USA Election 2024

I got a similar text a day or two back:

"MARK H, This is a message from Washington County Elections. Your ballot for the upcoming November 5, 2024 General Election is in the mail to you. Normal delivery time is 5-7 business days."
You were brave enough to share your first name. I cut that part out. But since you did, nice to meet you Mark! I'm Allison. Often known as Ally (not to be confused with our erudite resident @Alli lol).
For those in swing states, voting early is important. They can’t tally the votes, but they can look at party affiliation and turnout and use that to better target potential voters in other areas, funneling resources and energy to the most important places in the final weeks and days of the election.
But still vows to vote for him, you can't make this stuff up.

Trump said Abe Lincoln should have settled the civil war. 🙄

Uh, he did. It’s called winning.

Also said Weinstein got “shlonged” (actually what he said) when whining how democrats go after everybody and nobody goes after them. So he refuted his own point while seemingly showing sympathy to a fellow rapist.

Then he was on Fox and Friends - he said some people from Fox helped write his jokes for the Al Smith dinner, but he didn’t like them. Then complained Fox runs negative ads (MSNBC runs pro-Trump ads, so…) Then said he was going to meet with Rupert Murdoch and ask him to disallow Fox from running negative ads against him.

Absolutely unreal, I wouldn’t trust this guy to scoop shit out of stables, he’d do it wrong and snag my wallet off the kitchen table, then sue me for not having enough money in my wallet.
You were brave enough to share your first name. I cut that part out. But since you did, nice to meet you Mark! I'm Allison. Often known as Ally (not to be confused with our erudite resident @Alli lol).

Yeah, given my username, that probably is too much. This is the only place I ruffle feathers on the internet, so hopefully I'm safe. :ROFLMAO: Nice to meet you too.
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I'm giving it 60/40, in Trump's favor. Weirdly enough, he has an incumbent's advantage, with Harris being the real underdog in this race.

I'd honestly be surprised if she wins.
I'm giving it 60/40, in Trump's favor. Weirdly enough, he has an incumbent's advantage, with Harris being the real underdog in this race.

I'd honestly be surprised if she wins.

The biggest thing is outside of mainstream pollsters, I’m not seeing any panicked democrats. It is close, we all knew it would be. But democrats are doing the work. They’re smarter, have more funds available, are more organized, and have a broader coalition than Trump. He’s doing best with white males.

The swing states will decide, but I believe Harris will crush him in the popular vote, more than Biden did. Would be a travesty if - for the third time in my lifetime, we sit a president who lost the vote. I’m prepared for it, but I’m optimistic Trump will not win.
Anyone genuinely interested in what Harris had to say can easily see Baier was too interrupt-y and too sane-washy of Trump. So even though the interview wasn’t a smooth ride, I’d speculate she lost nothing and possibly gained a bit here.
That interviewer was a wannabe bully, nothing that could be called fair or neutral in any shape, way, or form. The fact that Harris stood up to him is an amazing display of strength and leadership qualities.
Obama is stumping for Harris in AZ. They just had a medical event in the crowd. Obama asked people to bend their knees, take a drink, thanked the good work of the EMTs, then kept going.

I mean, he could pull off a good playlist dance party - Stevie, Beyoncé, The Boss….

But he didn’t. He acted like a sane adult man at a campaign event.
Folks, today and tomorrow morning are my long days. Basically I am going to spend the next 8 hours without internet access. :oops:

I watched about half the interview and will watch the rest this evening.

From what I saw, I don't think either of them played nice. By that I mean she started answering the question before he finished asking it and he was going to keep on asking while she was trying to answer. Bad form on both.

The question on the number of people that have been released, that was an easy question and she should have answered it. It is a hard number, so either she didn't know it, or was afraid it was going to make the administration look bad if she provided it.

He asked her some tough questions and you could tell she didn't like it, but when you want to be the President, there are going to be some uncomfortable questions. So she is going to need to learn how to deal with them.

Will finish watching this evening and give a fuller update.
“From what I saw, I don't think either of them played nice”

Oh, please, enough with the equivalence arguments, stop making pathetic excuses for the Right and especially Faux News. The interviewer was a disgrace unless we are now supposed to admire politically bullying, hit jobs. He was the equivalent of a rabid dog, and instead of pulling out a figurative gun and shooting him, she was the civil dog handler who beat him back with a stick of facts, reason, and intellect, keeping him at bay for the entire exchange. 🤺
“From what I saw, I don't think either of them played nice”

Oh, please, enough with the equivalence arguments, stop making pathetic excuses for the Right and especially Faux News. The interviewer was a disgrace unless we are now supposed to admire politically bullying, hit jobs. He was the equivalent of a rabid dog, and instead of pulling out a figurative gun and shooting him, she was the civil dog handler who beat him back with a stick of facts, reason, and intellect, keeping him at bay for the entire exchange. 🤺

They also didn’t play the clip of Trump speaking of the enemy within or using the military on Americans, which Harris called them out on. Baier had to admit they “played the wrong tape” on air.

Wasn’t Trump and the right pissing themselves over Harris’ interview being edited?

I think the left was mostly satisfied. We knew it would be a tough interview, she did fine.I don’t really care what the right’s opinion on the interview is because, ffs, they voluntarily subject themselves to Trump rallies and actually think he’s capable of leading anything.

*Harris and Trump are both in Michigan tonight. Trump’s mic went out mid-speech and he stood around with his trademark scowl, clearly pissed and ready to fire someone. He’s dumb as a sack of hammers, but he’s smart enough to know that clip will be played. 😂

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The biggest thing is outside of mainstream pollsters, I’m not seeing any panicked democrats. It is close, we all knew it would be. But democrats are doing the work. They’re smarter, have more funds available, are more organized, and have a broader coalition than Trump. He’s doing best with white males.

The swing states will decide, but I believe Harris will crush him in the popular vote, more than Biden did. Would be a travesty if - for the third time in my lifetime, we sit a president who lost the vote. I’m prepared for it, but I’m optimistic Trump will not win.

I need to find it again, but there was an article in Newsweek about panic among Harris’ campaign members concerning her waning momentum in the swing states.

Maybe I’m being overly negative, but given all the circumstances surrounding her campaign, I’m seeing her winning as the long shot here.
I need to find it again, but there was an article in Newsweek about panic among Harris’ campaign members concerning her waning momentum in the swing states.

Maybe I’m being overly negative, but given all the circumstances surrounding her campaign, I’m seeing her winning as the long shot here.

I read that article. Those things happen all the time. The press may also make the mistake of taking a campaign’s serious and realistic outlook as “panic”. I’m sure many are nervous, we all are - and that includes Trump, who really does look exhausted this week. He’s projecting on Harris being tired and bragging that he gets up and has been at it since 7am. Projection and lying are his only abilities, so you know he’s tired. He’s slurring a lot too. I’ve mentioned he looks tired before, but I have also mentioned when he looks sharp and put together.

He has not looked like that this week, and definitely not today. He legit looks awful, and I urge you to watch the Al Smith dinner, if only for a few seconds. He and Melania both looked mostly miserable on their bi-annual date.

There is no difference in Harris’ enthusiasm. They are doing the work, the polls have been designed to keep you nervous. Yeah, it sucks Hillary lost, but we have a chance to not repeat it. We didn’t in 2020, and I don’t think this year will end differently for Trump. 🤞

*Not to be repetitive, but Trump is not well. He looks under the weather today, his event in Detroit was delayed two hours, his mic went out, he looked pissed and threatened to sue the contractors, the crowd was not at capacity and Fox News cut away from his rally as he mumbled his way through the greatest hits in a slurring and sluggish fashion. Kamala Harris looks as energized now as she did last week, as she did the week before and the month before. Full steam ahead.

**Byron Donald’s “hyping” the crowd today. Because they are in Detroit and he’s black, you see. 😂

Low energy!



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I need to find it again, but there was an article in Newsweek about panic among Harris’ campaign members concerning her waning momentum in the swing states.

Maybe I’m being overly negative, but given all the circumstances surrounding her campaign, I’m seeing her winning as the long shot here.
Unfortunately I’m forced to agree. After the initial euphoria I’ve had the sinking feeling over the last few months that this is 2016 all over again. At least this time there can be no excuses or that it was for the lack of trying. Harris ran a good campaign. The only consolation I feel is that the polls might be wrong in the D’s favor finally. But we won’t know that until after Election Day. And depending on how much the R’s attempt to fuck with the vote, possibly long after that.
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