The Trump Indictment Thread

Chew Toy McCoy

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Short of a little bitching here and there on this site I've already tuned out, the political strife right now is off the charts and it's just not worth engaging in. All you can do is ignore and tune out as the insane right imposes their will on the citizens of this country.

The amount of easily disproven lies given center stage and equal weight to fact with little to no kickback from the government, media, or “adults in the room” is staggering. The amount of isolated incidents being advertised as the majority or epidemic level, also staggering. Whether somebody votes for Trump directly, doesn’t show up to vote, or casts a protest third party vote is of little difference if Trump wins. Capitalism is on a downward spiral regardless of who is in power. The best you can hope for is to not have a government that is going to point to your race, gender, identity, or religion as the cause of it all.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Seems Biden is losing some luster in the tech world:

Heard an interview with an author who wrote a book on how the heart of the industrial military complex has shifted to Silicon Valley. Think tech, data collection, surveillance and AI. The ultra wealthy will side with Trump because they’ll get to keep and grow their wealth while he instructs the average citizen to point their guns at each other instead of them. Also the so called moderates will shoot to the right because historically that’s what they have always done when cornered. On that note, we've shifted so far to the right that Dick Cheney would now be considered a centrist. Wrap your head around that.
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It's all about the wealthy and if Trump gets elected the ultra wealthy will get massive returns in their portfolios. They probably will have to give Trump and his family a taste, but the amount of returns will more than cover that cost.

Who it won't work out for though, after Trump rips up the constitution and goes after his "political" rivals. Also our former Allies will be left facing all out war with Russia, China, N. Korea. Those are the given...

Those who will be surprised, when he turns his back on them?
Joe average America tax payer.
Women who support him.
Minorities (especially the Hispanic community) that support him.
Religious groups when he stops pretending on being a proponent of the faith.
Seniors when they stop getting SS and Medicare/Medicaid


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Good news people,

the Cheeto-Faced ShitGibbon is actually dead.

Gee, I wonder how long he was on the porcelain throne and daydreaming about being a bone-spurless action hero, dodging and ducking bullets from a corrupt government agency.

What actually happened, was they alerted Secret Service and picked a slower time - when they knew Trump wasn't home - to conduct a "raid".

Give me the name of the drug dealer who gets a heads up when they're on vacation the feds will be raiding their dwelling.

This is why I don't take anyone who defends this mental midget seriously. It's all day, every day with this loon.


Mama's lil stinker
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Good news people,

the Cheeto-Faced ShitGibbon is actually dead.
A buddy of mine said Fox News was outraged... OUTRAGED! at the idea that the FBI would conduct a raid with firearms. It's unheard of with the rare exception of every raid ever conducted.


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A buddy of mine said Fox News was outraged... OUTRAGED! at the idea that the FBI would conduct a raid with firearms. It's unheard of with the rare exception of every raid ever conducted.
Don’t they want elementary school teachers to be armed, and everyone to go to church armed? So everyone should be armed except for the police? I’m confused.


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Don’t they want elementary school teachers to be armed, and everyone to go to church armed? So everyone should be armed except for the police? I’m confused.

This is what they mean by "Back The Blue" - you fine folks in uniform go out on the front lines, unarmed, and we will do the actual work of shooting and killing, like those three redneck bozos in Georgia who killed Amaud Arbery, and are now sitting in prison for their crimes.


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It looks like the case may go to the jury on Wednesday or Thursday next week. Their verdict will to a large part depend on the judge's instructions, particularly relating to the requirement for the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump approved the payments and falsifying business records to break campaign finance laws. I'll be disappointed but not that surprised if he gets away with the felony.

I've read that the prosecution didn't call Allen Weisselberg because of his $2 million severance agreement with the Trump organization, but I wonder what would have happened had he been compelled to testify. Would he have lied about Trump's role in approving the payments? Would he have invoked his fifth amendment rights? Would the judge have permitted the jury to hear about Weisselberg's agreement? I guess we'll never know.

Chew Toy McCoy

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I've read that the prosecution didn't call Allen Weisselberg because of his $2 million severance agreement with the Trump organization, but I wonder what would have happened had he been compelled to testify. Would he have lied about Trump's role in approving the payments? Would he have invoked his fifth amendment rights? Would the judge have permitted the jury to hear about Weisselberg's agreement? I guess we'll never know.

I heard both sides didn't want him to testify because they didn't know how it would go.


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Speaking of this trial, I can promise you - guaranteed 100% - MSNBC viewers are more informed and being presented more balanced views of this trial than the conservative networks. I am hearing all sides, from current and former prosecutors and defense lawyers at the state and federal levels. They are clear in what they think and why, and fully critique both sides. It's actually been a very interesting trial to watch unfold, despite it being relatively boring by Trump standards.

Look how far down the crapper we've come when the first-indicted former president sitting in a New York porn star sex trial is seen as about the same as normal campaign gaffe, smh.

*Edit so as not to double-post…

Jack Smith has requested a gag order in the Mar-A-Lago case. Is Cannon going to deny it or issue so narrow restrictions as to make it useless? Or is it ok for defendants to blatantly lie about having assasination attempts placed on them by the DoJ?
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Mama's lil stinker
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Don’t they want elementary school teachers to be armed, and everyone to go to church armed? So everyone should be armed except for the police? I’m confused.
Funny, nearly 400 cops on scene, many of which had body armor and assault weapons, waited 80 minutes to address a single mass shooter as he left 21 dead. But yeah, if only the teacher had a gun.



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Trump could be a convicted felon in the next few days. He only needs to be convicted on one felony. If he’s acquitted (he won’t be), we will never hear the end of it. If it’s a hung jury, which is the best he can hope for, he will sell it as an acquittal. And if he’s found guilty, he’ll complain the verdict wasn’t deliberated long enough. “Four days? This sham case should have taken a month or more to deliberate! Witch hunt!”


Mama's lil stinker
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Trump could be a convicted felon in the next few days. He only needs to be convicted on one felony. If he’s acquitted (he won’t be), we will never hear the end of it. If it’s a hung jury, which is the best he can hope for, he will sell it as an acquittal. And if he’s found guilty, he’ll complain the verdict wasn’t deliberated long enough. “Four days? This sham case should have taken a month or more to deliberate! Witch hunt!”
So what's the odds on favorite? Should we start a pool?


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That’d be my bet also. But if he’s somehow found guilty, I will laugh and laugh.

That would be the safe bet, only needing one juror to vote not guilty. If that should happen, I hope he'll be retried as many times as necessary to reach a unanimous verdict.
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