The Trump Indictment Thread

Whoa... check out this scathing assessment of the republican party by Judge Michael Luttig. He's taking issue with how they're kissing trump's butt at every opportunity to ensure he'll be be the republican candidate in the 2024 general election.

"No assemblage of politicians except the Republicans would ever conceive of running for the American presidency by running against the Constitution and the rule of law. But that’s exactly what they’re planning."

Thanks @Eric for turning me on to Ari Melber. I've never listened to him but like him. Not overly dramatic, just straight forward and easy to understand and follow.

He’s a lawyer, and his breakdowns are awesome. I watch him nightly, really the only cable news I go out of my way to watch, the rest I have for background noise.
He is certainly slanted in his views as are most of the cable news hosts, but he usually juxtaposes things of the past with the present, and often uses republicans own words against them.

He just had a segment on the “just comply” attitude of republicans any time a cop “fears for their life” and kills some innocent unarmed person, and compared that to how they’re reacting to Trump’s lack of compliance with subpoenas and such. It really is eye-opening how republicans treat the law when it’s their own vs. some brown person suspected of street crime. Or just being guilty of being the wrong color.

As for Trump’s TV interviews, that’s bravado, but there’s no way it translates into a court defense. Much of the arguments Trump makes in public, a judge would probably explicitly instruct a jury that “no, he’s wrong and please don’t consider that in your verdict. The law is that those documents are the property of the government.”
Trump is going to have to explain why his holding of the documents was legal, not that they were his to return at his discretion, when and if he felt like it.

I just saw that CNN has the tape of the “smoking gun” audiotape. It’s the one from the indictment. Trump said in a TV interview he was just showing newspapers and clippings and the like. Well, the staffer and interviewer on that tape have probably already testified. Why would a staffer say “now we have a problem” if Trump was just showing something from a newspaper?

The whole case is so obvious. They have him bent over and he’s the one who did it to himself. He has no defense, which is probably why he’s acting so erratic. The evidence is overwhelming… if you remove the fact Trump was president, it’s one of those cases where you say “that person is going to prison, and deserves it. How stupid.” They stole, they refused to comply when lawfully ordered, intentionally obstructed, and they openly admit it.”

Anyone who thinks Trump is being persecuted needs to wake up and realize if anything, he’s being given deference because of his status. If he doesn’t serve time in prison if convicted, that will be more evidence of special treatment.

I think he’s going to into detail in the freeze frame…

“It was massive… It was a log the likes of which, frankly, have never been seen before.”
Court date set for May, 2024. Later than Jack Smith asked and earlier than Trump’s team wanted. Makes me uneasy, I hope one of the other cases moves faster.

Court date set for May, 2024. Later than Jack Smith asked and earlier than Trump’s team wanted. Makes me uneasy, I hope one of the other cases moves faster.

The NY case trial is in March. May is pretty reasonable for this case. If there are cases filed in DC (federal) and Georgia, they would also likely have trials 8-12 months out.
We’re on indictment watch again, and the stuff Trump is posting on his social feed is insane. I don’t see how that isn’t going to be an issue that needs addressed in at least one of the cases between now and when he goes to trial.
The NY case trial is in March. May is pretty reasonable for this case. If there are cases filed in DC (federal) and Georgia, they would also likely have trials 8-12 months out.
It's already two and a half years since he conspired to block the peaceful transition of power. And in the intervening months before trial the danger to the nation that he represents will continue to grow. It just doesn't seem right.
Here is a funny one.

Individual-ONE is struggling to find lawyers who will represent him il the M-a-L case. Gee, I wonder why that might be? We should ask an expert. A highly respected, worthy-of-trust lawyer, who ought to, you know, know.

This person claims that there is a shadowy, nefarious group, the "65 Project", that is threatening lawyers who might consider defending ShitGibbon, and that, when he offered to defend pro bono snyone they threatsned, they went after him.

I mean, he might as well tke on the ShitGibbon defense job himself. What does he have to lose?
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Here is a funny one.

Individual-ONE is struggling to find lawyers who will represent him il the M-a-L case. Gee, I wonder why that might be? We should ask an expert. A highly respected, worthy-of-trust lawyer, who ought to, you know, know.

This person claims that there is a shadowy, nefarious group, the "65 Project", that is threatening lawyers who might consider defending ShitGibbon, and that, when he offered to defend pro bono snyone they threatsned, they went after him.

I mean, he might as well tke on the ShitGibbon defense job himself. What does he have to lose?

His lawyers should demand the venue be moved to Saudi Arabia where he can get a fair shake. Short of that, Moscow.
This person claims that there is a shadowy, nefarious group, the "65 Project", that is threatening lawyers who might consider defending ShitGibbon, and that, when he offered to defend pro bono snyone they threatsned, they went after him.
Add Dershowitz to the long list of people such as Lindsey Graham, Joe Tacopina and Rudy Giuliani who have debased themselves in the service of this lifelong criminal.
Add Dershowitz to the long list of people such as Lindsey Graham, Joe Tacopina and Rudy Giuliani who have debased themselves in the service of this lifelong criminal.

Dershowitz debased himself long, long ago. This is just de rigueur for him. The old warning is that the most dangerous place you can be is between Alan Dershowitz and a camera.
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Trump lawyer is saying news coverage of Trump's legal issues is election interference. :ROFLMAO:

Wrap your head around this one. In most states you can't vote if you have a felony on your record. However, having a felony on your record or currently being in prison doesn't disqualify you from running the country.
It is Individual-ONE himself accusing Special Counsel Jack Smith of election interference by investigating him. It is ok for a candidate to say "the other guy raped his little sister" as part of campaign speech, with or without basis in reality (hell, I just found out that the other guy is an only child, but tomrrow is election day, the damage is irreparable), but actually investigating a candidate is not allowed. That is, unless buttery mails are peripherally involved.
Why didn't Al Capone think of this? Just declare you are running for office - may as well be president - and then you'd be immune from prosecution because it would be election interference.

It looks like Individual-ONE committed just too many crimes for us to keep up with.

It looks like Individual-ONE committed just too many crimes for us to keep up with.

Or.... Mr. Smith has more than enough evidence and doesn't need more in this case. 🤷‍♂️
Wow, not only another defendant, but now more charges against Trump. Video tapes, secret meetings where they know what was said and who was in the room…

Meanwhile, barriers are going up around the Fulton County courthouse.

What’s remarkable about the documents case is, again, if Trump just turned them over, it would have been another blip on the radar. Instead, most of his crimes takes place after he’s been asked to return the documents. This is why it’s hard for me to see him making it to trial in any current or upcoming case without breaking more laws. He’s got a co-defendant still working for him, he’s got a big mouth, and as we saw in the Mueller probe and now the documents case, has no problem obstructing when the law of the arm is near him.
Wow, not only another defendant, but now more charges against Trump. Video tapes, secret meetings where they know what was said and who was in the room…

Meanwhile, barriers are going up around the Fulton County courthouse.

What’s remarkable about the documents case is, again, if Trump just turned them over, it would have been another blip on the radar. Instead, most of his crimes takes place after he’s been asked to return the documents. This is why it’s hard for me to see him making it to trial in any current or upcoming case without breaking more laws. He’s got a co-defendant still working for him, he’s got a big mouth, and as we saw in the Mueller probe and now the documents case, has no problem obstructing when the law of the arm is near him.

yeah, but this is nothing compared to how Biden’s son made some money or something.