USA Election 2024

Maybe if more people would listen to her for 11 minutes they wouldn't say silly things like her answers are just word salad. 🤷‍♂️

Most people don't talk like this:

"Culture is (pause) ... It is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And, and present culture is the way we express our feeling about the moment. And, and we should always find time to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy 'cause, eeeh, you know, it comes in the morning (cackles). We also have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and, and and, a connection to how people are experiencing life and I think about it in that way, too."

And don't think highly of those who do.
What do you think happened here? Do you know why it happened? Well here is an ABC News (I believe @Eric prefers network news links) story on it.

I tried to get a link directly from ABC, but it would only play for a few seconds and then freeze. But this one actually works better because you can see what Kamala HQ posted vs what the news report states.

Edit: per @Eric's response, here is a new link. Important part at around the 2:00 mark.

So before you saw this, did you believe what you were seeing was:

1) 100% the truth
2) Some truth with some deception
3) 100% false.

Because let me tell you, I don't believe 90% of what the media shows. And that includes FoxNews. Gallup's recent polling on trust in media shows that only 31%

The interesting thing is that Independents are only at 27%. Kind of expect the far right to not trust them, but they have lost Independents as well. And with Democrats at 54%, they are close to going negative with them (lost 16% since 2022). So you may be in the 31% that believes what you are being fed, but the rest of the country doesn't. And this is an example why, but it isn't because Kamala HQ posted it. That is what they are kind of supposed to do, but that spread across the news networks like wildfire. Thankfully ABC News was honest enough to report the actual truth.

So as to the other things, I am not casting a judgement on you for posting them, I simply don't trust your sources. This could be why no one seems to care what Trump has reportedly done: they don't believe it. We have been misled by the media too many times.
“The mood changed” It’s hostile territory for Trump to have to answer any question in a competent fashion, it was literal music to his ears.
Most people don't talk like this:

And don't think highly of those who do.

Boy you surely picked the wrong game. You want to get into a quote fight? I’m sure you can cherry-pick examples where Harris said something that was not perfectly eloquent. Or you can look up literally any of Trump‘s speeches or interviews. The man is unable to open his mouth without producing some sort of rambling lunacy.

P.S. Even your cherry-picked quote demonstrates deep thoughts and understanding of historical processes that form culture. Is that really the best you can do?
Most people don't talk like this:

And don't think highly of those who do.

I'd argue that she already doesn't have their vote. So I'm failing to see a downside here.

At worst she wastes some time that could have been spent elsewhere. At best some people walk away impressed. Based on what the competition has had to say about her, they've set the bar SUPER LOW for her to impress people. It was just yesterday that some yahoo tried to convince me that she can't even answer a question. These are the people she needs to reach. Fox and Joe's show are some of the best places to reach these people. 🤷‍♂️

If she's as stupid as your side likes to pretend, what's the harm in letting her prove that? Your side should want her to be demonstrating that stupidity at every turn.
I'd argue that she already doesn't have their vote. So I'm failing to see a downside here.

At worst she wastes some time that could have been spent elsewhere. At best some people walk away impressed. Based on what the competition has had to say about her, they've set the bar SUPER LOW for her to impress people. It was just yesterday that some yahoo tried to convince me that she can't even answer a question. These are the people she needs to reach. Fox and Joe's show are some of the best places to reach these people. 🤷‍♂️

If she's as stupid as your side likes to pretend, what's the harm in letting her prove that? Your side should want her to be demonstrating that stupidity at every turn.
Oh better yet, lets have them just release their official transcripts (not a letter from Ronny Jackson) from College.
If it actually happens, props to Kamala.

Rumors are she might go on Joe Rogan's podcast.

That should be a good listen.

If Trump goes on I wouldn't say it would be a good listen so much as interesting listening to Rogan trying to navigate that dumpster fire with enough kickback to not lose the respect of his listeners or anybody else.
Most people don't talk like this

It does require some heavy parsing to extract what she is trying to say there. But, the entire statement is a complete though that stays on subject, rather than wandering aimlessly into the dog that bit my brother and all the dogs that are streaming across the border bringing in Chinese watches and what a nice watch it was my father gave me, on ad finitum.

Her brain functions in a reasonable way. ShitGibbon's brain reminds him to inhale and to exhale, and any more than that stresses its capacity to the limit.
Demands Kamala do more interviews. Then responds like this:
Most people don't talk like this:

And don't think highly of those who do.

I think it's safe to say nothing she could ever do would make you happy. So why in the world should she cave to the demands of a party whose only goal is to swiftboat her the second she capitulates to one of your demands?

I personally think she should be doing these interviews as she sees fit but any Republican who demands she do something can go F themselves.
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Most people don't talk like this:

And don't think highly of those who do.

At least this is more honest. You don’t like the way Kamala talks and don’t think highly of those who speak like that.

What would you rather have, someone who speaks by forming their sharts into a language? Because even that would be a huge improvement over Trump.

If Harris speaks in word salad, at least it’s fresh and in the bowl, not already digested and blasting with violent speed out of Lardo’s sphincter.

Here’s Trump’s far more eloquent and very intelligent answer on if he would break up Google. Notice he doesn’t even answer the question first, and when he does address it, it’s personal grievance mixed with nonsense about China.

JOHN MICKLETHWAIT: Maybe we can change the subject to technology, seeing you wouldn’t answer about the Federal Reserve. The U.S. Justice Department is thinking about breaking up Alphabet, as Google likes to be known now. Should Google be broken up?

DONALD TRUMP: I just haven’t gotten over something the Justice Department did yesterday, where Virginia cleaned up its voter rolls and got rid of thousands and thousands of bad votes, and the Justice Department sued them that they should be allowed to put those bad votes and illegal votes back in and let the people vote.

So I haven’t gotten over that. A lot of people have seen that. They can’t even believe it.

JOHN MICKLETHWAIT: The question is about Google, President Trump.

DONALD TRUMP: Yeah, look, Google’s got a lot of power. They’re very bad to me. Very, very bad to me. I mean, I can speak from that standpoint. They only have bad stories. In other words, if I have 20 good stories and 20 bad stories, and everyone’s entitled to that, you’ll only see the 20 bad stories. And I called the head of Google the other day, and I said, I’m getting a lot of good stories lately, but you don’t find them in Google. I think it’s a whole rigged deal. I think Google’s rigged just like our government is rigged all over the place.

JOHN MICKLETHWAIT: You would break them up, in other words.

DONALD TRUMP: I’d do something, but you have to have… Look, I give them a lot of credit. They’ve become such a power. It’s such a power. And you’ve got to give them credit for that. How they became a power is, you know, really the discussion.

At the same time, it’s a very dangerous thing, because we want to have great companies. We don’t want China to have these companies. Right now, China is afraid of Google. Right now, you know, China is a very powerful, very smart group of people. I will tell you that from very personal…
I think it's safe to say nothing she could ever do would make you happy.

Literally today I gave her props for even considering going on Joe Rogan.

And props for her going on Bret Baier today. He hates Trump but it won’t be like going on The View.
And props for her going on Bret Baier today.

Do you plan to watch all/part of it? Or will you skip it? Just curious. For the record, I plan to check it out. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts if you watch it. Not links or quotes from elsewhere, just your opinion.