Trump Assassination Attempt

The contrast between her remarks and Trump's on her husband could not be more stark - and illuminating if you aren't wearing eclipse-grade shades...
Its astonishing to me that the the same people who condemn political violence were mocking the Paul Pelosi attack, and have been ambivalent towards the innocent Palestinians and Ukrainian dying by the thousands including children.

Its astonishing to me that the the same people who condemn political violence were mocking the Paul Pelosi attack, and have been ambivalent towards the innocent Palestinians and Ukrainian dying by the thousands including children.

Another old cliche I say a lot - “they have no empathy until it affects them”. Same old story all the time. Not a peep when an innocent black person gets their head blown off in public or riddled with bullets in their sleep. Nada.

*Also, a lot of republican congress creeps are up to the usual antics - demanding civil war, saying Joe Biden sent a hitman to kill an opponent he could not defeat - so yeah, any scolding about posts I or others make on here are gonna ring a little hollow, to be honest.
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Republicans are going to have a hard time pinning this on Liberals, so far we're learning this guy is the epitome of MAGA.


It will be interesting learning (if possible from social media, friends, relatives, etc.) what his motivation was.
Not that far. Do not understand how those buildings were outside of the perimeter.

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Pretty astonishing considering the John Kennedy assassination back in 1963, from a distance of 266 feet.

Edit: "Astonishing" referring to the Kennedy assassin was also in a nearby building, and the Secret Service didn't notice buildings close to trump's stage.
Pretty astonishing considering the John Kennedy assassination back in 1963, from a distance of 266 feet.
I'm not weapons expert but the assault weapon seems to be more about getting off as many shots as possible in the shortest time than accurately hitting long distance targets.
If your advice is good enough for kids getting shot then it's good enough for you.


BTW we know he's going to milk this, I'll be surprised if he doesn't show up to the next rally wearing a thorny crown. In fact I'm looking for him to incite a civil war over it.
BTW we know he's going to milk this, I'll be surprised if he doesn't show up to the next rally wearing a thorny crown. In fact I'm looking for him to incite a civil war over it.

Yep. That fist-pump gesture with blood on his face while looking like he's trying to be a bad-ass breaking free from his protectors is going to be iconic and printed on all sorts of stuff. Photos and sharp red & black graphics on t-shirts and other merchandise. He's probably noodling all sorts of stuff he can sell.
I'm not weapons expert but the assault weapon seems to be more about getting off as many shots as possible in the shortest time than accurately hitting long distance targets.

That is a good assessment, but at that range, almost any rifle could hit a target.

The issue with something like an AR is that once you fire it, getting back on your target is hard unless you have thousands of rounds of practice. Which is why you want to get off as many shots as possible and hope one hits what you are aiming for. Barrel length/construction also plays a huge role. Given that AR's are very modular, who knows if he had a 16" or 20" or a low quality barrel vs high quality barrel.

Had the shooter had almost any deer rifle (he did live in PA so finding one, or even buying one would not be seen as suspicious) like a 30-30, 30-06, or 308 we would probably be having a different conversation today.
All this did was accelerate the rate that this country is circling the bowl. Doesn't matter who the next President is. There's too many people with mental health issues we aren't doing anything about other than making it worse. There's too many guns. There's too much greed and selfishness. There's too many people worshipping those who are exploiting them. There's too many people with a lack of purpose pursuing avenues that is only going to make that worse for themselves and everybody they come into contact with.

History is littered with events like this during a time of extreme tension where it didn't end well for millions of people.
Do not understand how those buildings were outside of the perimeter.

AIUI, they were inside the perimeter.

Not long before shots rang out, rallygoers noticed a man climbing to the roof of a nearby building and warned local police … One local police officer climbed to the roof and encountered Crooks, who pointed his rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and Crooks quickly took a shot toward (Individual-ONE) … The officials also told AP that bomb-making materials were found inside Crooks’ vehicle, and bomb-making materials were found at his home.
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AIUI, they were inside the perimeter.
Regardless of where the perimeter WAS, that location SHOULD have been inside.
And even if the location was in the "perimeter", it wasn't treated as such by the Secret Service - they have a lot of egg on their faces to scape off.
"Resources", yeah right. Get your priorities straight.
Now T gets to legitimately play the victim card, just what we needed.
Who will remember his role in getting this country to this place?
Regardless of where the perimeter WAS, that location SHOULD have been inside.
And even if the location was in the "perimeter", it wasn't treated as such by the Secret Service - they have a lot of egg on their faces to scape off.
"Resources", yeah right. Get your priorities straight.
Now T gets to legitimately play the victim card, just what we needed.
Who will remember his role in getting this country to this place?
At the same time he has to play victim to his own policies, we'll have to wait and see how the weapon was obtained but he and the Republican party fought tooth and nail to ensure people like this have access to these guns that serve no other purpose than mass death.