It won’t work. Lost on the wackaloon Trump cult is that this is predictable behavior to drum up doubt. I say they’re working too hard at not campaigning and harder at this stupid doubt thing, which lets face it - is a waste of time, it’s all unnecessary. All Trump has to do is say “it was stolen” and that’s enough. They don’t need to create scenes or fabricate “evidence” that most teenagers with Google can debunk. This is a cult, so all Trump needs to do is give the word. The rest of this crap is superfluous.
But, I am ok with these loons exposing themselves in public, facing charges and giving democrats ammunition to say “well, they have no proof it was stolen, but we do have lots of proof of them trying to meddle.”
On an unrelated note, I went to Trump Twitter archive and searched for “Putin”. Look at how much this guy gushed over Putin during Obama’s term… dozens or hundreds of posts, including this one, which is still live..
View attachment 32343
https://Twitter or X not allowed/realDonaldTrump/status/347191326112112640
All 50,000+ of Trump's tweets, instantly searchable