USA Election 2024

The Brits are mostly single cameral with the Lords being sort of there as a delaying body and primary governance in the hand of the prime minister rather than a president. This allows for a weak 3rd party, currently the Liberals, to technically exist but only rarely matter

Here is a summary of the most recent

Aggregate votes
























Reform (UKIP)










Labour got 34% of the total vote which earned them a 63% majority. All the other parties got fewer MPs than their overall vote share. This is a result of the multi-party structure where a great many MPs got more votes than the other candidates in their district but not a majority of the votes in the district.

This is a diffficult problem to address, short of delivering multiple candidates from a single district. Somewhere close to half the constituents in my congressional district voted for the losing candidate. Many of those people are oh well, but a lot of them are effectively not represented because their positions conflict with their congresscritter. As long as elections are a winner/loser sport, this will always be the case.
At a supermarket campaign stop with his two sons, JD stopped in front of a display and complained that eggs cost $4 a dozen. Unfortunately, a sign showing a carton of eggs for $2.99 was plainly in view. He also claimed his kids eat 14 eggs daily, or seven apiece. Even if he was including his other child, that would amount to more than four eggs a day each. That's way beyond any dietary recommendations for that age group. So he's either not following consensus advice or he's lying. (I bet on the latter.) It's amazing anyone would consider Vance fit to become President when the orange cheeto turns to a rancid mess.

Vance 1 2.jpeg
Vance 2 2.jpeg
At a supermarket campaign stop with his two sons, JD stopped in front of a display and complained that eggs cost $4 a dozen. Unfortunately, a sign showing a carton of eggs for $2.99 was plainly in view. He also claimed his kids eat 14 eggs daily, or seven apiece. Even if he was including his other child, that would amount to more than four eggs a day each. That's way beyond any dietary recommendations for that age group. So he's either not following consensus advice or he's lying. (I bet on the latter.) It's amazing anyone would consider Vance fit to become President when the orange cheeto turns to a rancid mess.

I, a full ass adult, cannot eat more than 3 eggs before I want to rethink my life choices. I can't imagine the sort of existential crisis I'd bring upon myself doing that daily.
I, a full ass adult, cannot eat more than 3 eggs before I want to rethink my life choices. I can't imagine the sort of existential crisis I'd bring upon myself doing that daily.
I can eat one or two, but three would be pushing it. I'd be chicken to try for seven without a substantial cash payment. But maybe his staffers were just egging him on. Or perhaps he was going to say they only eat the white part.
Keeping their wagon hitched Mark Robinson is one of the most unforced errors I've ever seen from Republicans. He was going to lose the race anyway, long before this latest gaffe, there's just zero upside for them.
Keeping their wagon hitched Mark Robinson is one of the most unforced errors I've ever seen from Republicans. He was going to lose the race anyway, long before this latest gaffe, there's just zero upside for them.
they just cant let go of any MAGAt once they are in they cant leave but by death. or run over by a trump bus till nothing is left.


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There is a very real chance Harris takes NC. Mark Robinson is tanking, Trump barely won the state in 2020, and Harris has momentum we haven’t seen since 2008, when Obama took the state.

The polls have been all over the place as the nation has been so divided, so hopefully, it’s not out of question to think maybe Harris could do even better than she’s polling, the same way Trump did a little better than polling suggested last time (though not everywhere - that’s important).

She still has to run like she’s ten points behind, but I feel very good about Election Day. Biden defeated Trump when Trump had way more enthusiasm with the base, he was the incumbent, no J6, indictments or second impeachment, and the electorate gets younger every cycle, and the younger crowd breaks for democrats.

I expect it will be close, but I’d love to see Harris take back a state or two and win the popular vote by like, ten million.
The Head American Nazi- read and judge:
Trump’s lynching and white vigilantism appeals are part of his strategy of eliminationist rhetoric about non-white migrants, immigrants, and 'illegal aliens' where he promises, like Hitler, to purify the blood of the nation by purging the human vermin," wrote DeVega. Moreover, Trump, by holding his rallies at the locations of former "sundown towns" that used a mix of laws and terroristic threats to exclude nonwhite people, he is sending a clear signal about his intentions.

At a supermarket campaign stop with his two sons, JD stopped in front of a display and complained that eggs cost $4 a dozen. Unfortunately, a sign showing a carton of eggs for $2.99 was plainly in view. He also claimed his kids eat 14 eggs daily, or seven apiece. Even if he was including his other child, that would amount to more than four eggs a day each. That's way beyond any dietary recommendations for that age group. So he's either not following consensus advice or he's lying. (I bet on the latter.) It's amazing anyone would consider Vance fit to become President when the orange cheeto turns to a rancid mess.

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I am sure that the Biden/Harris administration will still get blamed.
Trump and Vance barely even seem like running mates. Trump doesn’t even seem like he’s campaigning, it feels more like he’s just on a speaking tour. He has such incredibly low standards, it’s painful to hear both his supporters and detractors say “if he would just not mention this or that, or her race or her intelligence, and stick to inflation and the Harris record, he’d be ahead.”

Yes, he would. And that’s a serious problem, that he has such insanely low standards to live up to, fails to live up to them despite how easy they are (act like an adult for 90 minutes and then go back to toilet tweet rants)… and yet he’s still competitive.

“Gee, you know, if we rolled him out there like a vegetable and he just sat motionless annd silent, and didn’t shit his pants, he’d be up by ten”.

Then he intentionally shits himself, and they just shrug and stick with him anyways.

Any poster here could come up with a better argument against Harris than the Trump campaign is making. Any one of us could literally pump out a speech on here that would bolster Trump’s numbers. But he can’t stay on script because he’s mentally infirm and deranged. You don’t need dementia to be mentally infirm, you can be born twelve short a dozen, and Trump definitely was.