The Trump Indictment Thread


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notice you only hear about Biden's lapses? when trump does them all the time including just standing there in a daze. Trump is so good at being a lying cognitive lacky everyone ignores it.

At the moment, and due to the very real possibility that trump could again be elected president, it is Biden's lapses and his seeming to be lost in another world during portions of the debate, that concern me the most.


Resident Redneck
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At the moment, and due to the very real possibility that trump could again be elected president, it is Biden's lapses and his seeming to be lost in another world during portions of the debate, that concern me the most.

So what would you say if I told you I had been seeing videos like this for months. Granted, not near as jarring as what the country witnessed Thursday, but plenty of times he had that same "lost" look on his face, said things that didn't make sense or he wandered off and someone had to go get him and lead him back to where he was supposed to be?

Would you consider it possible that enough voters had seen these videos (and KJP can say they are fakes all she wants, after what people saw the other night, no one believes her) and had already moved off Biden. That would indicate why he was polling below Trump since basically April.

And Carl Berstein (can't call him RW) said in an interview that this WAS NOT a one off. That is has happened multiple times over the past year.


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So what would you say if I told you I had been seeing videos like this for months.

I have been saying that for 2+years on this forum, wanting Biden to bow out for 2024 while there was still time to smoothly consider and transition to an alternative (Newsom/Booker/Buttigieg/Abrams/etc).

Biden's debate performance and appearance was over the top and just confirmed what I've been observing/believing.

See... that's the benefit of not belonging to a professional political party. I can report what I see and not feel obligated to compromise my principles agreeing with some party's doctrine.


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Well, maybe Biden is loosing it sometimes. Scary, yes.
But not not half as scary as some other guy, who says totally insane things (and mostly lies) on a regular basis - while being considered in full possession of mental health.

Or, simplified: I prefer a sane man with blackouts over an absolutely insane one without any day
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Elite Member
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Well, maybe Biden is loosing it sometimes. Scary, yes.
But not not half as scary as some other guy, who says totally insane things (and mostly lies) on a regular basis - while being considered in full possession of mental health.

Or, simplified: I prefer a same man with blackouts over an absolutely insane one without any day

In a perfect world, I would *somewhat* agree.

But considering the closeness of the race (essentially a statistical tie within the margin of error), it's Biden's debate optics that will push undecideds in swing states over to trump.

IMO, that's an unacceptable adverse consequence that will complement the recent SCOUTUS rulings, and greatly diminish democracy as we know it (or believe what it should be).


Resident Redneck
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I have been saying that for 2+years on this forum, wanting Biden to bow out for 2024 while there was still time to smoothly consider and transition to an alternative (Newsom/Booker/Buttigieg/Abrams/etc).

Biden's debate performance and appearance was over the top and just confirmed what I've been observing/believing.

So I will ask you, why has no one else seen this? Or thought it was an issue? Had this happened in say December, there is no way he is on the ballot for the primaries. Or at least not alone.

Was this deliberately hidden from the country? And are you pissed that this was hidden from the country? The Hur interview would clear that up fairly quickly.

If it’s not retroactive, nothing changes WRT Trump.

None of his cases have been completed so the ruling will affect all of them.


Mama's lil stinker
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Sentencing moved to September:

Right, so help me understand how the "official" act gives him the ability to kick the can down the road on an act that had nothing to do with his presidency? I'm guessing they wouldn't do it for nothing, just trying to figure out why.


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So I will ask you, why has no one else seen this? Or thought it was an issue? Had this happened in say December, there is no way he is on the ballot for the primaries. Or at least not alone.

Was this deliberately hidden from the country? And are you pissed that this was hidden from the country? The Hur interview would clear that up fairly quickly.

I can't answer that. Many people have seen it. The signs were there. Not to the extent we saw during the debate. But his walking gait was a sign - and has progressively turned into now taking very tiny steps.

And his not being able to find words he was looking for when speaking. That's actually a complex subject - memory recall vs lost memory. Memory recall is handled by the brain's prefrontal cortex. Which is different than memory formation and loss. A lot of that was curiously (and erroneously) attributed to his stuttering - which he has had since he was a kid.

I think a lot of people were of the opinion that's what getting older is about. Not a biggie.

His debate performance was a huge change, though. That's why I was wondering if he was medicated/over-medicated.

Was this deliberately hidden from the country?"

It wasn't hidden at all. It was in the open. As an aside... Perhaps I'm a little more sensitive to noticing things like that. Most of my photography is about hitting up random strangers on the street in San Francisco (probably a thousand or so) for conversation, leading to making a few portraits.


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So I will ask you, why has no one else seen this? Or thought it was an issue? Had this happened in say December, there is no way he is on the ballot for the primaries. Or at least not alone.

Was this deliberately hidden from the country? And are you pissed that this was hidden from the country? The Hur interview would clear that up fairly quickly.
I think Biden's condition has been fairly obvious, but not to the extent we saw last week. It's true and understandable that he has performed well when he's delivered a scripted speech, as he did during the SOTU. But he's also interacted with people outside the confines of the White House, whether with the press or with folks he's met on the campaign trail. I find it hard to believe that if he had acted as he did during the debate, we wouldn't have heard about it. Unlike what happened with presidents Kennedy and Roosevelt, these things can no longer be kept secret. I'm of the opinion that something has changed, though I can't tell if this is Biden's "new normal" or a new low point that may be repeated.

However, the question many of us here keep asking about Trump still stands: Why aren't his la-la episodes (such as when he goes on about electric boats or obviously can't find the words to say) treated as concerning as Biden's, even without considering that he's going to implement an authoritarian dictatorship and go after his enemies? If Biden isn't fit for office, neither is Trump.


It’s all in the reflexes
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Herdfan’s trolling is at maximum levels today. He’s not just “concerned” about Biden’s competency, he’s concerned about the conspiracy to hide it, and how mad we should be about it.

Trump’s endless uh, faults (?) merit no concern at all and are no worse than Biden’s in any way. False equivalency knob is turned to 11. Him being president will be better than Biden for some reason.


Resident Redneck
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Herdfan’s trolling is at maximum levels today. He’s not just “concerned” about Biden’s competency, he’s concerned about the conspiracy to hide it, and how mad we should be about it.

That, if it has been hidden, should bother EVERYONE.

And I’m certainly not the only one saying it. Maybe you should read former NYT Executive Editor’s piece on this. She is pissed that journalists didn’t do their job.

Biden’s competency, or whatever you want to call it, was not a surprise to me. I’ve been saying this, and getting hammered for it for a year now. Must suck for some of you that it turns out I might have been right.

But that is of little consolation given we aren’t sure the person in the WH is up to the task (I can post quotes from other users here saying that he isn’t). That is scary. At least to me. Even though I knew Biden wasn’t all there, watching his first flub made me sick to my stomach and scared of what could happen.
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Egg Nog King of the Eastern Seaboard
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…Biden wasn’t all there, watching his first flub made me sick to my stomach and scared of what could happen.

I think you have to consider the differences in perspectives. Most people here see a Trump win as being the end of democracy in the US, or, at best, a severe rollback on all the societal gains we’ve made over the last 80 odd years.

With Trump, the country risks losing abortion access entirely, sweeping changes to our education system, severe cutbacks to social security, potential bannings of IVFs, birth control medications, and other miscellaneous women’s health issues, a government filled with people who’s only qualifying factor is that they’re loyal to Trump, and…

…the list goes on. A feeble halfwit in the Oval Office isn’t nearly so scary comparatively.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
A feeble halfwit in the Oval Office isn’t nearly so scary comparatively.

Even if Joe the President is anything like a feeble halfwit (with intelligence the is actually observable, unlike some people), at least he is still smart enough to understand that the best thing he can do is bring in smarter people who can do a proper job for him without getting ceaselessly mocked or relentlessly indicted. I mean, just compare Jen Psaki to the parade of droolers that preceded her. Joe know how to pick a good crew.


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But that is of little consolation given we aren’t sure the person in the WH is up to the task (I can post quotes from other users here saying that he isn’t). That is scary. At least to me. Even though I knew Biden wasn’t all there, watching his first flub made me sick to my stomach and scared of what could happen.
Point being: Biden may not be up to the task sometimes because he potentially gets too old. Trump is unfit at all times for his lack of intelligence, morals, literacy and general decency
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Elite Member
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Point is: Biden may not be up to the task sometimes because he potentially gets too old. Trump is unfit at all times for the lack of intelligence, morals, literacy and general decency
Plus now he will have full freedom to do anything he wants. With Trump you know that is going to be so bad. especially since all republican lawmakers are on board with whatever he does none will stand up to him now.
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