The Trump Cesspool Thread- a place to drop misc Trump turds

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Yeah, and he said he wants to bring back an act of 1798 to throw out immigrants, even if they’re legal citizens. Between him and Caroetbagger Vance, can we stop pretending this is about illegal immigration and just about non-white immigrants of any status?

This election is more insulting by the day. We’re probably toast no matter who wins. This country cannot function with nearly half of it somehow thinking Trump is worthy of their vote.

Even after Trump’s last Big Mac mercifully makes him a relic of a very stupid era, his soldiers will be marching on, trying desperately to whiten up the gene pool as they lower the collective IQ of our country a little more. I’d like to think republicans will pick someone more evil, sinister and smarter next time, but we may just get Trump 2.0. I certainly wouldn’t rule out MTG either, or Laura Loomer. Is there really that big of a jump from Trump? If they can defend him, who can’t they defend?

I’d like to think the fact that probably nobody in that audience has suffered any of those things would be enough to help them understand it isn’t true, especially since conservatives can only relate to something if it happens to them. But apparently, it’s not a bug of the cult to ignore reasoning and logic, or to be able to do a quick google search to easily disprove his claims (most can be dismissed with anyone of at least a 2nd grade education level). It’s their biggest feature.

I’m so sick of this inept lying windbag. The guy can’t get out a sentence anymore. Ever the marketer, he now calls his inane rantings “the weave”.
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Something I find kind of funny is Trump will never miss an opportunity to throw somebody under the bus for even minor infractions. Trump apologists will regularly go to the media saying Trump didn’t literally mean something he said only to have Trump respond that he meant exactly what he said. Trump will only dial things back if it seems like his good idea. If somebody else preemptively does it for him it’s just a reason to start the bus.

In more projection from the right there’s no bigger collective group of betas in this country than MAGA. There’s not one alpha in the pack.

“But the guardrails!” The fact that Trump is the Republican candidate in a tight race is proof that the guardrails and system have already massively failed us at every opportunity. Now toss in the Supreme Court’s near complete (complete if they have their say with a Republican in office) immunity decision. Trump will just prance around going “Before we start “OFFICIAL DUTY!”, OK go.”

“The big joke on democracy is that it gives its mortal enemies the tools to its own destruction.” – Joseph Goebbels
Sounds about right. He’s often known to lie about measurements. The size of his crowds, his golf scores, his net worth, his voting base, his “hand” size…



To sell the show, we created the narrative that Trump was a super-successful businessman who lived like royalty. That was the conceit of the show. At the very least, it was a substantial exaggeration; at worst, it created a false narrative by making him seem more successful than he was.
In fact, Trump declared business bankruptcy four times before the show went into production, and at least twice more during his 14 seasons hosting. The imposing board room where he famously fired contestants was a set, because his real boardroom was too old and shabby for TV.

Listened to an interview with Bob Woodward about his latest book. Trump’s own security director said Trump’s relationship with Putin is an enigma and Trump is unusually submissive in that relationship. He sincerely wonders if blackmail is involved. Putin is professionally trained in manipulation and Trump is easy to manipulate.

If he loses I wonder if Putin will let the floodgates open on whatever it is he has on him because he failed his mission and needs to be put out of his misery. Plus even with Trump out of the picture there’s still enough in place to destabilize the US internally and Trump’s declining mental state will probably become a serious liability against the mission.
Listened to an interview with Bob Woodward about his latest book. Trump’s own security director said Trump’s relationship with Putin is an enigma and Trump is unusually submissive in that relationship. He sincerely wonders if blackmail is involved. Putin is professionally trained in manipulation and Trump is easy to manipulate.

Good for Woodward to say it, but we all knew this anyways. A guy who attacks everyone under the sun, but hasn’t yet - in all these years - said one unkind word about a dictator. He worships him and it’s in his body language when they’re together - he looks like a teenage boy on his first date with a girl he never thought he’d land.
I saw it noted that Individual-ONE was born a few months after V-J Day. Ten months, actually. Clearly, his father had just returned from combat, had a joyful reunion with his mother, and he was born after the appropriate interval.

Make of that what you will. It is just clear to me that he bears no resemblance to Fred.
It’s being reported that Trump said at one point he needed to have generals like Hitler had. Being ever the student of selective history, that is actually quite funny because Hitler’s generals needed a leader who wasn’t like Hitler. It’s widely believed that one of the main reasons they lost the war was because of major impulsive and ignorant decisions made directly by Hitler. It would no doubt be the same for Trump. But again, selective history.
That is barely even news, hardly surprising, and probably a bonus point for some of his voters. Certainly the ones with swastika flags, who the mainstream conservatives pretend don’t exist, except when they are at their rallies and fundraisers and court them with their usual dog whistles.

There is a disconnect in reality between what they (Conservatives, the religious-right and Trumpers in general) profess and who they support, and that disconnect exists no matter how much they double-down. I suppose they think by shoehorning him into power - without the votes but through legal avenues and public pressure - the end justifies the means. It does not. He is a certifiable PoS who represents the opposite of all of their values, and their support of him is no less hypocritical regardless of how many times he wins or loses.

Supporting Hitler wouldn’t have been any less vile if he had surrendered and died of old age, or if he had won the war. I used to be loathe to compare Trump to Hitler, but it’s pretty apt these days through his own language, and also the fact his own f*****g running mate made the comparison.
This is a real clip… If you can get past the 1488 Nazi reference on the MyPillow sale. It’s quite hilarious.

In this clip on X, the heap of orange is dealing with a sound system fault by stroking the mic and opening his mouth wide.

I mean, WTAF?