The Trump Indictment Thread

I think it was for his other trial, but storming out of the court during closing arguments to go post a whining social media rant probably wasn’t a good tactic for a judgement for favorable to him.

I think he’s starting to reach Putin bubble level where he only surrounds himself with people who tell him what he wants to hear and that circle is getting smaller and smaller. They’re going to have to start filling his rallies with sex dolls so he doesn’t notice the declining numbers. I think he’s really overestimating the size of his diehard supporters and while his antics seem to only cater to them he’s losing other potential supporters who are sick of his played out shit.

I sure hope so, and am cautiously optimistic.

But I still remember like it was yesterday, late election night in 2016 where George Stephanopoulos, barely able to speak with all the color drained from his face, broke the news trump had won.
Anyone watching him speak, this fucking guy is totally off the rails. Just wow.

I saw that. Shame on the media for airing it, but double-shame for not interrupting the coverage of his fines with coverage of the speech he just gave, and questioning his sanity. That should be top news everyday, the man is nuts.
I saw that. Shame on the media for airing it, but double-shame for not interrupting the coverage of his fines with coverage of the speech he just gave, and questioning his sanity. That should be top news everyday, the man is nuts.
I stopped watching him a while ago but in light of the day's coverage I decided to watch and forgotten just how nuts he is, he sounds like a paranoid old man, like the super crazy uncle that everyone tries to avoid at reunions.

I would like to see any Republican tell us how this guy turns the 20% in the middle who will decide this election? Questioning Biden's mental acuity will not be enough.
I wonder are all the save the pac donations tax free? I would think since he is spending it on himself that he has to pay taxes on it. I would love for him to sue campaign money on this. that should go over well.
I used to have some sympathy for people who were hoodwinked into recurring donations to Trump. No longer. If someone is stupid enough to donate to him, I don't care what happens.
I used to have some sympathy for people who were hoodwinked into recurring donations to Trump. No longer. If someone is stupid enough to donate to him, I don't care what happens.

I wonder if after the dust settles 5 - 10 years now this conversation will happen.

“Hey Cheryl, did we really donate some of the little money we have in an attempt to bail out a billionaire?”

“Yes, Doug, we did.”


Yikes, read in a CNN article about today’s ruling that interest payments related to his penalties could run him up to another 100 million. 😲
Be interesting to see if he can find a bonding company to write him a bond; gotta be a little tricky given that the whole case is about mis-valuing collateral on loans.
Questioning Biden's mental acuity will not be enough.

No, but don't ignore the potential for Biden to do it to himself. The pressure is starting to build regarding press access and I know you hammer me for saying this, but he won't be able to hide this cycle. He is going to have to go out and talk to people and the press. And every one of those encounters has a risk of him having an issue. They seem to be happening a bit more frequently.
No, but don't ignore the potential for Biden to do it to himself. The pressure is starting to build regarding press access and I know you hammer me for saying this, but he won't be able to hide this cycle. He is going to have to go out and talk to people and the press. And every one of those encounters has a risk of him having an issue. They seem to be happening a bit more frequently.

If he was up against a good opponent, that would be scary news. But you seem to ignore the fact that during this time, the other bozo will be out there running his mouth and spewing ignorance and hate and Hitler quotes. He's going to be facing more legal woes. He's going to be in the news constantly, and not in a good way. The amount of foolishness and insanity is going to dwarf a few missteps here and there by Biden.

I think you're turning this into a bigger thing than it actually is. It was a big week for your side. But the war is far from over.
Sometimes I imagine the country as a vehicle.

Every day is cloudy, even when the sun is beating down through all those insects that are not really there, that is how bad my cataracts and floaters have gotten. While I think I can hear what is going on around me, what I hear does not always match up with what I see. My limbs ache all the time, except when they move spasmodically, at random intervals. I am told that my fits of dementia are becoming more frequent and extended, though it is hard to tell what with the immeasurable gaps in my memory. But, at least I still have my driver's license.

Joe the President drives like that annoying old man that does 30 in a 45, but at least he is aware of his limitations. ShitGibbon drives with the un-awareness of a teenager.
No, but don't ignore the potential for Biden to do it to himself. The pressure is starting to build regarding press access and I know you hammer me for saying this, but he won't be able to hide this cycle. He is going to have to go out and talk to people and the press. And every one of those encounters has a risk of him having an issue. They seem to be happening a bit more frequently.

You severely overstate his “hiding”. I’m a bit baffled, as I see him all the time, and taking questions. Sometimes he doesn’t. Trump did the same, and offered less actual info when he did answer questions, as it was usually his off the wall rantings.

If you want him to answer more questions, that’s fine, but this whole “hiding out” thing rings the same as “campaigning from his basement”, which is another gross misrepresentation of his 2020 campaign.
You severely overstate his “hiding”. I’m a bit baffled, as I see him all the time, and taking questions. Sometimes he doesn’t. Trump did the same, and offered less actual info when he did answer questions, as it was usually his off the wall rantings.

If you want him to answer more questions, that’s fine, but this whole “hiding out” thing rings the same as “campaigning from his basement”, which is another gross misrepresentation of his 2020 campaign.

Since they don‘t report what Biden says on Fox News, Newsmax, or OAN, not a surprise that Herdfan thinks he’s hiding.
Since they don‘t report what Biden says on Fox News, Newsmax, or OAN, not a surprise that Herdfan thinks he’s hiding.

Well, since I watch none of those..........

You severely overstate his “hiding”. I’m a bit baffled, as I see him all the time, and taking questions. Sometimes he doesn’t. Trump did the same, and offered less actual info when he did answer questions, as it was usually his off the wall rantings.

If you want him to answer more questions, that’s fine, but this whole “hiding out” thing rings the same as “campaigning from his basement”, which is another gross misrepresentation of his 2020 campaign.

Sorry, but skipping the traditional Superbowl interview is a huge red flag. It is a softball interview so what was he (or his handlers) afraid of?

And now that CNN and the NYT are willing to cover this issue, I don't think it is going to get easier for him.
Perhaps Joe the President's public presence should be compared to other previous presidents who did not suffer from Crippling Narcisscism Disorder. Has he been less accessible than Obama or W or Bill Clinton? The previous guy was not comfortable unless his weenie was flapping in the wind in everyone's faces. Joe has, I think, returned the presidency to a proper level of public presence. We should keep holding the bar up, no lowering into the fantasy sewer depths where some jerkwater slimebag tells us it ought to be, to serve his pathetic personality defect.
Ron Popeil has nothing over trump.
Trump appeared with a pair of the shoes in front of banners for a website called, which lists “never surrender” high-top gold-colored sneakers for $399—matching Trump’s “never surrender” mugs, t-shirts and posters for sale on his website, a lineup that features Trump’s mug shot from Fulton County Jail.

The site also lists a red version of the shoe—called the “T - Red Wave”—and a white “POTUS 45” edition, each selling for $199.

It also features a so-called Victory47 cologne, encased in a gold-colored bottle depicting Trump’s head on the cap, for $99, as well as a Victory47 perfume for the same price.

Perhaps Joe the President's public presence should be compared to other previous presidents who did not suffer from Crippling Narcisscism Disorder. Has he been less accessible than Obama or W or Bill Clinton? The previous guy was not comfortable unless his weenie was flapping in the wind in everyone's faces. Joe has, I think, returned the presidency to a proper level of public presence. We should keep holding the bar up, no lowering into the fantasy sewer depths where some jerkwater slimebag tells us it ought to be, to serve his pathetic personality defect.

Obama did pre-SB interviews all 8 years. Trump did 3/4 and Bush did them (At least one (2004 first year of them), can't find any info on 2005-07). Biden has done 1/3. I will give him a pass on last year as it was Fox and was probably going to be a bit hostile. But this year was CBS who would have been a much friendlier interview.
Sorry, but skipping the traditional Superbowl interview is a huge red flag. It is a softball interview so what was he (or his handlers) afraid of?

Who are his “handlers”, and what makes you think they decide anything more for him than any other cabinet or advisors have for past presidents? Assuming that part has any merit at all, parenthesis or not, there are a million reasons why someone would miss a softball interview. It may be a tradition, but maybe it’s time for that tradition to end. As long as Biden adheres to more important traditions, like the peaceful transfer of power and respecting the results of an election, we can theorize about the reasons why.

If you go straight to it having something to do with his mental faculties, I’m free to jump to the conclusion that he and his campaign cared more about the American spirit and wanted to have a day where politics would be on the back burner. And if not, they couldn’t blame him, as any politics would revolve around Taylor Swift conspiracies. I have about as much evidence for my theory as you do yours.

Well, at least you get something for your money, no matter how overpriced and laughable (and I’m making a big assumption by assuming people will actually get their merch).

But these people are content to just give him the money. Anyone got any spare cash they can give to a billionaire? If he’s really that wealthy, this is small beans. True billionaires probably are laughing at that sum, and him.

You can post a comment with your donation, some people are donating the minimum just to post hateful comments about Trump. 😂 Though I’m sure they’ll take the money all the same, so I can’t call it justified.
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Who are his “handlers”, and what makes you think they decide anything more for him than any other cabinet or advisors have for past presidents? Assuming that part has any merit at all, parenthesis or not, there are a million reasons why someone would miss a softball interview. It may be a tradition, but maybe it’s time for that tradition to end. As long as Biden adheres to more important traditions, like the peaceful transfer of power and respecting the results of an election, we can theorize about the reasons why.

Democratic strategist James Carville said President Biden not sitting for an interview before the Super Bowl is a “sign” of his administration having little confidence in him.

“It’s the biggest television audience, not even close, and you get a chance to do a 20, 25-minute interview on that day, and you don’t do it, that’s a kind of sign that the staff or yourself doesn’t have much confidence in you. There’s no other way to read this,” Carville said in a recent interview on CNN’s “Smerconish.”


I like Carville, but I disagree. He could be correct. Or, it could also be they think it’s unnecessary. We don’t live in a world when the general public respect - in general terms - the president or the office. So these ceremonial things mean less. I certainly didn’t respect Trump when he was in office, and I’m glad I didn’t even know a pre-Super Bowl presidential interview was a thing until this month. So maybe I’m biased in that I don’t give a shit, but there’s a million reasons why he could have sat out this one, and none of them point more toward incompetency than for any other reason.

His campaign staff/admin is also different than “his handlers”. What was the reason for other presidents missing their Super Bowl interviews? Handlers wouldn’t let them?