USA Election 2024

Don't have much time right now, but do you remember how Biden got elected? It wasn't because people loved Biden, but it was a vote against Trump. That seems to be a lot of the case right now going the other way. Had the Dems run some sort of primary or at least had an open convention where someone who is not as disliked as Kamala was nominated, I don't think it would be close.

The dems did run a primary, then the winner withdrew. It’s not the first time it’s happened, and if we keep a democracy, won’t be the last.

I can understand the logic - but this is the system we have. And while it’s only my opinion, I seriously doubt it would make a difference if it were Biden, Harris or anyone else - anyone who supports Trump isn’t simply against Harris because she didn’t win a primary. They are for Trump and they aren’t going anywhere. They had a choice too. I mean, here we are and you’re with Trump, so you can say you wouldn’t vote him if not for this or you kinda like Kennedy - all irrelevant, you’ll be checking the box for Trump, which is your free and fair right to do. But don’t tell me with a straight face you think Trump is respectful of that right, or will do anything to “secure” it. Please, don’t make me post a hundred different direct, verbatim quotes of his directly from his social media.

Anyways, it kinda makes sense that anyone pro-Trump would be intensely anti-Harris. I mean, I wouldn’t expect the party of white supremacy and white replacement theory to take kindly to any democrat or independent. But, I also wouldn’t expect them to worship a mental midget metro so you never know.
Don't have much time right now, but do you remember how Biden got elected? It wasn't because people loved Biden, but it was a vote against Trump. That seems to be a lot of the case right now going the other way. Had the Dems run some sort of primary or at least had an open convention where someone who is not as disliked as Kamala was nominated, I don't think it would be close.
yet trump is very unliked but the GOP sucked up to him like he is god.
The problem is that I work close with some folks who are die hard followers. At first I have been respectful of their choice and as long as we stayed away from any political conversation, which is difficult with any conversation with these folks, then I still viewed them as misguided. Now I just cannot... I want to shake them (which would get me fired) and scream WTaF???
I am completely in this boat as well.
Here’s Trump when confronted with numerous studies of his economic proposal raising the deficit by trillions..

“You’re wrong. You’re wrong”.

You ought to see his answer when asked if Google should be broken up. He totally ignored the question and started whining about Virginia voters not being purged from the records.

When asked about Google again, he just whined about how they were unfair to him, nothing about being a monopoly or anything.

Also pointed to a woman in the crowd and said migrants would murder her. Bragged about his cognitive exams again. Brought up “the weave”.

What a f****** dope.


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if this country wants convicted felon, racist, rapist, conman as their president it's their God given right. Gotta love democracy.

Relevant quote from the movie The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956):
Democracy is a system of self-determination. It's the right to make the wrong choice.
Relevant quote from the movie The Teahouse of the August Moon (1956):
Democracy is a system of self-determination. It's the right to make the wrong choice.
While true, there is the slight problem that the wrong choice can lead to the end of that Democracy. And in this particular case, the possibility is that the minority can end it for the majority. Either way is bad, but minority rule is a particularly nasty form of authoritarianism. It’s not clear our safeguards to prevent such a thing would hold under a second Trump presidency.
While true, there is the slight problem that the wrong choice can lead to the end of that Democracy. And in this particular case, the possibility is that the minority can end it for the majority.

I should have provided a bit more context. The quote was from a scene where an US Army Captain tries to explain democracy to villagers on Okinawa after WWII.
The whole movie is a bit of a satire and in the German dubbing the quote would be even more fitting (IIRC: "you can even vote for the wrong president").

Don't get me wrong, I also see the dangers of this election, and hope for the best outcome possible (i.e., as few elected Republicans as possible, since they actively try to undermine democracy).
The main reason why everything depends on a minority is the strange US voting system. Electoral collages might have made sense back when communication across the US took ages, but nowadays it's just rubbish. And that each state has two senators (apart from DC and Puerto Rico, which have none) regardless of their size or the number of citizens is simply undemocratic.
That the whole presidential election seems to hinge on a handfull of swing states is just bonkers to me.
I should have provided a bit more context. The quote was from a scene where an US Army Captain tries to explain democracy to villagers on Okinawa after WWII.
The whole movie is a bit of a satire and in the German dubbing the quote would be even more fitting (IIRC: "you can even vote for the wrong president").
I’ve seen the movie :)

Don't get me wrong, I also see the dangers of this election, and hope for the best outcome possible (i.e., as few elected Republicans as possible, since they actively try to undermine democracy).
The main reason why everything depends on a minority is the strange US voting system. Electoral collages might have made sense back when communication across the US took ages, but nowadays it's just rubbish. And that each state has two senators (apart from DC and Puerto Rico, which have none) regardless of their size or the number of citizens is simply undemocratic.
That the whole presidential election seems to hinge on a handfull of swing states is just bonkers to me.
Yeah frozen historical, I won’t say accident, but … compromise. It is kinda bonkers and very difficult to change. Reforming the system wouldn’t solve the primary problems, but … it certainly wouldn’t hurt.
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