The Trump Indictment Thread

The only hope is that there are enough people who recognize the danger Trump poses to the country and the world and are willing to vote accordingly, even if they prefer his "policies" to Biden's.

It's pretty scary.

One just has to look back to the 1930s (there's plenty of newsreel film footage out there to view), to see how hitler and mussolini came to power, mesmerizing a large chunk of the populace. Which resulted in people believing mussolini's and hitler's simple solutions and promises to complex problems of the time were the answer. Which in the end lead to fascist authoritarian rule.

It's the same thing today. Except worse, with all of the TV and social media outlets available for efficiently spewing trump's hate and lies, and putting people under his spell as if he were some kind of savior and the only one who can fix the country's "problems."
In another poll, Trump is also the Republican candidate least likely to beat Biden, though he does lead…



This reminds of when Ted Bundy represented himself in court and asked witnesses for details about the crime scene. This served no purpose other than he clearly got off on reliving the murders in hearing those details. This is Trump’s way of attacking and humiliating her in court through 3rd party Tweets. He isn’t the one saying those things but he still gets to watch her reaction to them and get off on it.

This reminds of when Ted Bundy represented himself in court and asked witnesses for details about the crime scene. This served no purpose other than he clearly got off on reliving the murders in hearing those details. This is Trump’s way of attacking and humiliating her in court through 3rd party Tweets. He isn’t the one saying those things but he still gets to watch her reaction to them and get off on it.

He’s weak. He’s using his lawyers (to their own detriment and embarrassment) as attack dogs, but he’s really putting on a show for his base. If Carroll - an 80 year old woman - walked up to him and called him a “Putrid fat-f**k” as loud as she could, he’d probably give that same timid slump he has whenever he’s around Vladimir Putin and not say a single word. The man doesn’t usually engage directly in confrontation, he’s always the boss and surrounded by minions. Look at how he acts when heckled and the heckler’s voice gets through, he can hardly find the words. When it’s raucous and they’re overwhelmed he urges his crowd on, but when he’s in a smaller setting and heckled, the tough guy curtain drops and you see a very insecure and sheltered egomaniac basket case who’s afraid to death.

If the allegations are she hired her lover, forget this going anywhere. If they can prove official misconduct, that’s different, but we are a long way off from there.

There will be a lot of this between now and when folks are convicted. The guy whose lawyer is bringing this is very much your Roger Stone type. And there will be convictions, this case ain’t going anywhere without a miracle.

Couples on a case is not that uncommon, but we just don’t know enough right now.
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If the allegations are she hired her lover, forget this going anywhere. If they can prove official misconduct, that’s different, but we are a long way off from there.

There will be a lot of this between now and when folks are convicted. The guy whose lawyer is bringing this is very much your Roger Stone type. And there will be convictions, this case ain’t going anywhere without a miracle.

Couples on a case is not that uncommon, but we just don’t know enough right now.

I don't think it is going to take a conviction. And it probably won't get to that anyway. But if the allegations are enough to get her to resign, then the next person in her position will then decide if the case is going forward.

She was paying him $100/hr more than other attorneys they had used in the past that actually had RICO case experience. He did not.
The process will determine what happened/if any remedies are in order.

That's all it is right now - speculation can run wild, it will not help Trump or his co-defendants. You don't think they knew this kind of stuff would be coming full steam ahead?

Nobody is infallible, but republicans would do wise to realize that about Trump. The conservative ears prick up on the slightest clue of possible misconduct, but if Trump walked down fifth avenue and shoved some old lady to the ground and threw his diaper on her head, conservatives would immediately find the loophole to explain why that is an act of grace in some cultures.

I will wait for more, but you can see the conservative misinformation campaign gaining full steam to the point where other agencies are having to issue denials...

Jack Posobiec, a Trump-supporting conservative activist, said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that the GBI had allegedly launched an investigation into Willis.

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Why haven't the Democrats? It seems their solution is to just let as many come across the border as possible.
Democrats in the Senate have been working with Republicans and independents to work out an immigration package, including this new proposal:

But the Republicans' Lord and Master, Trump, has ordered them not to accept any deal lest it make Biden look better. Senate Republicans may not go along, but I'd be surprised if Johnson and the rest of his feckless House colleagues did. So spare me your arguments about Democrats not being willing to do anything about immigration.
Democrats in the Senate have been working with Republicans and independents to work out an immigration package, including this new proposal:

But the Republicans' Lord and Master, Trump, has ordered them not to accept any deal lest it make Biden look better. Senate Republicans may not go along, but I'd be surprised if Johnson and the rest of his feckless House colleagues did. So spare me your arguments about Democrats not being willing to do anything about immigration.

I just alluded to this in the other Trump thread.

What is on full display here (among their cult-like worship of a totally weak buffoon any poster here could eviscerate in a debate) is the utter disdain and disregard Republican lawmakers have for their own voters. Republican politicians know, believe and count on the fact that their voters are stupid.

Listen, I’ve known a long time republican lawmakers are not serious people. I say it all the time. What could possibly prove it more than this particular situation? I would like to ask Speaker Trump’s congressional liaison, Mike “Where’s My” Johnson, exactly who the ***k they think they are fooling with these stunts. After endlessly misrepresenting and whining about the border issue, for YEARS, you have a deal the clear majority of your party is onboard with, by their own admission the best deal they will get for the foreseeable future, and you’re not taking it all because “the boss said not to”?


These people are professional bullshitters, and they aren’t good at it. They believe their voters are stupid, and we should point that out all the time, and use evidence like this to back it up. After all, the only people who will be offended are the people dumb enough to buy this clown act by the House GOP, and they are the ones who need to hear it the most.
We should know more on Thursday.

I think this is appropriate, though if the judge rules disqualification isn't warranted that won't be the end of it from Trump.

Can somebody explain to me what purpose making the witness list public serves other than causing harassment and witness intimidation.

It’s like she’s gunning to be the perfect example for the right’s view that women shouldn’t be taken seriously or have positions of power.
Can somebody explain to me what purpose making the witness list public serves other than causing harassment and witness intimidation.

In most trials, proceedings are part of the record, which is basically available to anyone who wants to see the day's court documents. In most cases, this is not really an issue. Even in the high-profile action by Letitia James in New York, we ad access to this information. The criminal case in Florida, hovever, is a little different from most cases and should call for special handling.
In most trials, proceedings are part of the record, which is basically available to anyone who wants to see the day's court documents. In most cases, this is not really an issue. Even in the high-profile action by Letitia James in New York, we ad access to this information. The criminal case in Florida, hovever, is a little different from most cases and should call for special handling.

I would think in cases where the defendant’s associates and supporters have a well established track record of threats and intimidation then publicizing witness lists should be off the table. Put it on par with the defendants ability and likelihood of fleeing. Hell, make it a prerequisite for the defendant to foot the witness protection bills if they want the list made public. Even if it is normal I still don’t see what the point is. Is there an armchair chin stroker lobby pushing for this?

Can somebody explain to me what purpose making the witness list public serves other than causing harassment and witness intimidation.

It’s like she’s gunning to be the perfect example for the right’s view that women shouldn’t be taken seriously or have positions of power.
For any defenders of this. Imagine if the tables were turned and Biden or Hillary had a favorable judge, seemingly bias. How would the party of Trump act?
I'm not too worried about Cannon. She's going to fall in line and do her job as a judge, or she's going to be reprimanded again, and possibly forced to recuse. Smith's latest ask is going to force her to agree with him and admit she's been wrong, or she'll side (wrongly) with Trump's team and face reprimand from the circuit court, just like last time.

Up to this point, Smith has given her deference as a judge, recognizing her broad power, even if she uses it poorly. But there comes a time when being a hard-headed judge who gives defendants the benefit of a doubt crosses over into being biased, and obviously so at a certain point.

You will not see Smith's team engaging in calling her baised or crooked, that's a Trump tactic that usually doesn't work too well. They will argue the law and she'll do the same or other people above her will take necessary action.
The judge in the Georgia case is pretty solid. Very indifferent to either side.

The defense looked like they did a good job questioning Wade, but when Willis got on the stand, she pretty much exposed this as a fishing expedition. They had little evidence to back up their claims and were trying to extract it from the witnesses, but Willis pretty much shot that down. There is nothing about their relationship to show the defendants suffered or will suffer any adverse effect.

It's still ongoing, but they (the defense) are simultaneously trying to prove a case and investigate it at the same time.
What’s he up to - around $400M he has to escrow with courts pending appeals now? Wonder how much he’ll steal from campaign funds to do that,