The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

I believe there are states where democrats could return that favor, rendering it pointless. I could be wrong, I heard a discussion about this and one of the talking heads brought up a similar setup in a Democrat-friendly state that could move to winner take all in retaliation.
Give a man a free lunch and he'll f*ck it up

… the company’s auditor issued a “going concern” notice for the business, saying it was not confident it would be able to stay afloat … For instance, it is banned in Canada … In a news release last week, CEO Devin Nunes … said he was confident about the future of the business

Ouch. Some people you just want to forget, but they will not let you.
He looks like he’d rather be in court.
Nothing wrong with this, but he’s about as personable and warm as a moody possum.

“We’re passing out milkshakes. You can afford to have it. You know why? Because you’re thin.” 3:58

I was hoping someone would be brave enough to call him a racist asshole and give him the bird, but it was not to be.

That said, if he could stick with this and drop the Hitler quotes and criminal activity, he’d be seen as a lovable doofus. Instead, he’s just a vile moron.

I was hoping someone would be brave enough to call him a racist asshole and give him the bird, but it was not to be.

What you're not seeing in the photo is an army of secret service people. When I was in college Reagan came to speak to us one day (after he was president). The secret service dictated the paths we took to get to the gym. The dictated which door we'd enter through and where we would sit. Instead of having space, they shoved us into one little section to keep everyone together. They had us surrounded while he spoke. They even had people on horseback doing god knows what in the Malibu hills.

I'm sure this wasn't an impromptu stop and I'm sure the secret service didn't just wing it. I'd guess every employee there was pre-screened.

This has to be the most transparent attempted pump and dump in history, not including all the God commanded pump and dumps in the Old Testament. I’m sure it’s in there somewhere seeing as Trump is the second coming.
its all he is capable of. he does not have the brains or the ability to hire the brains do do it the right way illegally. even as a criminal he is crappy.