The Trump Indictment Thread

Got it, thanx. So what does that mean for trump? NY seizes and immediately sells his NY assets (properties, jet, bank accounts, 10 year old unsold trump steaks in cold storage, etc)?

we don’t know. He may get a life line if the truth social deal closes and he can take a loan against some of his stock (he can’t sell it for 60 days or so, if i remember correctly). Or he can find some bank to give him a loan using some of his properties as collateral. Or NY can seize some property. Lots of possibilities.
AIUI, the situation looks like this: he can file an appeal within 30 days without having to put up the funds in escrow. In that period, the appeals court can issue a stay on the judgement, and he will be temporarily safe while the appeal is being heard. If the appeals court fails to stay the judgement before the deadline, the plaintiffs can commence collection on day 31 (e.g., seize any in-state assets that he actually owns, which is literally not much at all, as most of it is ground leases and other contract stuff).

If he fails in his first appeal, he can level up, but a failed appeal would end any imposed stay – there may be a grace period between appeals, but it seems like 30 days is what we should expect, and stays are not guaranteed. If he ends up at SCotUS, they have the option of not taking the case at all, at which point he would be royally screwed.
AIUI, the situation looks like this: he can file an appeal within 30 days without having to put up the funds in escrow. In that period, the appeals court can issue a stay on the judgement, and he will be temporarily safe while the appeal is being heard. If the appeals court fails to stay the judgement before the deadline, the plaintiffs can commence collection on day 31 (e.g., seize any in-state assets that he actually owns, which is literally not much at all, as most of it is ground leases and other contract stuff).

The one thing to keep in mind is that it would be very unusual for the appeals court to stay the judgment. That is not how it plays out normally. The default rule is that he either pays right away (as soon as the state moves to collect), or he provides cash or bond into escrow while awaiting the results of an appeal.

The reason for this, fundamentally, is that it is too easy for a losing party to (intentionally or not) not have the money when the appeals are all done, even though the money is there now. There could be a real estate crash, a series of unfortunate fires and earthquakes, etc. And those are just the innocent things that could happen.
it is too easy for a losing party to (intentionally or not) not have the money when the appeals are all done, even though the money is there now. There could be a real estate crash, a series of unfortunate fires and earthquakes, etc
Or business HQs somehow unexpectedly turning out to be in Florida instead of New York.
Or business HQs somehow unexpectedly turning out to be in Florida instead of New York.
The good news is that, in the mean time, the monitor should make sure that assets don‘t become “unaccounted for.” Interestingly, she has to approve any representations made by the Trump Org as to the value of any of its assets; so when they are shopping for someone to foot the bond and putting up potential collateral, she will be looking over their shoulders.
Next up: the Stormy Daniels hush money trial. This is an actual criminal trial. Individual-ONE's defense team seeks to block testimony from Stephanie (Stormy) Clifford and Michael Cohen, I guess because it would be damaging to their case, and wants to bar the prosecutor from arguing that the alleged hush money was paid in an effort to influence the election. Meanwhile, the prosecutor wants a gag order on the defendant, to prevent him from engaging in stochastic terrorism.
we don’t know. He may get a life line if the truth social deal closes and he can take a loan against some of his stock (he can’t sell it for 60 days or so, if i remember correctly). Or he can find some bank to give him a loan using some of his properties as collateral. Or NY can seize some property. Lots of possibilities.

Or the Saudi royal family could pay it off from loose change found under their couch cushions. AFAIK there is nothing illegal about that. Depends on what they think they can get out of it. Could be a lot if he wins the election. Even if he doesn't, world dictators love to fuck with US internal stability and know largely not a damn thing is going to be done about it.
Next up: the Stormy Daniels hush money trial. This is an actual criminal trial. Individual-ONE's defense team seeks to block testimony from Stephanie (Stormy) Clifford and Michael Cohen, I guess because it would be damaging to their case, and wants to bar the prosecutor from arguing that the alleged hush money was paid in an effort to influence the election. Meanwhile, the prosecutor wants a gag order on the defendant, to prevent him from engaging in stochastic terrorism.
of course they do. They want to go into court say not guilty and leave. there is not a strong enough gag for trump.
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so trump can only afford 100? thats great.
I think it’s a clever legal move. What he’s saying, essentially, is that he can only afford more if he sells property. Under the law, real property is always considered unique, and it can be a basis for equitable intervention by the court when you argue that “if I have to do x, y or z, that will mean i will lose real property, and that cannot be unwound in the future.”

It’s a ploy to argue that he will be “irreparably damaged” if he has to pay the full amount now.
I think it’s a clever legal move. What he’s saying, essentially, is that he can only afford more if he sells property. Under the law, real property is always considered unique, and it can be a basis for equitable intervention by the court when you argue that “if I have to do x, y or z, that will mean i will lose real property, and that cannot be unwound in the future.”

It’s a ploy to argue that he will be “irreparably damaged” if he has to pay the full amount now.
From what I remember from an article a long long time ago about Trumps properties, is that they are financed like dominos. The whole portfolio will collapse. But again I believe this information nugget was from the 1990s, so regulations and laws may have changed.
I think it’s a clever legal move. What he’s saying, essentially, is that he can only afford more if he sells property. Under the law, real property is always considered unique, and it can be a basis for equitable intervention by the court when you argue that “if I have to do x, y or z, that will mean i will lose real property, and that cannot be unwound in the future.”

It’s a ploy to argue that he will be “irreparably damaged” if he has to pay the full amount now.

Top level white color crime is only supposed to be punished with laughably small penalties barely felt by the perpetrator that still made the crime worth the effort.

If we’re going to be honest, I think the big lesson here is don’t fuck with our illusion of democracy. That’s the line Trump crossed that is the main source of all his legal issues now. At Trump's level he can get away with all kinds of things the rest of us can’t with the stipulation that you don’t proactively try to destabilize the entire country. Know your place, boy.
I think it’s a clever legal move. What he’s saying, essentially, is that he can only afford more if he sells property. Under the law, real property is always considered unique, and it can be a basis for equitable intervention by the court when you argue that “if I have to do x, y or z, that will mean i will lose real property, and that cannot be unwound in the future.”

It’s a ploy to argue that he will be “irreparably damaged” if he has to pay the full amount now.

I was wondering about that.

Say he is forced to sell property and then the judgement is overturned on appeal. Would he have recourse?
Trump scores another victory - the court agreeing to hear his case means Trump gets spared a few weeks at least. Regardless of what they decide, it will delay things.

This is ridiculous. The founding fathers didn’t want some who is above the law (aka a King)!