USA Election 2024

Wow man she owned this, well done on her part.

She was never going to convince MAGA, but a lot of people who don’t follow politics - restaurants, bars, etc - have Fox News on sometimes, just because it’s a news channel. Could be CNN or MSNBC. So anyone curious or just happened to see it but isn’t a republican is her audience. (Or anyone who isn’t voting for Trump, really).

She did GREAT.

Let me start with criticism - she should have been more direct in her answers. I don’t think she totally deflected like Trump does, but when asked how many illegals are in the country, I’d like a better answer. That happened a couple times. I don’t think she did bad, I’d just like more facts and less ideology.

My favorite parts were when she questioned why Fox wouldn’t play Trump’s more extreme clips, and I’m glad she told Baier “both you and I know what he’s said”.

I also thought Baier asked a good question, one we ask all the time. “If he so bad, why is 50 percent of the country voting for him?”

Well, it’s not 50%, but point taken, it’s damn close to that. And Baier said “Are they stupid?” Harris said she would never call the American people stupid, but Trump does. And the truth is, we don’t know why people vote for Trump beyond what they tell us, and it’s hard to get a straight answer.

Baier wasn’t awful, but the bias was still there. Baier is alright, but he’s not an unbiased journalist, as we saw in his text messages surrounding the Arizona call.

She needed to do what Trump won’t, and she did a good job. Wake me up if Trump sits down with Andrea Mitchell or something. He can’t even do 60 Minutes, the Diet Coke of tough interviews.

Harris is strong and smart, and there was no word salad unless you consider Trump eloquent.

How Russian propaganda finds its way into mainstream Republican politics:

Hell, they’ve trained the Trump cult good enough, I’m surprised they’re even still trying. I can’t tell the difference between the genuine views of those podcasters who were Russian assets, or funneled propaganda. One and the same.
Trying to drag down their god in front of the people who built his alter didn't strike me as a good strategy.
I don't think that was the idea. I suspect she was trying to reach the few moderates and dems, and maybe never Ts, that watch Fox, which sadly has the highest ratings.
But if she got through to them, with stuff they don't hear on Fox, it's a net win. And any inch matters here.
I think she did a great job with that question. Overall, I wanted to see her answer more of the questions she was asked and do less dancing around them. Of course I rarely see any politician just answer the questions, so that's the usual frustration. I also thought she did too much finger pointing, especially given the audience. Trying to drag down their god in front of the people who built his alter didn't strike me as a good strategy. But what do I know? Maybe she thought dragging him through the mud would be something they would understand and respect. They do seem to enjoy that behavior. Bravo to her for having the balls to do that interview. Now they can't say she's too scared to do a tough interview. And last I've heard, she hasn't whined at all about how mean they were to her. So either she's happy with her performance, or she's not a whiny-ass, entitled man-baby.

I think she had a decent interview, but I'd be lying if I said I thought she knocked it out of the park.
I didn't watch but I'll just say the internet was clearly lit by her performance, if nothing else maybe it will keep people motivated to vote.
Can we agree that a huge part of our National Political problem is a corporate media that has mostly abdicated its responsibility to the truth? It’s corporations and capitalism run amuck. Sure capitalism generates wealth, but unless it’s kept on a leash, unless the wealthy see 90+% tax rates, they the wealthy become imbalanced, over powering, they scoop up entities of power and wealth and slowly but surely skew the system in their favor to gather more wealth and squeeze more and more of us.

This is where we are today, it’s why an evil, mentally Ill incompetant who threatens chaos is embraced, by suckers yes, but more importantly by co-conspirators who are willing to gamble on more wealth under chaos, than a responsible society government who will surly reduce their wealth. And the worst aspect is that they are willing to gamble, I’ll go farther and say sacrifice our democracy for the sake of their power and wealth.
Blue Man Group Denies Endorsing ShitGibbon

It is not exacally clear what he was trying to say with "azure Asians" – probably either Assyrians or Arizonans, but those word things seem to have him on the mat.
@Herdfan, would you describe yourself as the Devil’s Advocate or his Lieutenant? 🤔

There’s no way Trump can be chosen for any positive reason. He’s an agent of Chaos and Destruction, a prolific liar who destains the truth as his enemy, for good reason. The man is a mentally ill, uninspired thug who only does one thing good, tear down a legitimate democratic structure of the United States of America to be replaced by his brand of power, corruption, fascism, something that emulates Russia, built on lies and actually pretend elections, so the Head Liar there can claim a mandate. This is exactly where we’d be headed under Trump.

Is democracy a bridge too far? If you support a Donald Trump, it must be. Yet I seem to remember at one point you disavowed Trump. Yet just about everything you express is hostile towards Harris. Unfortunately this election is a binary choice. You’re either for one of the other, this is the reality.

The man is a wannabe Emperor. If you dislike Kamala Harris, it seems to me, not for what she says, but what you perceive she represents. Accurate?
JD Vance mixing humor with racism. Clever.🙄

This would not even register as anything but a joke if not for the fact they are running a xenophobic, anti-immigrant (not illegal immigrant, just immigrant) campaign.

What’s he stopping? Chili ice cream? Or he’s not stopping it and joking? Huh?

Well, in any other context it would be a joke intending to call the ice cream gross. I think this was a double-entendre.

He’s not particularly funny but he is a racist asshole. I don’t care if his wife and kids are people of color. Trump’s wife is an immigrant and he’s as racist and xenephobic as they come, so whether you’re an authentic racist or going along with it, it’s all the same to me.
Folks, today and tomorrow morning are my long days. Basically I am going to spend the next 8 hours without internet access. :oops:

I watched about half the interview and will watch the rest this evening.

From what I saw, I don't think either of them played nice. By that I mean she started answering the question before he finished asking it and he was going to keep on asking while she was trying to answer. Bad form on both.

The question on the number of people that have been released, that was an easy question and she should have answered it. It is a hard number, so either she didn't know it, or was afraid it was going to make the administration look bad if she provided it.

He asked her some tough questions and you could tell she didn't like it, but when you want to be the President, there are going to be some uncomfortable questions. So she is going to need to learn how to deal with them.

Will finish watching this evening and give a fuller update.