The Trump Indictment Thread

Some excellent news:

Today, Fulton County DA Fani Willis announced their work is complete, they're ready to go, and that she'll announce charging decisions between July 31st and the end of August.
Why give it a month to wait and announce? Are they waiting for the right news cycle to either bury it or get the spotlight?
Why give it a month to wait and announce? Are they waiting for the right news cycle to either bury it or get the spotlight?

Just a guess...perhaps fine-tuning the language (meeting the elements of various crimes, etc) in the indictment? cmaier can no doubt provide a much better answer.
Why give it a month to wait and announce? Are they waiting for the right news cycle to either bury it or get the spotlight?

I was thinking that they want to leave it a mystery so the courthouse isn't surrounded by angry protestors. It's easy to organize people for a specific day. It's harder to organize people for "August". Granted, that's completely a guess on my part. An uneducated guess at that.
Why give it a month to wait and announce? Are they waiting for the right news cycle to either bury it or get the spotlight?
They may be waiting for Jack Smith to announce his next round of indictments. The feds get to go first.
Sounds like an indictment may be dropping tonight… news networks seem like they’ve been expecting it all day but afraid to get ahead of the news. We will see…

*Indicted. Read the indictment here…

Co-conspirator 1 to the AZ Speaker of the House, who asked for evidence of fraud…. “We don’t have evidence, but we have lots of theories.”

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New charges

conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

On those charges, other than what literally everybody saw and heard with their own eyes and ears, I don’t know if they have a case.
New charges

conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

On those charges, other than what literally everybody saw and heard with their own eyes and ears, I don’t know if they have a case.
so this is added to the case so far? I mean not from the fake electors crap?
35 minutes after Mike Pence was evacuated, itself well after the crowd broke in to the Capitol, he talked with McConnell and told McConnell the crowd was more upset about the election than he (McConnell) was.

And McConnell would not convict him in the senate. Part of the reason Trump‘s name will appear over and over in biographies about him. Like so many others, Trump really will be a big part of his final chapter, for the wrong reasons.
New charges

conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

On those charges, other than what literally everybody saw and heard with their own eyes and ears, I don’t know if they have a case.

They were still calling people on the evening of January 6, after the indictment, and pressuring them to overturn the results.

There’s no telling who has flipped or what evidence has yet to be revealed. I don’t think they’d bring a case they weren’t confident in.

Who are the co-conspirators? Co-conspirator 1 is Rudy.
New charges

New charges, same old story.

Documents case - If he had just returned them, there would be no case
January 6th - If he had just told the truth, there would be no case

Both are him just willfully ignoring the law and doing what he wanted instead. It's like watching someone pick up a hammer, aim it at their head, take a few practice swings, then against all logic, actually hitting themself with it. Anyone could see that was a stupid thing to do. Regardless of how much you might want to do it, it's clearly going to end poorly. I think he's just used to doing what he wants to do and is used to getting away with it.
The truly sad fact in all of this? The MAGAs will never care.
No matter how many indictments pile up, to them, the law of the land no longer holds any meaning.
They’re gone forever, I give up on them.
What disappoints me most is the apparent ineffectiveness of the DOJ to hold Trump accountable. "Jan. 6" was two and a half years ago and he's first being charged. Any trial for today's indictments will likely not take place until next year. Meanwhile, Trump is going about spouting his lies, riling up his base and each day doing more damage to the nation. Unless the situation changes a lot, he is the likely GOP nominee for the 2024 election, which means there is a chance he could become president again. That would be the end of America as we know it. Despite the danger to the nation, he is given special treatment that any other person charged with his crimes would not receive. He's taking advantage of the system and apparently doing a good job at it.
The truly sad fact in all of this? The MAGAs will never care.
No matter how many indictments pile up, to them, the law of the land no longer holds any meaning.

I think it's a lack of critical thinking.

For their view to be right, you'd need:

  • Hundreds if not thousands of people involved.
  • There would have needed to be a coordinated effort in multiple states to pull off the election fraud
  • They would need multiple election officials and others like Bill Barr to say all went well to cover up the fraud
  • So far, not a single person has come forward to blow the whistle and provide evidence of how this was all pulled off.
  • Multiple judges, appointed by the man himself, would have needed to be in on this. They need to block all the evidence and claim there was none.
  • The vice president would have been in on it or dumb enough to believe the he lost.
  • The list of unlikely things goes on.

For the other side to be right, you'd need:

The ex-President lied about loosing. Everything after that just falls neatly into place. The indictments make sense. The 60+ fraud cases getting tossed out make sense. It all makes sense.
The truly sad fact in all of this? The MAGAs will never care.
No matter how many indictments pile up, to them, the law of the land no longer holds any meaning.

This is why they should televise the trials, if it gets that far. It’s very rare to see Trump in a setting where he’s not in control. His supporters need to watch his inner-circle on the stand admitting it was all BS.

I would love Trump to be forced to sit quietly in a room, with no red hats or stupid t-shirts with his likeness on them, and listen while Ruby Freeman and her daughter are able to testify how his lies upended their life.

That speaks to the lowlife, scumbag quality of Trump. He just picks two random people - who did absolutely nothing to anyone - and caused them distress, turmoil and fear. For no reason other than to use them as tools to further his lie.

It would be very nice for the world to see Trump forced to scowl in silence as others tell their truth, with no ability for him to retort.
The truly sad fact in all of this? The MAGAs will never care.
No matter how many indictments pile up, to them, the law of the land no longer holds any meaning.

A recent poll came out showing MAGA people don’t like Trump despite these issues. They like him because of these issues. It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.
This is why they should televise the trials, if it gets that far. It’s very rare to see Trump in a setting where he’s not in control. His supporters need to watch his inner-circle on the stand admitting it was all BS.

I would love Trump to be forced to sit quietly in a room, with no red hats or stupid t-shirts with his likeness on them, and listen while Ruby Freeman and her daughter are able to testify how his lies upended their life.

That speaks to the lowlife, scumbag quality of Trump. He just picks two random people - who did absolutely nothing to anyone - and caused them distress, turmoil and fear. For no reason other than to use them as tools to further his lie.

It would be very nice for the world to see Trump forced to scowl in silence as others tell their truth, with no ability for him to retort.
Normally I believe televised trials are a really bad idea, but I’m open to the idea that this is the exception. Not sure.