USA Election 2024

On the sniveling cowardice of the Republican Party:

Basically how all of them humiliated themselves, he gleefully taunts them in front of jeering crowds how he’s broken them and brought them to heel, and they just smile and say how much they love him for it.
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Well let's see some comparisons.

Gas under Trump/Biden: $2.45/$3.67

Inflation: 1.9%/5.54% (Biden can say inflation was at 9% when he took office and the media may let him get away with it, but any of you is capable of checking this)

Border Crossings: 1.9M/4.9M (note that is 4 years for Trump and 3 years for Biden)

I can list a whole bunch more things if you like.

I am a pocketbook voter for the most part. Sure I may get riled up some over social issues, but when push meets shove, I vote with my pocketbook. As do many people. An example would be I am in favor of abortion and not happy SCOTUS did what they did. But it won't sway my vote.

As for Climate Change, 1) I am still waiting for previous predictions to come true and 2) it won't matter what the US does as long as China and India keep doing what they are doing.
Yeah my wallet, who cares if Trump is a fascist that threatens our democratic republic, maybe my stock portfolio in all the uncertainty and calamity, maybe a civil war will get fatter to off set that… 🤔
Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 9.17.15 PM.png
Yeah my wallet, who cares if Trump is a fascist that threatens our democratic republic, maybe my stock portfolio in all the uncertainty and calamity, maybe a civil war will get fatter to off set that… 🤔
There's also a lesser point than yours to be made about post-hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacies and science denialism in his rationalizations for supporting a fascist takeover of America ... but yeah the fascist takeover part is kinda of the more important point. But don't worry I'm sure we're all just exaggerating ...
First childless cat ladies,
The cats are in the lead in this election.
Here's a thoughtful Robert Reich assessment of what the future holds should trump lose the election. Hold onto your seats, trumpism isn't going away.

Yeah, but Trump really is an unusual type of useful idiot. We’ve discussed his astonishing lack of shame here. I’d guess even Vance has the capability of being embarrassed in a way Trump does not. It’s that specific pig-headiness Trump has that I suspect MAGA can’t get enough of. It’s borne of being born rich, being very old, and truly stupid. The shamelessness is the frosting that makes the dreadful cake extra tasty.
Kind of odd, but I went back and glanced over the transcript of the Biden/Trump debate. Out of context, there is no way anyone would read it and believe Biden lost the debate.

But it was a perceived disaster, for good reason. Harris will have different challenges to overcome, but the stakes are as high, if not higher. And like Biden, the opponent is herself, not Trump, who will likely not say anything we haven’t heard, unless it’s something that sets a new low for himself.
Kind of odd, but I went back and glanced over the transcript of the Biden/Trump debate. Out of context, there is no way anyone would read it and believe Biden lost the debate.

But it was a perceived disaster, for good reason. Harris will have different challenges to overcome, but the stakes are as high, if not higher. And like Biden, the opponent is herself, not Trump, who will likely not say anything we haven’t heard, unless it’s something that sets a new low for himself.

The reason there is so much focus on Harris is because everybody is bored with Trump, including his supporters. Nothing new to see here. A lot of people are going to view this as a test of how she would stand up to other bully world leaders.
I’m going to reluctantly start watching this debate and hope to not go to bed with a horrible feeling.
Took two seconds to mention tariffs.

*Took two more seconds to mention insane asylums and crime.

*Harris just owned Trump a couple times.

*She has Trump mumbling and rambling and stuttering.

*He made it about ten minutes before mentioning bacon.

*Ah man, she’s crushing it. He’s going to be blaming ABC for sure!

*Made it about twelve minutes before insulting her father.
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She’s giving him “this guy’s fuckin’ crazy” looks a lot. I get it, but not sure if that’s the best thing. He’s devoid of facial expressions so far.
She’s giving him “this guy’s fuckin’ crazy” looks a lot. I get it, but not sure if that’s the best thing. He’s devoid of facial expressions so far.

I love it, the responses are appropriate and it’s better than staring blankly like Biden did.

She’s crushing it.

*Trump was speaking too fast and said he’d veto a national abortion ban… oh man, he lost. She’s laying bare his demented personality and low-IQ as he rants and raves.

*She’s owning him.

*Trump said “they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats.”

OMG, this dude.

*Trump is so blaming ABC. He’s a moron and lunatic.
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