The Trump Indictment Thread

The founding fathers didn’t want some who is above the law (aka a King)!
Actually, some of them did. There was a party called the Federalists (John Adams was one) who argued in favor of a lifetime presidency. How such an animal would not end up being effectively above the law is difficult to imagine.
So, I have calmed down (somewhat) from yesterdays unbelievable decision by SCOTUS to delay the Trump cases on a point that is 100% clear isn't based in reality. However, I firmly believe it is now in the hands of the voters, and that is what scares me the most. From the gerrymandering of the Right, suppressing the votes of minorities, and the our older generations telling the younger voters that their vote would make a difference last time (and now Trump is back), I finally have gotten worried about November 2024. The prospects of Trump actually winning is more than depressing, and no I haven't been watching the fear fest of MSNBC.
The prospects of Trump actually winning is more than depressing...

I think he'll get into the Guinness World Records book for having the most presidential elections stolen from one candidate. Because if he loses, he's going to start up the exact same "stolen election" nonsense. No way he accepts defeat. If his upcoming cases go poorly, he'll need to play every card he has.
The prospects of Trump actually winning is more than depressing, and no I haven't been watching the fear fest of MSNBC.

That's been on my mind for at least the last two years, and have been watching that possibility becoming stronger and stronger with time.

What's frustrating is watching the opportunities to address that not being taken advantaged of, as they have now likely slipped away. Seems the notion of risk management is a very foreign concept to many.
Doctor Optimistic here, fatass is not winning anything except a brief delay. 👍🏼

It sucks we even have to flirt with the idea he could win, and to watch him being given any victories or slack along the way is painful to watch. But he’s not winning a general election. Not no way, no how.
Meanwhile, the deposition of Hunter Biden designed to distract from all this was a laughable clownshow.

This is what happens when your entire case is based upon a foundation of Russian intel.

The fact they told us so many times just how credible a witness this guy was probably means they knew all along he wasn’t, even beyond the warnings they were given by the DOJ and even folks like Rudy Giuliani.

There isn’t enough ridicule headed their way for this behavior, in my opinion. The House GOP deserves complete ridicule.
Since the SCOTUS has given Trump every opportunity to delay his federal trials until after the election, wondering what happens if he wins, can he just wipe it clean and make them go away? Maybe a good question for @Cmaier

I would see that is that biggest miscarriage of justice we've ever seen in the political theatre.
Since the SCOTUS has given Trump every opportunity to delay his federal trials until after the election, wondering what happens if he wins, can he just wipe it clean and make them go away? Maybe a good question for @Cmaier

I would see that is that biggest miscarriage of justice we've ever seen in the political theatre.

I am not sure that the SCOTUS thing will actually delay the trial until after the election.

But, if it does, and if Trump wins, then, yes, he can just put a stop to the trial. Imagine he appoints Eastman or somebody like that the Attorney General. Game over.

If the statute of limitations doesn’t run out, I guess the next administration could reinstate the charges. Big constitutional mess.
I am not sure that the SCOTUS thing will actually delay the trial until after the election.

But, if it does, and if Trump wins, then, yes, he can just put a stop to the trial. Imagine he appoints Eastman or somebody like that the Attorney General. Game over.

If the statute of limitations doesn’t run out, I guess the next administration could reinstate the charges. Big constitutional mess.
That is of course assuming Trump doesn't break the constitution beforehand, by not leaving office. IF he wins.
That is of course assuming Trump doesn't break the constitution beforehand, by not leaving office. IF he wins.
Two scenarios I think he’ll consider, but only oneis plausible. He could manufacture some sort of crisis, declare martial law, and suspend elections for some period of time. I think 0% chance he does that.

More likely he grooms and promotes one of his spawn to take his place.
Two scenarios I think he’ll consider, but only oneis plausible. He could manufacture some sort of crisis, declare martial law, and suspend elections for some period of time. I think 0% chance he does that.

More likely he grooms and promotes one of his spawn to take his place.
First scenario almost happened in 2020. I believe it has been talked about a few different times. There was a meeting in Trumps office in Dec 2020 where Flynn was advising him to declare martial law. A few career politicians where able to stop it by threatening a mass resigning. I don't think the people he has in the wings to work in the next administration (IF he wins), will blink an eye to declare martial law. It may be a small chance, but I believe it could be above 0%. In that scenario watch how fast SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump.

On a side note: Isn't it funny how in 2000 it took SCOTUS, 3 days to rule in Gore v. Bush. 2024 they seem to be dragging their feet.
He could manufacture some sort of crisis, declare martial law, and suspend elections for some period of time.

How does declaring martial law work?

Is that power available and covered in the Constitution? Or does it fall under a sitting president can do anything he/she wants?
If the statute of limitations doesn’t run out …

How exactly does the statute of limitations work? If you are indicted for a thing and then the trial gets suspended, does that initial indictment not stop the clock, allowing the trial to proceed when it is reopened?

He could manufacture some sort of crisis, declare martial law, and suspend elections for some period of time.

In theory, the President has unilateral authority to declare martial law. In practice, he has to have sufficient support to establish and maintain it. It is not clear that declaring martial law would not result in real blowback and some sort of coup-like action. Government officials pledge an oath to the parchment, not the WH. I mean, the CIA would probably find a way to rendition him if he tried a stunt like that.
How exactly does the statute of limitations work? If you are indicted for a thing and then the trial gets suspended, does that initial indictment not stop the clock, allowing the trial to proceed when it is reopened?

In theory, the President has unilateral authority to declare martial law. In practice, he has to have sufficient support to establish and maintain it. It is not clear that declaring martial law would not result in real blowback and some sort of coup-like action. Government officials pledge an oath to the parchment, not the WH. I mean, the CIA would probably find a way to rendition him if he tried a stunt like that.

Depending on the jurisdiction and the specific laws, the statute of limitations can ”toll” for various reasons. (Tolling refers to when you put it on pause). I would assume that if the case is dismissed before trial (otherwise jeopardy would attach), the statute of limitations keeps running. If it is merely “stayed,” then the statute of limitations would presumably not be a problem. But Trump would just have the charges dismissed. (at least for the federal trials, where he could do that).