The Trump Indictment Thread

Wow, not only another defendant, but now more charges against Trump. Video tapes, secret meetings where they know what was said and who was in the room…

Meanwhile, barriers are going up around the Fulton County courthouse.

What’s remarkable about the documents case is, again, if Trump just turned them over, it would have been another blip on the radar. Instead, most of his crimes takes place after he’s been asked to return the documents. This is why it’s hard for me to see him making it to trial in any current or upcoming case without breaking more laws. He’s got a co-defendant still working for him, he’s got a big mouth, and as we saw in the Mueller probe and now the documents case, has no problem obstructing when the law of the arm is near him.
trump instead of taking his pid (well maybe) lawyers advice used the federalist societies advice to keep them. Just trump making more poor business decisions nothing new.
What’s remarkable about the documents case is, again, if Trump just turned them over, it would have been another blip on the radar. Instead, most of his crimes takes place after he’s been asked to return the documents.
And I remember hearing him on one of those right-wing networks saying that if they had only asked he would have returned them. The guy just can't stop lying.
yeah, but this is nothing compared to how Biden’s son made some money or something.

Yeah, well you can think that, but I have it on good authority he footed the bill for a family dinner one night, a dinner where his father also dined. That is literally a direct tie from the president to communist China.

Do liberals care about Hunter Biden? To this day, even the liberal media hasn’t portrayed him as a sympathetic figure. It comes from apathy - I don’t have anything against the dude, nor am I rooting for him. Republicans are trying to juice him up to the level of Trump, whose crimes they ignore. It’s not working, but bless them for trying. If we had video of the Chinese president handing Trump a briefcase of cash, republicans would shrug, but the issue of Hunter is of immense national security.

You can’t take these people seriously. Trump is on tape showing classified war plans to a journalist and they throw their full support behind him. They not only think he should be forgiven, but some think he did nothing wrong at all and are rooting for his return to the White House. And that’s all before you get into comparing the nepotism, outside business dealings, etc, of which comparing the Bidens to the Trumps is like comparing Martha Stewart to Capone.


In a statement, a Trump spokesman called the charges “nothing more than a continued desperate and flailing attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their Department of Justice to harass President Trump and those around him.”

Nauta’s attorney declined to comment.

Trump and his ilk should strongly look at Nauta’s attorney for advice…
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The new indictment is a really interesting and detailed read. Lots of new details, quotes, texts, time stamps… even math. They (DoJ) know how many boxes were where and at what time, and can prove boxes were being moved all over the place at Trump’s request.

I don’t know how a sane person reads the indictment and still defends him.
The new indictment is a really interesting and detailed read. Lots of new details, quotes, texts, time stamps… even math. They (DoJ) know how many boxes were where and at what time, and can prove boxes were being moved all over the place at Trump’s request.

I don’t know how a sane person reads the indictment and still defends him.
Man this new one is even more damning, they went into detail on ABC News about how he ordered his people to delete security footage AFTER the raid. Everyone involved will probably do time just for doing what Trump told them, it's really a shame but Trump is like a mobster and people really should know better. He would throw his own mother under the bus.
Everyone involved will probably do time just for doing what Trump told them, it's really a shame but Trump is like a mobster and people really should know better. He would throw his own mother under the bus.

I'm hoping the DOJ will be generous with them and cut decent deals in exchange for their testimony further nailing trump.
I'm hoping the DOJ will be generous with them and cut decent deals in exchange for their testimony further nailing trump.

I hope the case is so strong that they don't need them to flip and they all get nailed. These aren't innocent people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They seem to have knowingly done wrong. Unless he's guilty of blackmail as well, I hope any offers of testimony in exchange for leniency are denied. Going back to the mob analogy, I'd rather see them all go down, not just the boss while the rats go free.
I hope the case is so strong that they don't need them to flip and they all get nailed. These aren't innocent people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. They seem to have knowingly done wrong. Unless he's guilty of blackmail as well, I hope any offers of testimony in exchange for leniency are denied. Going back to the mob analogy, I'd rather see them all go down, not just the boss while the rats go free.

For me, it depends who they are. trump associates, attorneys, relatives, etc., NO.

If they're underpaid mar-a-lago maintenance people, gardeners, wait staff, parking attendants, room cleaners, etc., I'm all for giving them some leniency/immunity in exchange for testimony corroborating and making the DOJs case even more convincing to a jury. If they happen to be immigrants being pressured by trump to aid in his illegal acts, doubly so.
In a statement, a Trump spokesman called the charges “nothing more than a continued desperate and flailing attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their Department of Justice to harass President Trump and those around him.”
its amazing that Biden is so smart he is getting away with it. no wonder trump goes on and on about it because he feels so inadequate.
Man this new one is even more damning, they went into detail on ABC News about how he ordered his people to delete security footage AFTER the raid. Everyone involved will probably do time just for doing what Trump told them, it's really a shame but Trump is like a mobster and people really should know better. He would throw his own mother under the bus.

It’s not even that these people did what they did, the DoJ probably sees them as collateral damage. But when you lie to the FBI… nothing good comes of that. So now you’re obstructing them, and they usually have a pretty good idea of what the answers are before they ask them anyways.

I would love to hear the discussions these folks and their lawyers are having.
One good point - obstruction is a serious charge in and of itself. But, it’s also evidence of consciousness of guilt and more proof of intent.

They’ve verified the document bragged on tape was in fact the document he said it was, and not newspaper clippings. They’ve tracked the documents movement from New Jersey and Florida. Trump returned them to the archives later on, which is also proof he was in possession.

They have time stamps of the phone calls - Trump was on the phone 24 minutes the day after receiving a subpoena. They have text messages Nauta sent to staff after canceling a trip to suddenly return to Florida.

The evidence is overwhelming, and it’s playing out like a Tarantino film. One of the talking heads mentioned that by Nauta being the only co-defendant, he could forge a pact with Trump in as much as he thinks it will help him (probably not much), but now that there’s another co-defendant, it makes cooperating more tantalizing, because if any of them turn on the other, one person is going to get a sweet deal and the rest will be Bubba bait.

It’s in everyone whose last name isn’t Trump to cooperate. By the sounds of it, Smith doesn’t need any of them to cooperate, it will only enhance his already strong case if they do.

I am amazed at how much detail they can paint based on piecing together other bits of info. I swear, these guys could probably find out what I had for lunch on any given day decades ago.
He's going to have to make some choices here.

Trump 'May Die in Prison' If He Doesn't Strike a Deal: Legal Analyst​

when your only defense is crappy lawyers and Joe Biden has weaponized the government your in trouble. When you ask to take called documents home with you you're screwed. I am surprised trump has no suffocated from all the people rolling over on him.
Georgia isn't the federal government, has the festering labeled them as "weaponized" too yet?
More evidence of obstruction (which itself also further proves the underlying charges) - The 24 minute phone call Trump had was with the third defendant, the day after they received a subpoena for documents. From the sounds of it, it would be rare if not unheard of for Trump to talk to this guy. He wasn’t part of the entourage, but a former valet and maintenance head at Mar-A-Lago. And was on the phone with him for 24 minutes…

Also, Trump told him he would pay for his legal representation - this was before the raid. Why would he need to offer to pay for a lawyer for his maintenance worker? I’ve had a lot of bosses in a lot of industries, never has talk of getting me a lawyer come up.

Calling everyone a radical, racist democrat isn’t going to work. This is how far down the bizarro hole they’ve gone, a rich white dude who’s catch phrase used to be ”you’re fired” is pretending to be a victim of racism.

Aren’t his supporters smart enough to know not everyone can be biased against him? That he is the common denominator in every case? Jack Smith is a crackhead, James, Willis and Bragg are racists, Hispanic judges can’t fairly preside over my cases, any democrat judge is unqualified, any republican judge who makes a ruling I don’t like must be a RINO and is thus unqualified, any Republican judge who I appointed is qualified - as long as all of their rulings are in my favor. Anyone who’s donated to a democrat is unqualified (Trump donated to the Clinton Foundation and campaigns often, but as usual, he’s different. 🙄)

Forget partisanship, wouldn’t simple logic tell you this guy is full of shit and likely guilty of everything?

They need cameras in the courtroom.