be go unaddressed. I don’t care who prosecutes it, neither should you, but when we have corrupt prosecutors it’s just asking for the case to be thrown out. We should demand the best from or prosecutors to begin with period, but the country absolutely cannot afford prosecutors involved in shenanigans like this.

If Trump’s GA case isn’t prosecuted (or isn’t prosecuted until it no longer matters), there’s no one to blame except these two. They are not being unfairly prosecuted, they created this problem for themselves and decided to double down thinking they can outsmart everyone rather than recuse themselves.
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Not really aimed at you and not disagreeing with the general perception, but it’s kind of funny in this case considering Trump is a 24/7 anger over his charges machine. He can’t stop talking about it and shoehorns it into every possible topic.

In the case of Trump, I think there’s various including
1) He’s displaying his anger to drum up sympathy… and perhaps more importantly anger among his supporters. This makes them a more supportive and motivated voting block.
2) He genuinely believes he’s innocent and is genuinely angry because he thinks he is being treated unfairly- very possible given his level of overt narcissism.
3) He knows he is guilty but angry because he got caught and/or the consequences
4) He knows he’s wrong and is angry at himself but misplacing the anger. Not a chance this is relevant hahahaha

I think he does have some reason to be angry.

1) The Stormy Daniels case is based off “novel legal theory” that includes a state trying to prosecute a federal crime.The most similar case was not found guilty. Hush money payments are not illegal, but now we have expectation to explicitly document them on taxes makes no sense. It’s not unreasonable to call a payoff a legal expense.

2) E Jean Carol- a case that only exists due to a law temporarily allowing the prosecution of cases older than the statute of limitations. One might ask if that legal carve out would have existed without Trump. The charge being defamation as he denied committed a crime which seems a bit odd. Maybe I misunderstand the law but it seems one should have the right to proclaim innocence.

Regardless, I have no tolerance for SA and his testimony was just him asking to lose so $5m seems fair (jail would actually be fair with criminal charges). Upping to $83M seems excessive- but I guess it depends on the perspective. If we are saying EJC suffered $83m in damages- it’s insane. If the goal is to dissuade Trump from future defamation, while still probably high it’s closer to reasonable given his assets.

3) Trump Company Fraud- It seems there are a lot of biz people saying it’s standard practice to inflate/deflate property valuations. The lack of victim and cooperation of banks isn’t particularly compelling for the state. Some of Trump’s examples do see rather egregious though. I don’t know enough to know. It’s apparently not abnormal for commercial space in NYC to be listed 20-25%+ larger than it is.

$500m does seem like it may be excessive especially when you consider it’s all going to the state. If he grossly underpaid taxes, he should be on the hook for that and legal fees.

It’s concerning though when you have a DA who ran her campaign on prosecuting Trump for whatever crimes they could find raises concerns about unfair prosecution. James posting daily on Twitter the daily interest Trump is accruing doesn’t help that concern.

TLDR The outcome may be correct but the consequence may be unfair. The prosecution may be just technically but unfair if no one else is prosecuted this way.

Anything related to J6 and election fraud is totally fair game if you ask me.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe there is at least some degree of law fare in play- in a totally unprecedented manner. That said, I don’t necessarily think all of the cases are unreasonable. I fear if Trump is re-elected he and sycophantic followers will do their best to prosecute opposition figures.

We already see this with Hunter Biden to an extent. After years I am not aware of any concrete evidence tying Joe to Hunters schemes. While Hunter probably is guilty of some financial crimes worth prosecuting, going after him on gun charges (a crime basically never prosecuted) is ridiculous. But much of the digging would have never happened had he not been Biden’s son.
To be clear here, the criteria in this hearing is not beyond a reasonable doubt, but preponderance of evidence- which comparably is a much lower bar. I think we’re at that point when all signs point to the fact these two were together well before they claimed under oath.

Well, luckily, what you or I think doesn't matter. The defense shit the bed in these hearings. They essentially went fishing on the stand instead of presenting a case. They prevented a theory with fuzzy circumstantial evidence at best. There is just no good reason to lie, so either they (Willis and Wade) are definitely as corrupt as you say, or you've perhaps gotten it wrong. Either way, its guesswork, and we don't operate on guesswork in court. Even with a lower bar, there are still certain standards that have to be met. Anyone could come up with a scandal about you or I that would be false but can appear credible. If the "appearance" was all that mattered, think of how easy it would be to get prosecutors tossed.

The relationship alone wouldn't even necessarily be a reason to recuse by itself, so it seems odd to me they would lie about it. Anything is possible. But you've proved nothing, and I definitely don't share your assumptions that you think are evidently clear.

What I'm talking about is, you are making sweeping allegations with virtually no proof. The money they spent? They were both wealthy before this, and still are.

The real serious allegations are those of financial impropriety, which seem even less credible now than they did at the outset of the allegations. So its either a coverup, or you're wrong. And given the republican record with witnesses and allegations, you'll have to forgive me for my skepticism.
what the point so he can lie again? I doubt he even remembers the incident. he already testifies and it was just shit as usual.

Trump lawyers want him back on witness stand in E. Jean Carroll case​

what the point so he can lie again? I doubt he even remembers the incident. he already testifies and it was just shit as usual.

Trump lawyers want him back on witness stand in E. Jean Carroll case​

In the defamation trial, the judge restricted his testimony. He wants to be able to explain why he berated her publicly, then the jury will see his side and throw out the judgement. Because, he apparently lives in a world where bullshit excuses do pay the rent.
In the defamation trial, the judge restricted his testimony. He wants to be able to explain why he berated her publicly, then the jury will see his side and throw out the judgement. Because, he apparently lives in a world where bullshit excuses do pay the rent.
he does live in that world and it has worked well for him. yes he was limited and he could not control himself.
Well, luckily, what you or I think doesn't matter. The defense shit the bed in these hearings. They essentially went fishing on the stand instead of presenting a case. They prevented a theory with fuzzy circumstantial evidence at best. There is just no good reason to lie, so either they (Willis and Wade) are definitely as corrupt as you say, or you've perhaps gotten it wrong. Either way, its guesswork, and we don't operate on guesswork in court. Even with a lower bar, there are still certain standards that have to be met. Anyone could come up with a scandal about you or I that would be false but can appear credible. If the "appearance" was all that mattered, think of how easy it would be to get prosecutors tossed.

The relationship alone wouldn't even necessarily be a reason to recuse by itself, so it seems odd to me they would lie about it. Anything is possible. But you've proved nothing, and I definitely don't share your assumptions that you think are evidently clear.

What I'm talking about is, you are making sweeping allegations with virtually no proof. The money they spent? They were both wealthy before this, and still are.

The real serious allegations are those of financial impropriety, which seem even less credible now than they did at the outset of the allegations. So its either a coverup, or you're wrong. And given the republican record with witnesses and allegations, you'll have to forgive me for my skepticism.

Their story is beyond ludicrous, totally implausible, and you’re the only person who seems to be buying it. There’s a number of people who claim the relationship started well before they claimed now. The fact Wades friend/lawyer/ex-biz partner seemed more than happy to confirm this fact in text messages but developed amnesia as soon as he hit the stand after a momentous effort to declare everything he’s ever known about Wade as attorney client privilege. It’s incredibly obvious what they are trying to do, which is be deceptive.

Again, the standard in play is not beyond a reasonable doubt, its preponderance of the evidence. And I have yet to see these two provide anything to support the outlandish tales they’ve spun. How likely is it that someone stockpiles cash but can’t present a banking statement, ATM receipt, bill of sale- anything?

As I said before, the fact these two had a relationship has little material impact on the Trump cases. Had they just admitted they had been dating, Wade might have been booted, Willis reprimanded, and that in would be the end of it. It’s pretty uncommon for a single instance of perjury to be prosecuted. The Judge clearly has a massive incentive not to upset the apple cart of either side.

The problem is by fighting likely reality tooth and nail for a reason do not understand is that it has brought so much attention to themselves and highlighted what could be considered criminal actions (perjury, lying and on a court. What was originally one lie has now created many more.

Hiring your significant other for a sweet gig he/she has no experience in (Wade has no experience with RICO cases), paying them well above their actually qualified co-workers in the context of a government agency is a quintessential example of corruption.

If we ignore that, Given Willis is an officer of a court and Wade is a contractor for the court, Willis is mandated to account for any gifts valued over $100. Willis is a DA, she knows this. Willis and Wade can produce zero evidence she ever repaid Wade for these vacations. Therefore what are we to assume other than Willis did not repay the money. That is a form of corruption itself and not reporting these transactions is illegal.

I doesn’t matter that you believe their story based on what seems to be implicit trust. What matters is that the public overwhelming now sees the prosecution as unethical. I don’t know anyone IRL who doesn’t think Willis and Wade’s performance has been anything less than a laughing stock.

It’s the optics that’s the problem. Frankly, the bad optics is no different than the two being found 100% guilty. You can be sure Trumps defense will then take every single opportunity to call into question the character and ethics of the prosecutor and potentially concoct a narrative that creates pandemonium. J6 is a similar story except it was the integrity of the voting system that was questioned and exploited.

I do agree though the defense team seems to have bumbled their way through this. The financial scheme of Willis overpaying Wade just to buy vacations is convoluted and likely not legitimate. The fact she hired him presumably as a lover despite lacking the professional expertise and overpaying him speaks for itself. As does the appearance of accepting high value gifts from a contractor- even if he is your lover. There’s no need to connect these two facets into a convoluted financial fraud scheme.

The ship has sailed with these two being seen as being credible representatives of the legal system. Trump should be prosecuted here, but we can’t have people doing it who have accumulated such baggage.

Even if the Judge at a minimum keeps Willis on the case, this is far from over. There’s all sorts of investigations known and likely happening given what has been uncovered. This will only distract from Trump’s case and could even derail it further.
Their story is beyond ludicrous, totally implausible, and you’re the only person who seems to be buying it.

Nah, this is a Trump move - "I don't have any doubt about it, and neither do you" is not a valid argument. They had a relationship. The dispute is when it became romantic. Provide proof for your accusation. You know another accusation I could make? That Mike Roman's lawyers should resign from the case and drop their client, because they're engaged in obstruction and defamation. I can say that, and the prosecution could allege that - guess what? They'll have to prove it.

There's no proof of a romantic relationship outside of circumstantial evidence, which they've testified about. So prove your case, prove they're lying.

Nevermind the fact they haven't proven how this prejudices the case.

And while I'm privy to using the "nobody is buying it" argument from time to time myself, how many people believe something is no measurement of its validity.

There’s a number of people who claim the relationship started well before they claimed now. The fact Wades friend/lawyer/ex-biz partner seemed more than happy to confirm this fact in text messages but developed amnesia as soon as he hit the stand after a momentous effort to declare everything he’s ever known about Wade as attorney client privilege. It’s incredibly obvious what they are trying to do, which is be deceptive.

Again, the standard in play is not beyond a reasonable doubt, its preponderance of the evidence. And I have yet to see these two provide anything to support the outlandish tales they’ve spun. How likely is it that someone stockpiles cash but can’t present a banking statement, ATM receipt, bill of sale- anything?

We've already addressed this. The bar is not "beyond a reasonable doubt", but it's also not as low as you think it is, which is circumstantial evidence that proves nothing adequately. The bar is not "this could possibly be true, so therefore we must take action".

As I said before, the fact these two had a relationship has little material impact on the Trump cases. Had they just admitted they had been dating, Wade might have been booted, Willis reprimanded, and that in would be the end of it.

They did admit they had a relationship, first platonic and then romantic. They didn't admit to this defendant's story, two different things.

If the defense can't prove their accusations, this will have no material impact on the cases AND Wade won't be booted AND Willis won't be reprimanded. Then what? The case can move forward and the Trumpers can say this is all political and the case is in question, as if that won't be the exact same argument made in every case anyways. Which of Trump's cases and trials will they say "Yeah, that was fair, I was wrong, he deserved to be prosecuted"?

The problem is by fighting likely reality tooth and nail for a reason do not understand is that it has brought so much attention to themselves and highlighted what could be considered criminal actions (perjury, lying and on a court. What was originally one lie has now created many more.

More fan fiction. You really are running with this narrative as if its already proven fact.

Hiring your significant other for a sweet gig he/she has no experience in (Wade has no experience with RICO cases), paying them well above their actually qualified co-workers in the context of a government agency is a quintessential example of corruption.

If we ignore that, Given Willis is an officer of a court and Wade is a contractor for the court, Willis is mandated to account for any gifts valued over $100. Willis is a DA, she knows this. Willis and Wade can produce zero evidence she ever repaid Wade for these vacations. Therefore what are we to assume other than Willis did not repay the money. That is a form of corruption itself and not reporting these transactions is illegal.

I doesn’t matter that you believe their story based on what seems to be implicit trust. What matters is that the public overwhelming now sees the prosecution as unethical. I don’t know anyone IRL who doesn’t think Willis and Wade’s performance has been anything less than a laughing stock.

"MAGA World" is part of the public, not "the public". Many in the public also think this is the same old BS stalling tactics by a bunch of corrupt white collar criminals who are being treated with kid gloves by the courts, even as others indirectly affiliated with these charges get arrested, go to jail, stand trial, get convicted, serve sentences and in some cases are already out. Meanwhile, we're still hand-wringing on whether or not there is a prosecutor or judge on this great earth with the untarnished reputation required to put the great messiah Trump on trial. :rolleyes:

It’s the optics that’s the problem. Frankly, the bad optics is no different than the two being found 100% guilty. You can be sure Trumps defense will then take every single opportunity to call into question the character and ethics of the prosecutor and potentially concoct a narrative that creates pandemonium. J6 is a similar story except it was the integrity of the voting system that was questioned and exploited.

I do agree though the defense team seems to have bumbled their way through this. The financial scheme of Willis overpaying Wade just to buy vacations is convoluted and likely not legitimate. The fact she hired him presumably as a lover despite lacking the professional expertise and overpaying him speaks for itself. As does the appearance of accepting high value gifts from a contractor- even if he is your lover. There’s no need to connect these two facets into a convoluted financial fraud scheme.

The ship has sailed with these two being seen as being credible representatives of the legal system. Trump should be prosecuted here, but we can’t have people doing it who have accumulated such baggage.

Even if the Judge at a minimum keeps Willis on the case, this is far from over. There’s all sorts of investigations known and likely happening given what has been uncovered. This will only distract from Trump’s case and could even derail it further.

Eh, I don't care what Trumpers think of these two. If Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley were trying Trump, you'd be on here making the same arguments based on some other non-scandal.

This is a guy who was hired as part of a team, it's not like she needed a doctor and hired a janitor. Maybe he brings a skill she needs to the team, as she mentioned, he wasn't even her first choice. She discussed how she got around to hiring him. Did you listen to the testimony, or are you reading Fox excerpts? I actually watched the hearings. I'll grant you its suspect, but there's no evidence they're lying - it's not an unfathomable story that two professional adults have a relationship before it becomes romantic. Did they meet and start sleeping together - which Willis objected to - or were they friends and colleagues, got on the case together and then it went further? If they're lying and risking everything over non-criminal behavior, then prove it.

Your claims of corruption should be even easier to prove.

My friend, this attitude is part of the reason Trump keeps evading accountability. If you didn't have a problem with Willis and Wade, we'd go down the line until we ended up finding out the building's plumber once donated to a democrat mayor, and thus the entire integrity of the court is in question. When does this horeshit end?
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Stand back confused Biden, Trump mispronounced 32 words yesterday in two speeches where he mixed up names, forgot names, and babbled insane nonsense.

Dr. John Gartner: The world is watching "a fundamental breakdown in Trump’s ability to use language"​

Experts say Trump's decline may be "caused by his incapacity to manage the stress caused by multiple indictments"


Experts say Trump's decline may be "caused by his incapacity to manage the stress caused by multiple indictments"

At 16 seconds at the start of the video...

"Saudi Arabia and Russia will... ree.. errpp.. will... aaahhhhhhhh" :ROFLMAO:
